"RADHA" IS Nearly Continuously DEPICTED Blow up KRISHNA AS HIS Exact Cool AND Space Other half. Afterward HER EYES Bunged, SHE FOLLOWS HIM Where HE TAKES HER, Candid IN HIM Totally AND Kind UP HER OWN EGO. SHE IS Both HIS Cool AND HIS Unrestricted, ABANDONING HERSELF TO Give somebody their cards.
The love story of "RADHA-KRISHNA" has become a word in the Hindu mythology. The story is alleged to carry besotted place in the" Dwapar Yuga, "once all of them took initiation in this world. R"adha "was a cowherdess, who exact her beauty and charm engrossed the core of L"ord Krishna" and became his beloved goddess. "NOBLE KRISHNA" is premeditated to be the version of "NOBLE VISHNU", whose initiation was set.
"RADHA" SYMBOLIZES THE Material Person AS IT MOVES In the company of Time without end, SEEKING Party Afterward THE Blessed.
Reference: asatru-religion.blogspot.com