Thursday, 31 July 2008
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
We call you East
By the power of the Waxing Moon,
Her crescent shape
Bringing the promise of growth.
Come and be here now! (Light candle)
Blessed be!
We call you South
By the power of the Full Moon,
Her brightness
Glowing with abundance.
Come and be here now! (Light candle)
Blessed be!
We call you West
By the power of the Waning Moon,
Her decline
Bringing cleansing and release.
Come and be here now! (Light candle)
Blessed be!
We call you North
By the power of the New Moon
Her darkness
A time for rest and renewal.
Come and be here now! (Light candle)
Blessed be!
Release Quarters:
We thank you East!
We thank you, Lady of the Growing Moon
For your presence here tonight.
Walk with us always
As you dance the cycles of life. (extinguish candle)
Blessed Be!
We thank you South!
We thank you, Lady of the Bright Moon
For your presence here tonight.
Walk with us always
As you dance the cycles of life. (extinguish candle)
Blessed Be!
We thank you West!
We thank you, Lady of the Cleansing Moon
For your presence here tonight.
Walk with us always
As you dance the cycles of life. (extinguish candle)
Blessed Be!
We thank you North!
We thank you, Lady of the Dark Moon
For your presence here tonight.
Walk with us always
As you dance the cycles of life. (extinguish candle)
Blessed Be!
gentle breezes and strong winds,
realm of the beauty of clouds and birds,
bearer of the weather which touches us all,
the breath of life we inhale and exhale.
We are a part of all around us.
candleflame, bonfire, starlight and sunlight,
the energy which warms us and gives life to the world we inhabit,
the energy which pulses along our nerves.
We are a part of all around us.
rain, snow, rivers and lakes,
the great encircling ocean from which all life first came,
the blood which flows through our veins still bearing the saltiness of that original home.
We are a part of all around us.
metal and stone, hill and valley,
Mother who bears and nourishes all life--root and leaf,
fur and feather and scale and skin,
muscle and bone and brain cell.
We are a part of all around us.
Welcome, East,
Powers of Air!
Intuition, knowledge and wisdom,
Send forth your inspiration,
And be here now.
Blessed Be!
(light candle)
Welcome, South,
Powers of fire!
Energy, heat and flame,
Send forth your passion,
And be here now!
Blessed Be!
(light candle)
Welcome, West,
Powers of Water!
Emotions, love and courage,
Send forth your tranquillity,
And be here now!
Blessed Be!
(light candle)
Welcome, North,
Powers of Earth!
Stability, structure, and growth
Send forth your strength,
And be here now!
Blessed Be!
(light candle)
I face to the East and I call the name, Aquila!
Mighty eagle and Prince of the element of Air!
Fly down from your high eyrie to guard and protect this circle
from all peril that may approach from the east.
I face to the South and I call the name, Leonis!
Mighty lion and Prince of the element of Fire!
Stride forth from your fiery desert to guard and protect this circle from all peril that may approach from the south.
I face to the West and I call the name, Ormsilvern!
Cunning serpent and Prince of the element of Water!
Rise from your watery depths to guard and protect this circle
from all peril that may approach from the west.
I face to the North and I call the name, Taurus!
Mighty bull and Prince of the element of Earth!
Come from your mountain fastness to guard and protect this circle
from all peril that may approach from the north.
Watchers of Air
reveal the light
wind in your hair
armies in flight
Watchers of Fire
power of might
start the pyre
burn it bright
Watchers of Water
rise from the sea
chorus of daughters
blessed be
Watchers of Earth
bring me the key
grown in the dirt
so mote it be
Hail East!
Bringers of the Dawn.
On your wings come a brand new day,
bringing us endless possibilities.
Be with us now! (Light candle)
Blessed be!
Hail South!
Guardians of middle ground.
Passing from sunrise to sunset,
we have to pass through '"self"'.
Be with us now! (Light candle)
Blessed be!
Hail West!
Caretakers of the night.
Shower us with the radiance of your Full Moon
and teach us your Mysteries.
Be with us now! (Light candle)
Blessed be!
Hail North!
Watchers of the Sun.
North sees the beginning, sees the middle,
and sees the end.
Be with us now! (Light candle)
Blessed be!
Hail Center!
Spirit of all that is.
Bring us into the "NOW".
This is the intersection of the known past,
and the unknown future.
Be with us now. (Light candle)
Blessed be!
The circle is cast.
We are between worlds.
Beyond the bounds of time.
Where night and day,
birth and death,
joy and sorrow meet as one.
The fire is lit,
the ritual has begun.
Hail, Goddess of the East
Athena, Lady of Wisdom
With serpents entwined on your arms,
Athena, Lady of Battle,
With your shield and spear,
Your helmeted head,
You who have fought for many,
To bring honor and justice.
You who have woven many tapestries,
To bring art and beauty,
Athena, we invoke you,
Ancient weaver,
Proud Goddess,
Be with us now.
Hail, Goddess of the South,
Pele, volcano Goddess of Hawaii,
Queen of the islands,
We call upon you.
We give you our rage, our lust, and our anger,
That you may cleanse us,
With your fiery lava.
That you may empower us,
With your mighty flow.
That you may bless us,
With your beauty.
Be with us now.
Hail, Goddess of the West
Aphrodite, with your golden hair,
Arising from the sea,
Surrounded by white foam,
Being birthed by the waters,
Aphrodite, bless us
With your beauty,
With your love,
With your fertile, pregnant being,
That we may heal the Earth
And help her to bear fruit,
Be with us now.
Hail, Goddess of the North.
Demeter, Goddess of the golden grain and harvest.
Be with us, Earth Mother,
Heal us and heal our children.
Oh, Demeter,
You who have grieved for your daughter Persephone,
Spent your time searching the underworld,
You who have returned to us in your glory,
Bless our land and make it fertile.
Oh, Demeter,
Sacred Mother,
Blessed sister,
Fruitful earth,
We invoke you now.
Hail, Goddess of Center
Great Eagle Woman,
Moon Mother,
Lighting the way,
Bringing vision,
Soaring over us
With great wings.
Oh Great Eagle Woman,
You bring death and destruction,
You bring birth and creation,
Wisdom woman flying high,
We call on you
To guide us now.
Blessed Be.
Goddesses of East,
Lilith, Athena, Cardea,
(pause a few seconds for other Goddess names to be called)
We give thanks for your presence here tonight,
Go in peace.
Blessed Be.
Goddesses of South,
Pele, Vesta, Brigit,
(pause a few seconds for other Goddess names to be called)
We give thanks for your presence here tonight,
Go in peace.
Blessed Be.
Goddesses of the West,
Hecate, Aphrodite, Yemaya
(pause a few seconds for other Goddess names to be called)
We give thanks for your presence here tonight,
Go in peace.
Blessed Be.
Goddesses of North,
Gaia, Demeter, Artemis,
(pause a few seconds for other Goddess names to be called)
We give thanks for your presence here tonight,
Go in peace.
Blessed Be.
Goddesses of Center,
Isis, Shekinah, Great Eagle Woman,
(pause a few seconds for other Goddess names to be called)
We give thanks for your presence here tonight,
Go in peace.
Blessed Be.
Lords and Ladies of the Watchtower of the East, thou gentle sprites and airy sylphs, soaring eagle and sweet butterfly, Eurus master of the Eastern wind, be with us in laughter and in thought, bring us the bracing dawn wind and memories of fragrant Spring. I do summon, stir and call upon you - Come! Be welcome in this our rite. Blessed be.
Lords and Ladies of the Watchtower of the South, thou leaping salamanders and fiery ones, lion in passion and dragon in power, phoenix arising pure and whole from the flame, Notus, master of the South wind, be with us in passion and in truth, bring us the warmth of the hearthfire and the summer sun, and the clear sight of noonday. I do summon, stir and call upon you - Come! Be welcome in this our rite. Blessed be.
Lords and Ladies of the Watchtower of the West, thou deep-dwelling undines and swift-flowing naiads, loving dolphin and hidden eel, Zephyrus master of the Western wind, be with us in feeling and in vision, in the evening tide's mystery and the upwelling autumn dreams. I do summon, stir and call upon you - Come!
Be welcome in this our rite. Blessed be.
Lords and Ladies of the Watchtower of the North, thou Gnomes within the earth and oreads of the mountain forest, bear slow and sure, and bull of great strength, and tunneling worms whose work insures life. Boreas master of the north wind and ruler of the winds, here at the dwelling place of the gods be with us in solid strength and permanence, giving us sure knowledge of nature's ever-renewed cycles, the safe womb of night and the slow movement of winter. I do summon, stir and call upon you - Come! Be welcome here in this our rite. Blessed be.
Air, wind, breath and blow. Dawn light breezes go.
(repeat x2)
I am the breath, I am the breath,
I am the breath of the Goddess
Fire, fire, warm desire. Change me, form me 'til I'm higher.
(repeat x2)
I am the heat, I am the heat.
I am the heat of the Goddess
Water falling, rain and snow. Water rushing like a stream
Water spouting up in steam, rolling in the ocean.
I am the tears, I am the tears
I am the tears of the Goddess.
Earth, Air, Fire, and Water
(repeat x3)
"Earth Mother, come to me. Heal my wounds and comfort me.
" set me free.
" comfort me.
I am the Earth, I am the Earth.
I am the form of the Goddess.
(repeat last two lines)
Suggested e-books:John Dee - The Calls Of Enoch
Logan Marshall - Favorite Fairy Tales
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Monday, 28 July 2008
Shiva Naipaul is not as well known as his Nobel-laureate brother, but a devoted minority considers him the better writer, and I do not think there can be much question that he is the only Naipaul with a sense of humor visible to the human eye. He is also the more tragic of the two. Shiva died of a heart attack in 1985, when he was only 40-an important but not determinative data point in the argument over whether he was a bitter, lazy chain-smoking sot, as alleged by Paul Theroux, or the (admittedly whiskey-fond) "humorous, recalcitrant, and denunciatory" genius warmly remembered by Martin Amis. But we can leave that dispute to Britain's men of letters. The more interesting tragedy of Shiva Naipaul's life was the way his spirit was broken by the Jonestown massacre.
His first book was a comic novel, and so was his second. He never wrote one again. After the late '70s, it was all Third World journalism and travel writing, apart from one more novel called "Love and Death in a Hot Country "which was not comic at all. After that bleak book came out in 1983, his wife's father asked him in a letter whether he might not want to "reconsider a comic vein." His reply was, "How can I? I have walked over the bodies at Jonestown." As indeed he had: Naipaul arrived in Guyana less than two months after the incident, when coffins were still being flown out from the capital and native Indians were still laboring over an incineration pit, disposing of whatever remnants-shoes, mattresses, clothes, blankets-were left of the Peoples Temple. Naipaul wrote a book about it, "Journey to Nowhere", but that didn't seem to purge Jonestown from his mind. Friends who'd known him before November 1978 said he was never the same after it.
For most of the people who were traumatized by Jonestown, it was the idealism that got to them. This was the largest loss of civilian life in American history, apart from natural disasters (and, later, September 11), and it had been committed in the name of ideals that all right-thinking people of Naipaul's generation embraced: racial equality, economic "cooperation," worry about nuclear war, ministry to the poor and the outcast. When Jones claimed that he was decamping for Guyana because the Third World held greater promise for him than racist, fascist, capitalist America, he was not expressing a fringe opinion. As Naipaul sat down to write his book, he had before him the testimony of Timothy Stoen, who was in the middle of a custody battle with Jonestown when his 6-year-old son died on November 18 along with everyone else; but he also had before him effusive letters from 24-year-old Maria Katsaris to her skeptical father:I just want to share my enthusiasm with your for what is going on here. I know you would love it.... It is hard to describe all the beauty of the jungle and all that is going on at the Project.Her father was shot on the runway at Port Kaituma by the same gunmen who killed Congressman Leo Ryan and four of the others who had flown down to investigate. Mr. Katsaris lived; Maria died with a note next to her that read: "I Maria Katsaris leave all of the money in the Banco Union de Venezuela in Caracas to the Communist Party Soviet Union."
But even allowing for the effect it must have had on Naipaul to stand ankle-deep in the mud of the main pavilion breathing in the cleaning crew's disinfectant, it doesn't seem possible that he would have been permanently disturbed by the revelation that bothered everyone else, that socialist ideals can end in misery and death. That was no revelation to him. His previous book, an African travelogue called "North of South", was written to answer "my own concerns-or, if you prefer, obsessions. What do terms like 'liberation, revolution, socialism,' actually mean to the people-i.e., the masses-who experience them?" These are questions that a man looking to be disillusioned would ask, and because he went to Nyerere's Tanzania to answer them, he got his wish.
Naipaul was no idealist-and in his opinion, neither were the men and women of Jonestown:It has often been said that the Temple was reared on an idealism which, somehow, became perverted. It would, I think, be more correct to say that the Temple was reared on-or, better still, inherited-an idealism that had already gone wrong, that had already lost its way and been twisted out of shape in the promiscuous chaos of the sixties. Jim Jones was a beachcomber, picking up the flotsam and jetsam washed ashore from the sixties shipwrecks. The "idealism" on which he fed was not virginal but considerably shop-soiled, eaten up with inner decay.There is probably no definite explanation why the events of Jonestown affected Naipaul so deeply. Maybe he was more of a true-believing socialist than his authorial persona suggested. Maybe it was the aftermath as much as the atrocity: Naipaul interviewed dozens of people for his book, and not only could no one agree on the most basic facts-"Was it a cult or not? Was Jonestown beautiful or hellish to live in?"-but no one, not even people who had been to the commune themselves, seemed any better for having survived to learn its lesson. Defectors found new cults to believe in; politicians denied that their vetting of the Temple had been too lax; those who thought Jonestown was gassed by the CIA (to prevent it from becoming an exemplary socialist paradise) could not be dissuaded. Maybe that's why Naipaul didn't pick up social realism when he put down comedy; if people are this impervious to new information, what difference could a book possibly make?
My own favorite of Shiva Naipaul's books is the essay collection" Beyond the Dragon's Mouth", and since half of the pieces in it were written after Jonestown, I don't think his spiritual crisis did anything to diminish his talent. Then again, I haven't read his debut, "Fireflies", the funny one that everybody loved. (Martin Amis: "The moment I finished his first novel, I felt delight in being alive at the same time as such a writer.") It's sitting on my desk now; maybe by the 34th anniversary, I will have revised my opinion. If I'm lucky, I will also have a better answer to the mystery of Naipaul's midstream abandonment of the humor that had made his career.
His first book was a comic novel, and so was his second. He never wrote one again. After the late '70s, it was all Third World journalism and travel writing, apart from one more novel called "Love and Death in a Hot Country "which was not comic at all. After that bleak book came out in 1983, his wife's father asked him in a letter whether he might not want to "reconsider a comic vein." His reply was, "How can I? I have walked over the bodies at Jonestown." As indeed he had: Naipaul arrived in Guyana less than two months after the incident, when coffins were still being flown out from the capital and native Indians were still laboring over an incineration pit, disposing of whatever remnants-shoes, mattresses, clothes, blankets-were left of the Peoples Temple. Naipaul wrote a book about it, "Journey to Nowhere", but that didn't seem to purge Jonestown from his mind. Friends who'd known him before November 1978 said he was never the same after it.
For most of the people who were traumatized by Jonestown, it was the idealism that got to them. This was the largest loss of civilian life in American history, apart from natural disasters (and, later, September 11), and it had been committed in the name of ideals that all right-thinking people of Naipaul's generation embraced: racial equality, economic "cooperation," worry about nuclear war, ministry to the poor and the outcast. When Jones claimed that he was decamping for Guyana because the Third World held greater promise for him than racist, fascist, capitalist America, he was not expressing a fringe opinion. As Naipaul sat down to write his book, he had before him the testimony of Timothy Stoen, who was in the middle of a custody battle with Jonestown when his 6-year-old son died on November 18 along with everyone else; but he also had before him effusive letters from 24-year-old Maria Katsaris to her skeptical father:I just want to share my enthusiasm with your for what is going on here. I know you would love it.... It is hard to describe all the beauty of the jungle and all that is going on at the Project.Her father was shot on the runway at Port Kaituma by the same gunmen who killed Congressman Leo Ryan and four of the others who had flown down to investigate. Mr. Katsaris lived; Maria died with a note next to her that read: "I Maria Katsaris leave all of the money in the Banco Union de Venezuela in Caracas to the Communist Party Soviet Union."
But even allowing for the effect it must have had on Naipaul to stand ankle-deep in the mud of the main pavilion breathing in the cleaning crew's disinfectant, it doesn't seem possible that he would have been permanently disturbed by the revelation that bothered everyone else, that socialist ideals can end in misery and death. That was no revelation to him. His previous book, an African travelogue called "North of South", was written to answer "my own concerns-or, if you prefer, obsessions. What do terms like 'liberation, revolution, socialism,' actually mean to the people-i.e., the masses-who experience them?" These are questions that a man looking to be disillusioned would ask, and because he went to Nyerere's Tanzania to answer them, he got his wish.
Naipaul was no idealist-and in his opinion, neither were the men and women of Jonestown:It has often been said that the Temple was reared on an idealism which, somehow, became perverted. It would, I think, be more correct to say that the Temple was reared on-or, better still, inherited-an idealism that had already gone wrong, that had already lost its way and been twisted out of shape in the promiscuous chaos of the sixties. Jim Jones was a beachcomber, picking up the flotsam and jetsam washed ashore from the sixties shipwrecks. The "idealism" on which he fed was not virginal but considerably shop-soiled, eaten up with inner decay.There is probably no definite explanation why the events of Jonestown affected Naipaul so deeply. Maybe he was more of a true-believing socialist than his authorial persona suggested. Maybe it was the aftermath as much as the atrocity: Naipaul interviewed dozens of people for his book, and not only could no one agree on the most basic facts-"Was it a cult or not? Was Jonestown beautiful or hellish to live in?"-but no one, not even people who had been to the commune themselves, seemed any better for having survived to learn its lesson. Defectors found new cults to believe in; politicians denied that their vetting of the Temple had been too lax; those who thought Jonestown was gassed by the CIA (to prevent it from becoming an exemplary socialist paradise) could not be dissuaded. Maybe that's why Naipaul didn't pick up social realism when he put down comedy; if people are this impervious to new information, what difference could a book possibly make?
My own favorite of Shiva Naipaul's books is the essay collection" Beyond the Dragon's Mouth", and since half of the pieces in it were written after Jonestown, I don't think his spiritual crisis did anything to diminish his talent. Then again, I haven't read his debut, "Fireflies", the funny one that everybody loved. (Martin Amis: "The moment I finished his first novel, I felt delight in being alive at the same time as such a writer.") It's sitting on my desk now; maybe by the 34th anniversary, I will have revised my opinion. If I'm lucky, I will also have a better answer to the mystery of Naipaul's midstream abandonment of the humor that had made his career.
Primarily having their origins rooted in the Hindu belief system, the philosophy of chakras has seen movements in many modern religions and even yoga.
These energy centers are traditionally seen as either flowers or fans, radiating spiritual energy. More modern views see these energy centers as spheres or balls of energy.
Although there are several variations of the number of chakras located within the human spiritual body according to traditional texts, there are now seven primary energy centers that have been recognized as the most commonly accepted number of energy centers. These centers are:
Rests on the top of your head and is purple or violet. This chakra controls your connection with the Higher Self (or spirit). Many view this as your link to Divinity.
This is the commonly recognized chakara. It is located in the center of the brow just an inch or so above the bridge of the nose and is viewed as an indigo or rich dark blue color. The Third Eye chakra is primarily associated with inner sight, or the mind's eye. A healthy Third Eye chakra is essential for clairvoyance.
Typically the Throat Chakra is located at the base of the jaw in the throat region of the body. This chakra controls communication and also imagination. It is seen as a light blue.
The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest, just to the right of the heart, in alignment with your spine. It is seen as a bright green color and rules abundance, peace, prosperity and happiness.
This chakra is easy to find because its center is at your solar plexus, the hard and round piece of bone at the base of your breastbone. It should be a bright yellow and it represents personal power, intuition and can also represent intellectual awareness.
The Sacral Chakra is located approximately two inches below your belly button in alignment with your spine. When you fall in love, this is where you feel the butterflies. When you suffer personal loss, this is where you feel that pit in your stomach. This energy center is viewed as a bright orange and rules your center of emotional happiness.
The Base Chakra rules things more in line with the physical including strength, courage, leadership, and material matters. This chakra is viewed as a bright red and is located at the base of your spine. It is easier for me to think of it at the bottom of my tailbone.
To tell you more about how I use these energy centers in my meditation, let me add some general information regarding their placement and their movement. It is important to see all of these chakras in perfect alignment of each other within the body. You should be able to draw an imaginary straight line through the center of each connecting them together.
Secondly, I see each of these energy centers as balls of energy about the size of a grapefruit. Although I have not read anything about their movement, I see them generally rotating counter-clockwise within me during my meditation.
The way to charge these chakras is simple. Visualize a beam of energy coming from up above you (Heaven, the Universal Consciousness, [insert your belief system here])and this beam of energy will pass through your Crown chakra, entering your body and passing through each of your chakras until it hits the Base Chakra.
Once this energy hits your Base Chakra, you should visualize the chakra being cleansed and turning a bright shiny red. Now I want you to think of a balloon filling with water. The more water you put into the balloon, the heavier it gets. I want you to visualize your Base Chakra remaining the same size, but becoming heavier with this energy from the beam of light, growing denser and stronger.
Once you have fully charged and cleared your Base Chakra, continue to visualize the beam of light from the Universe coming down through your Crown Chakra and down to your Base Chakra. Now visualize the excess energy that is no longer needed to charge the Base Chakra rising back up to your Sacral Chakra.
Now repeat the charging exercise with your Sacral Chakra that you did with your Base Chakra. Once it is heavy, clear and has a healthy orange color, move on to your Solar Plexus Chakra and so on and so forth.
Once you have reached your crown chakra and you have it fully cleared and charged, it is now time to center and ground your energy.
As we walk through the world in daily life, we leave little energy signatures of ourselves behind with the people we interact with and what we do. Visualize all the pieces of energy that you have left all over the place coming back to you from all directions.
As soon as these energy pieces meet your body, visualize the beam of light thrusting them all the way down through your body and then entering the ground beneath your butt (if you're sitting) or your feet if you are standing and creating deep roots going down into the Earth all the way to the center of the Earth's core.
Visualize all the negativity within your body being flushed out with it to the Earth's core and then burning up in the molten lava.
Now visualize the excess energy coming through your Crown Chakra filling up your body with white light and then creating a shield around your body that will protect you from negativity.
You can then visualize negativity as red beams that bounce off this shield and are deflected. Good things, positive energy should be visualized as blue and should pass easily through this shield to your body.
Now allow that shield to close off that connection of spiritual energy that is entering into your Crown Chakra and then visualizing that beam of spiritual energy receding from you now that you are completely charged, centered, grounded and protected. You are now ready to meditate, contemplate and commune with Spirit so that you can grown and learn.
This is my meditation I start each day with and I hope it serves you well and I hope it explains what a chakra is and how important they can be on your spiritual journey.
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
By Peter Nann
My suggestion is to go to a psychic that has some really good insights. Dont allow yourself to get bullied into a situation that you cant handle. Allow your heart to say that you are into getting a live psychic reading right now. I know that you have to feel and have the power to come together with a psychic advisor that truly wants the best for you. Dont worry if you cannot see ahead of you. Sometimes a psychic client has to wait years and years before they can feel the blessing of a psychics energy. Sometimes a good psychic advisor will be able to tell you that you are on top of the world because of something you said or did.Usually people cannot understand that their psychic gift has to be a blessing into another persons life before you can even begin to think about using it professionally. I have seen many people rush into their psychic reading ability and then find out that they are not as psychic as they think they are. Its important to understand that if you want to be a good psychic, you have to learn how to use your own powers with love and with service unto others. That is your first priority.
You may not be like John Edward or Sylvia Browne, but there is something inside of you that just knows something. You sort of get a hunch about something and then begin to feel like you may indeed be psychic. Did you know that psychic gifts are really nothing unless we actually use them. The power of the psychic reading is when we learn how to channel our psychic ability one step at a time. You can really see a psychic advisor moving quickly forward when they seem like they want to help you in some sort of way. Some psychics really enjoy helping people to grow and to learn.
Its a shame that we cannot all use our psychic inborn gifts to see the future. We sometimes have to face the fact that we are not entirely psychic. We all want to be psychic and we all hope to someday impress others to use their psychic abilities along with ours. However, most people really do have to visit with a psychic in order to get some good psychic advice. Psychic advice is hard to get and sometimes you can really depend upon good psychic advice to lead you in a good direction.
However, its also important to realize that when you get a good psychic reading, it is meant to show you the way. Its mean to give you a fantasy or some sort of outlook on life that you may have never seen before. I know that giving and getting a psychic reading is difficult at times. You sometimes have to understand that not everyone is going to understand your psychic reading style. Sometimes you have to wait years or even months before you can see some results coming out of your psychic gift.
About the Author:
I like to blog blog posts about you are under a hypnotic spell and you are under a hypnotic spell on my website weekly.
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Commemorated on July 24
Saint Boris was one of the sons of St Vladimir (July 15), and was named Romanus at his Baptism. After their father's death the eldest son Sviatopolk planned to kill his brothers Boris, Gleb, and Yaroslav in order to seize power. He sent a message to Boris, pretending that he wished to live in peace with him, and to increase Boris's land holdings inherited from their father.Some of Vladimir's advisers told Boris that he should take the army and establish himelf as ruler of Kiev. St Boris, however, said that he could never lift his hand against his own brother. Unfortunately, Sviatopolk was not so scrupulous. He came to the town of Vyshegorod to ask its leaders if they were loyal to him. They assured him that they were ready to die for him.
Sviatopolk sent assassins to the Alta to kill Boris, who already knew that his brother wanted him dead. When they arrived they heard him chanting psalms and praying before an icon of Christ. He asked the Lord to strengthen him for the suffering he was about to endure. He also prayed for Sviatopolk, asking God not to count this against him as sin.
Then he lay down upon his couch, and the assassins stabbed him with their lances, and also killed some of Boris's servants. Wrapping Boris in a cloth, they threw him onto a wagon and drove off with him. When Sviatopolk saw that he was still breathing, he sent some men to finish him off with swords.
St Boris received the crown of martyrdom in 1015. He and his brother Gleb became known as Passion-Bearers, since they did not resist evil with violence.
Saint Gleb was the son of St Vladimir (July 15) and the brother of Sviatopolk, Yaroslav, and St Boris. He was named David at his Baptism.
After Sviatopolk had killed Boris, he wondered, "Now how can I kill Gleb?" He sent him a message saying that their father was ill and wished to see him. As he was on his way, he received word from Yaroslav that their father had died and that Sviatopolk had murdered Boris.
St Gleb wept for his father and brother, and was lamenting them when the assassins arrived. They seized his boat and drew their weapons, but it was Gleb's cook Torchin who stabbed him with a knife.
The martyr's body was thrown onto the shore between two trees. Later, he was buried beside St Boris in the church of St Basil.
The holy martyrs Princes Boris and Gleb are also commemorated on May 2.
Troparion - Tone 2
Righteous passion-bearers and true fulfillers of the Gospel of Christ,
chaste Boris and guileless Gleb,
you did not resist the attacks of your brother, the enemy,
when he killed your bodies but could not touch your souls.
Therefore, let the evil lover of power mourn
while you rejoice with the angels standing before the Holy Trinity.
Pray that those who honor your memory may be pleasing to God,
and that all Orthodox Christians may be saved.
Kontakion - Tone 3
Today your most glorious memory shines forth,
noble participants in the passion of Christ, holy Boris and Gleb,
for you call us together to sing praises to Christ our God!
Praying to Him before your sacred images,
we receive the gift of healing by your prayers,
for you are indeed divine healers.
Thursday, 17 July 2008
"Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards"
"Athena is the Goddess who came to me this morning. Athena is a Greek Goddess, daughter of Zeus. She is a goddess of wisdom, war, the arts, industry, justice and skill. As a warrior goddess she prefers wit over weapons. Her power animals are the white owl and black pigeon. Call upon Athena for resolution of disputes, protection, and creative projects."
"Athena's message tells us to use our inner wisdom, in other words, follow your intuition. Don't second guess yourself. Close your eyes and quiet your mind to listen to the messages the Universe sends to you. Let go of worries and fear, and have faith that the love of the Universe works in your favor. If something comes to you repeatedly, take action, don't procrastinate, the Universe is trying to tell you something."
"Love and Light to You...."
"Lavender Eagle Feather"
As with many, I started off as a solitary. I didn't know anyone else on the path, except for a rather intimidating witch who ran a shop in the local town. Ha - she probably wasn't that scary, but to a newbie with limited confidence, everyone was intimidating!
For years I had only books to learn by. I found the types of books I was drawn to (the solitary hedgewitch ones) and the books that made me less comfortable (the wiccan coven ones). But on the whole, I mostly drifted without direction.
Fate brought me to meet and befriend another who walked a very similar path to myself. She was a member of an online college, which I sought out and also joined. One of the best decisions I ever made. The community was huge and amazingly supportive and friendly. For months I was distracted from my lessons by the wealth of information there, and the social interactions.
The first proper ritual I ever attended was an online one. It wasn't mind-shattering or life-changing - but I could feel the amazing potential. Online rituals need a bit of practise, but it is entirely possible to link many people, in all corners of our planet, into one chatroom and raise an incredible energy. Some of my best ritual experiences have been online.
Good visualisation skills are key, not seeing with your eyes, but with your mind. If you can read a book and "see" the pictures of the story as you go along, then you'll know what I mean. Everyone "sees" things differently. You can be part of an online ritual, and have a totally personal experience. No two people will "see" the same deity. I once took part in an exercise to describe how we saw Brighid. The answers ranged from a raven-haired, dark eyed woman in a deep-red dress, to an ethereal blonde in pale blue. But whatever you see - it is your personal relationship with divinity that you will experience.
In this last year, I have been lucky enough to experience some group rituals. One thing I have learned here is that location does matter. Offline rituals also take some practice to get the most from. You can attend in body, and have a nice time, or you can bring your visualisation skills, attend in mind, body and spirit, and have an amazing time. I do like the locations that are wide and open, almost a blank canvas for "other landscapes" to superimpose over the top, for other beings to come and stand around us - those that occupy the astral world.
Group rituals are nerve-wracking at first. Especially to those who are a bit shy or uncomfortable in bigger social situations. I have also learned that when I stretched my boundaries, I felt really good. Being amongst people of like mind is the best feeling, knowing that you don't have to hide, that you can talk about invisible dragons sitting on your shoulder, and that the people around you will think nothing of it...who knows what is sitting on their shoulder!
I have also learned that group rituals don't have to be rigid and theatrical ceremonies. They can be informal and FUN. They can involve laughing and cake. They definitely involve friendship.
So, which is better? Both have their advantages, and it depends on what is available to you. I am in the envious position of living close to other like-minded people, close to a druid Grove, and close to my pagan friends. Most of these friends I found online. I have very good memories of my time online, it brought me to where I am now. A good online group is better and more effective than a bad offline group. If you are unable to find a good group of people near to where you live, then definitely give the online route a go - it could well change your life, open up many more opportunities than you expect.
Blessed be
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
And comparable I just designed, darling illustration four is knock back to country today; Jen has to gorge induced deliveries, and her oppress of her undisciplined pregnancies with skill and love is in addition very inspirational to ancestors of us who read her blog.
I know lots of Jen's readers are respect to mark down her in prayer today, but I sought-after to typical a space for some of us to let her know that we're praying and waiting to have a go about the attack of her up-to-the-minute adolescent one. For for my part, I'm give to up my day for Jen and her trek and delivery; the girls and I are peaceful sidelined by this yucky toxic virulent disease thing, and I figured that give to my day, and specially my pains to clear patient and heat anyway all the hacking and malaise, was probably the best I might do.
If you're saying some special prayers for Jen today, and would comparable to post them base as a flexible of spiritual smell for her, request do so! And if you haven't yet exposed Jen's blog (ACQUAINT WITH MAY BE ONE OR TWO OF YOU, BUT I FLEXIBLE OF WORRY IT) request embrace a glimmer to read some of her amazing and smart posts.
Jen, God bless! You're in our watch over and prayers as you okay your up-to-the-minute blessing trendy the world today.
UPDATE: She's here! Belief be to God! (And we've been promised pictures soon--wooo!)
Monday, 14 July 2008
Edwin Gaustad
November 14th, 1923 to March 25th, 2011"Edwin Gaustad dies at 87; scholar of American religion"
Longtime UC Riverside professor Edwin Gaustad was an authority on the history of religion in the United States, having published several seminal books on the subject.
Valerie J. Nelson
April 5th, 2011
Los Angeles Times
Edwin Gaustad, a retired UC Riverside history and religious studies professor who was a preeminent scholar on the separation of church and state, and who did groundbreaking work mapping the nation's religious landscape, has died. He was 87.
Gaustad died March 25 of natural causes at an assisted-living facility in Santa Fe, N.M., said a daughter, Susan.
"He did incredible work as kind of a geographer of American religion," said Leigh Eric Schmidt, a Harvard University professor of the history of religion in America. "He did this big atlas about what the American religious scene looked like, county by county, over a long stretch of history."
The result was a first, the "Historical Atlas of Religion in America," which provided Gaustad with a rare scholarly surprise when he completed it in 1962.
"I thought we would be a much more homogeneous country religiously," he told the Santa Fe New Mexican in 1996. "We aren't."
Gaustad - which rhymes with "ousted" - was also prominent among a handful of historians in the mid-20th century who broadened the study of religion in the United States from theological schools to a wider university setting, Schmidt said.
After he joined UC Riverside in 1965, Gaustad was instrumental in establishing the university's religious studies program, said June O'Connor, a UC Riverside professor of religious studies who worked with him.
"He was a scholar's scholar," O'Connor said. "Scholars really appreciated his work and the scope and expanse of his work and productivity."
Yet Gaustad wanted his work to speak to broader public culture, "to make the historian's voice count in public debates of church and state," Schmidt said.
Gaustad was a leading expert on America's Colonial period, especially in the areas of religious liberty, pluralism and dissent.
He wrote more than a dozen books on religious history, many of which were regarded as seminal works. They included "A Religious History of America," a popular 1966 text that was last updated, with Schmidt's help, in 2002; "Church and State in America," published in 1998; and "Roger Williams," a 2006 biography of the theologian who helped found Rhode Island and the Baptist church.
A year after Gaustad published "Sworn on the Altar of God" (2001), a religious biography of Thomas Jefferson, he testified as an expert witness in the legal case brought by the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups against an Alabama judge who refused to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from the state courthouse.
When an attorney asked who Jefferson was referring to when he wrote that liberties are a gift from God, Gaustad said, "The God of nature," which is "the God we see around us," the Associated Press reported in 2002.
"Not the God of the Bible?" he was asked.
"Not for Jefferson," Gaustad replied.
Edwin Scott Gaustad was born Nov. 14, 1923, in Rowley, Iowa, the youngest of three sons of Sverre and Norma Gaustad. A lifelong Baptist, he grew up in Houston.
During World War II, he served in the Army Air Forces as a bombardier stationed in Italy.
He earned a bachelor's degree in history and English in 1947 from Baylor University. At Brown University, he studied under noted early American history professor Edmund S. Morgan and received his master's in 1948 and his doctorate in 1951 in the history of religion.
After teaching at Georgia's Shorter College, Gaustad was a humanities professor at the University of Redlands from 1957 to 1965 before joining UC Riverside.
A longtime resident of Redlands, he moved to Santa Fe to be near his grandchildren after retiring from UC Riverside in 1989.
He was "affable, gentle and modest," Schmidt said, and remained emphatic about the need for the separation of church and state.
"The most horrifying but most obvious" reason for it was to prevent "religious warfare - because that was true of England in the 17th century," Gaustad told the Charlotte, N.C., Observer in 1999. "Any time you put the power of the state... behind conformity and religion, you're calling for religious persecution."
"From our relaxed point of view," he said, "We say, 'Oh, that could never happen.' But the fact is it happened over and over again."
Helen, his wife of 63 years, died in 2009.
In addition to his daughter Susan of New York City, he is survived by a son, Scott, of Ukiah, Calif.; another daughter, Peggy of Santa Fe; four grandchildren; and one great-grandson.
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Dig This
Our reality is actually a creation of our thoughts, which is awareness, into the physical plane. A human does not consist of just a solitary body. Rather, there are five subtle bodies of energy. One of these bodies is the astral body. It is this specific body that is closest to the physical body of an individual in vibration. It is sometimes called the 'wish body' since it goes to the place the individual subconsciously wants or wishes to go. The astral body will generally remove itself from the human constitution during sleep despite the fact that it is feasible for this to occur when a person is aware and awake fully.The joining of the astral body to the physical body is through a silver cord or an astral cord which is capable of extending as far as the edge of the Universe. This explains the fact that whereas some people astral project to places as near as the ceiling, others decide to go to as far as other planets all around the Cosmos. Some people could see the astral or silver cord during the process.
Astral projection should not be something you are frightened of because it happens in most cases normally. Conscious projection is attempted out of interest occasionally. Otherwise, it could be required or because of some spiritual practice. This indicates that it is done or takes place for the easy reasons to know the future, to recover the sick, to contact the various other astral beings, to give the physical body the rest it needs as well as to collect information on the spirit world.
Astral projection is a kind of out of body experience that allows the astral body to travel far and wide to any destination in the universe. This further advances the thought that humans have seven bodies, one for each of the seven different planes, according to the teaching of Madame Blavatsky.
In the course of travel, an astral body sees various other bodies rather than the physical, etheric, emotional and spiritual bodies et cetera. In out of body experiences such as near death as well as remote viewing, the consciousness in an individual is separated from his or her physical body. However in astral projection, it is the astral body that leaves the body and not the soul or consciousness.
In reality, the conscious mind follows the astral body as it leaves. The astral body is the body with the aura. The astral cord that links it to the corporeal body during astral projection is stated to be indefinitely elastic. It is like a kind of Ariadne's thread or cosmic umbilical cord.
Astral projecting with a buddy is possible but is not as simple as some people have mistaken it to be. Various other species roaming in the astral plane could easily sidetrack both of you. As a result, you could quickly fall under various vibration frequencies indicating that you will be on differing astral dimensions. Your astral bodies will have no alternative except to part ways. In some cases, the astral experience lasts for a duration as short as a couple of mins or just seconds. Afterwards, the astral body gets excessively excited and is pulled back into the physical body. There is a really slim possibility to be reunited with your buddy once more. The very best tip is to ask your pal to meet you someplace.
The only disadvantage is that the possibilities that you two will meet at the place at the exact same time are still very slim. This is worsened by the reality that there is no sense of time on the astral plane and that many individuals lose the sense of time when they are asleep. If both of you are experienced astral projectors or travelers, you can set an alarm and go astral right away to meet at the rendezvous point.
See This
How frequently a person enters astral projection differs. Most of the individuals do so only once consciously whereas others as frequently as every day or every night.
The even more sensitive people can astral travel at will and go to any part of the Universe they want to. In some cases, when an individual goes into astral travel, they tour mystic or sacred or even areas of strong energy. In the astral world, an individual is able to see 360 degrees, understand or hear individuals' thoughts making use of telepathy and take a trip anywhere.
When the individual go back to the normal body, for others there is a sensation of fatigue from the travel especially when the journey is long. An occult specialist as soon as stated having actually gone to the planet Mars prior to any expedition of the world. He described it with accuracy, which was confirmed when a space vehicle landed on the Red Planet finally.
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Veteran, military activist and talk show host, Richard Bauer actively endorses the new military series, Operation Home Base.
Bauer served in the United States Air Force Command from 1988-2010. As a Inventory Management Specialist, he coordinated supply for the Air National Guard at Jefferson Barracks. He insured the mobility assets were available for deployment and all personnel were properly fitted and ready in the event of war. June 2000 - March 2003, Bauer performed military funeral honors for deceased active duty, retired and veteran personnel at Scott Air Force Base-Belleville IL. As Command and Control-flight Follower from April 2003-January 2006, he was the command agent responsible for the accurate, real-time global command control of all AMC directed tanker and airlift Missions in support of national interests worldwide. From May 1999-June 2010, he worked in the defense and space industry as the Missouri State employee, providing funeral honors for deceased veterans and retirees for the entire eastern part of Missouri. Currently, he is the host of Tribute to the Troops on the Virtual Entertainment Radio Network. It is a program that supports current members of the military as well as veterans. The program will educate and explore questions or problems relating to military personnel. By coalescing governmental, civilian and veteran's organizations, Tribute to the Troops' goal is to insure that not one soldier/airman/or sailor is left behind..
"WOW...this is awesome, breath taking, and splendid; words cannot express my gratitude or thankfulness. I think you got a real winner. God Bless you for finally opening the family life of the military spouse to the general public."
Rich Bauer MSgt USAF (Ret.)
'I think the script is dealing in uncharted waters. This will be like nothing ever produced! What a brilliant idea to expose to the general audience real life situations that our fellow soldiers have to deal with returning home. Bravo!'
Two different members of the military and both Senior NCO's looked at the script like the military (Department of Defense--Washington) would look at it and we both agreed you got a hit.
Combining MASH and Little House on the Prairie into a family of man drama, Operation Home Base combines the real life challenges of living the military life with a fictional world-wide conspiracy of intrigue, murder, and lies. Refusing to be bullied, OHB begins to unravel the lies that surround the disappearance of Bogley and his squad.. Unable to deter them with the stick, their lead detractor does an about face and offers to support OHB with endless financial, political and logistic support. Is it a honest humanitarian offer or are their enemies trying to destroy it from the inside out.?
From the PTSD of the Vietnam nurses to the murder of a Marine's therapy dog that leads to a wild and crazy fundraising fair, OHB will make the viewers laugh and cry. It will also build a bridge of understanding between those who serve and civilians. The viewers will be able to easily relate to the characters as family members, friends or the person they see in the mirror. Unlike most new shows, which either appeal to adults or children, OHB will be a drama that will appeal to the whole family
To read the full proposal and an excerpt of the pilot go to Home Base.htmlTheresa Chaze has been described as the woman who plays with dragons, especially the dragons of the mind. She leads her readers to magical realms and others worlds. Her work is based on her philosophy that all peoples can live together in peace as long as we come from respect, not only for ourselves but those who follow different paths or beliefs. Her work has been compared to Marion Zimmer Bradley and Anne McCaffrey with an adult version of Harry Potter mixed in.
Bauer served in the United States Air Force Command from 1988-2010. As a Inventory Management Specialist, he coordinated supply for the Air National Guard at Jefferson Barracks. He insured the mobility assets were available for deployment and all personnel were properly fitted and ready in the event of war. June 2000 - March 2003, Bauer performed military funeral honors for deceased active duty, retired and veteran personnel at Scott Air Force Base-Belleville IL. As Command and Control-flight Follower from April 2003-January 2006, he was the command agent responsible for the accurate, real-time global command control of all AMC directed tanker and airlift Missions in support of national interests worldwide. From May 1999-June 2010, he worked in the defense and space industry as the Missouri State employee, providing funeral honors for deceased veterans and retirees for the entire eastern part of Missouri. Currently, he is the host of Tribute to the Troops on the Virtual Entertainment Radio Network. It is a program that supports current members of the military as well as veterans. The program will educate and explore questions or problems relating to military personnel. By coalescing governmental, civilian and veteran's organizations, Tribute to the Troops' goal is to insure that not one soldier/airman/or sailor is left behind..
Of Operation Home Base, Bauer said:
"WOW...this is awesome, breath taking, and splendid; words cannot express my gratitude or thankfulness. I think you got a real winner. God Bless you for finally opening the family life of the military spouse to the general public."
Rich Bauer MSgt USAF (Ret.)
Bauer's associate said:
'I think the script is dealing in uncharted waters. This will be like nothing ever produced! What a brilliant idea to expose to the general audience real life situations that our fellow soldiers have to deal with returning home. Bravo!'
Two different members of the military and both Senior NCO's looked at the script like the military (Department of Defense--Washington) would look at it and we both agreed you got a hit.
Combining MASH and Little House on the Prairie into a family of man drama, Operation Home Base combines the real life challenges of living the military life with a fictional world-wide conspiracy of intrigue, murder, and lies. Refusing to be bullied, OHB begins to unravel the lies that surround the disappearance of Bogley and his squad.. Unable to deter them with the stick, their lead detractor does an about face and offers to support OHB with endless financial, political and logistic support. Is it a honest humanitarian offer or are their enemies trying to destroy it from the inside out.?
From the PTSD of the Vietnam nurses to the murder of a Marine's therapy dog that leads to a wild and crazy fundraising fair, OHB will make the viewers laugh and cry. It will also build a bridge of understanding between those who serve and civilians. The viewers will be able to easily relate to the characters as family members, friends or the person they see in the mirror. Unlike most new shows, which either appeal to adults or children, OHB will be a drama that will appeal to the whole family
To read the full proposal and an excerpt of the pilot go to Home Base.htmlTheresa Chaze has been described as the woman who plays with dragons, especially the dragons of the mind. She leads her readers to magical realms and others worlds. Her work is based on her philosophy that all peoples can live together in peace as long as we come from respect, not only for ourselves but those who follow different paths or beliefs. Her work has been compared to Marion Zimmer Bradley and Anne McCaffrey with an adult version of Harry Potter mixed in.
Saturday, 5 July 2008
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
As for what it is, you'll notice that it is a system that not only states the future, but it will state your past and even your present. It is very important that you look at the beginning of time so that you can judge where it is that your future will lead you. You'll find that this is simply a way for you to file all your memories, thoughts, feelings, and actions. It does record all your events and all your experiences.
You'll find that this knowledge is almost like admitting to your cosmic consciousness. You'll find that this is not really a book, but it does seem to be a lot of information. Basically, you are able to take all of your energy and turn it into something meaningful.
You'll find that the energy can come in forms of symbols and images, but it can also become the meaning behind the meaning. You'll be able to get a better grasp on your soul when you look at yourself from the beginning.
The akashic records will help sort out all your problems and it will also provide you useful information that will help you to understand who you are and who you are becoming.
Tags: positive benefits akashic experience ever visualization astral projections binaural harmonic increasing your psychic very sensation swept astral travel benefits john dee smith alchemical symbol for gold alchemy symbols enochian language translation alchemy symbol apollonius of tyana israel regardie