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Wednesday, 2 September 2009

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In my previous entry, I wrote that my circle name Lleucu functions as a true kabbalistic name, in that it symbolizes "receiving" (mekubal) the light of shabbat consciousness. I further wrote regarding Lleucu:Lleucu is my name of Shabbat consciousness. has a gematria of 87 (see Akvah). It is also the root surrounded by the letters " (see lamedvavnik).The Hebrew letters " (meaning "to him") which surround the root also demonstrate that the name Lleucu symbolizes "giving" (mashpia) the light of shabbat consciousness () "to him". To my true bashert.The time will come when the feminine will have greater access to transcendental consciousness than the masculine; and in that time, she will bestow and man will receive from her. "R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi Tefilat LaKhal HaShana"Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish mysticism mysticism jewish meditation meditation shamanism jewish shamanism kabbalah iyunit kabbalah maasit jewitchery jewitch jewish woman sacred feminine divine feminine shechinah lilith spiritual development spirituality kosher spirituality circle name jewitch name ritual name shabbat consciousness

Source: animals-and-shamanism.blogspot.com