This is a tacit acknowledgement of absolute truth and while many fringe pagans sharing the new age category would happily pick and choose the more liberal aspects of post-moderninity, most pagans - at least the wiccans I have spent time with - consider reason and tradition quite important.
The real key here is their perception of Christians as arrogant and self-righteous considering they only have half the story. Our openess to dialogue and debate and strong focus on listening and questioning without judgement are critical, "off-handed dismissal" is a very apt description of the Church's past attitudes.
That said, there is little for the studied Christian to lose. Conversing and being challanged by pagans and their objections to the truth of Christ and His gospel will not only strengthen us in our own beliefs, but often aspects of the truth are further revealed by looking closely at a counterfeit.
The Wiccan tradition contains many common beliefs and principles to Christianity that can act as bridges to building relationship and respect. I encourage anybody with friends involved in this area take an interest and share Christ through loving action rather than bible bashing common in the past.