In Norse mythology, the Three Norns represented the Triple Goddess of Fate. They are also known as the "Wyrrd Sisters". They were named Urd (the past), Verdanti (the present), and Skuld (the future). Urd and Verdanti are believed to spin and weave and cut each thread on the web of life and the fate of every person and creature; Skuld is veiled and holds the future in Her power. It is believed that, as the eldest sister, Skuld may have existed at one time as a single goddess, eventually becoming a Triple Goddess with Her two sisters. It is said that the Norns are the daughters of necessity; they have no father. They are the guardians of the Yggdrasil, The Tree of Life. They sit under one of the roots of the tree, and they dispense their fate upon the Gods and humankind. All of life, including the Universe, depends upon the Yggdrasil and the Norns to stay alive. The sisters collect water from the Well of Urd and sprinkle it onto the roots of the tree. They are the different stages of our life--the Maiden, the Mother, the Crone. As we age, we should say good-bye to one Norn and welcome the next through ritual. THE NORNS KEEP US IN TOUCH WITH THE WHOLE OF LIFE--PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE--AND SERVE AS A REMINDER OF HOW MUCH OF IT MAY BE OUT OF OUR CONTROL. PERHAPS WE WERE BORN INTO A TROUBLED FAMILY OR HAVE EXPERIENCED A TRAUMATIC EVENT IN OUR LIVES. AS A RESULT, WE MAY BE DWELLING TOO MUCH IN THE PAST. WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO MOVE ON AND THE PASSAGE OF LIFE OF THESE THREE SISTERS CAN HELP US IN DOING THAT. THE NORNS OR TRIPLE GODDESS CAN HELP TO BRING US TO THE POINT WHERE WE CAN MOVE ON WITH OUR LIVES AND NOT STAY STUCK IN THE UNHELPFUL PAST. WE ALL HAVE SOME TYPE OF UNRESOLVED ISSUE FROM OUR CHILDHOOD, AND A SHAKY PAST CAN MAKE US FEEL UNCERTAIN AND CONFUSED ABOUT OUR IDENTITY. "WRITE A LETTER TO YOUR PAST. REMEMBER BOTH THE GOOD TIMES AND THE BAD, THE THINGS THAT WERE SPECIAL TO YOU AS WELL AS THAT WHICH WAS UNHELPFUL. END YOUR LETTER BY SAYING GOOD-BYE TO ALL OF THOSE THINGS THAT HAVE HINDERED YOU AND KEPT YOU FROM BECOMING WHOLE. THIS COULD INCLUDE THE PEOPLE THAT HURT YOU. THEN, TAKE ALL OF THE BLESSED TIMES AND BRING THEM INTO YOUR PRESENT TO HELP YOU TO STAY STRONG. ONCE YOU HAVE ESTABLISHED THE POSITIVE THINGS IN THE PRESENT, YOU MIGHT WISH TO BURN YOUR LETTER IN A SMALL RITUAL CEREMONY. "