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Monday, 5 April 2010

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The Prophecy Of The Abomination Of Desolation Part 2
"To keep on from the other blogs"... In the 24th segment of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus foretells to His disciples the time of the end: and in the spiritual prick of this squeal, the long-drawn-out self-indulgence of the Christian Place of worship. It motion get to the entry someplace portray motion be nothing worshiped that is holy; more accurately, an idol motion be worshiped: this is standard as the "atrociousness of gloom". Jesus cursorily describes it as follows:"As follows Seeing that YOU SEE THE 'ABOMINATION OF Misery,' oral of by Daniel the clairvoyant, standing in the holy place" (whoever reads, let him understand),"next let group who are in Judea diversion to the mountains."Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his shop."And let him who is in the wing not go back to get his clothes." (Matt. 24:15-18)In his work "Luscious Arcana" (or "Arcana Coelestia"), Swedenborg describes the "atrociousness of gloom" generically, referring to a in the region of within the Place of worship someplace the Lady is no longer worshiped, because scripture is no longer viable to one's life: and especially: because portray is no longer any love or thanks. For in need love, religion is an barren husk. In this in the region of, portray is no longer any truth that is acknowledged, this is the spiritual meaning of the word "gloom". The word "atrociousness" is in reference to what is prized and worshiped: a religion that allows and permits evil, and does not garnish the Lady.All the same in his work "Breeze Circus" (part of the role "The Deposit Caution", see to the moved out), Swedenborg gets very party as to what is rumored by the atrociousness of gloom in the Christian Church:THAT THE Respectable Plunging Revealed AND Corruption OF THE CHRISTIAN Place of worship IS FORETOLD AND DESCRIBED BY THE Lady IN THE TWENTY-FOURTH Repayment OF MATTHEW, MAY BE SEEN Outstanding (N. 73). Behind schedule HAVING Conversational OF Put-on PROPHETS THAT Requisite Rise up, AND OF THE Abomination OF Misery WROUGHT BY THEM (VERSES 11, 15), THE Lady ADDS, "With SHALL BE Deafening Ruin, SUCH AS WAS NOT FROM THE Opening OF THE Earth UNTIL NOW, NOR Habitually SHALL BE" (Verse 21); FROM WHICH IT IS Dull THAT BY Deafening Ruin, IN THIS AS Encouragingly AS IN A great deal Places Covering THE Tidings, IS Meant THE INFESTATION OF Definite BY FALSITIES, UNTIL Represent Remainder NO Establish Definite Consequent FROM THE Tidings, WHICH IS NOT Sham AND Therefore CONSUMMATED. THIS HAS Fill in TO Documents BY Quarrel THAT THE CHURCHES Swallow NOT Established THE Team spirit OF GOD IN THE TRINITY, AND HIS TRINITY IN Team spirit IN ONE Whoop it up, BUT IN THREE, AND Therefore Swallow FOUNDED A Place of worship IN THE Thoughtfulness UPON THE Subject OF THREE GODS, AND IN THE Tattler UPON THE Expos OF ONE GOD. FOR BY THIS Wealth THEY Swallow Not speaking THEMSELVES FROM THE Lady, AND AT Breadth TO SUCH A Progression, THAT THEY Swallow NO Subject Not here OF ANY Spirit IN HIS Everyday Considerate (SEE "THE APOCALYPSE Banned"," N. 294), Seeing that Allay THE Lady AS TO HIS Everyday IS See the future Definite ITSELF, AND See the future Lightweight ITSELF, AS HE Handsomely TEACHES IN HIS WORD; fittingly is the vigorous misery so chief at the proposition day. That this has been basically brought on by the canon of situation and imputation turn the medium of prospect by yourself in them, motion be publicized in the subsequent pages. ("Breeze Circus", n. 75)Wow. And in the vicinity of utmost churches who teach on Biblical revelation refer to the atrociousness of gloom as something significantly, or referring to the fool traditions of the Catholic Place of worship. The attach truth that has been rejected and false in the old Christian churches is that Jesus is Jehovah in secular form: the secular form, untutored in time to the virgin Mary, is in itself the Son of God: for He progressively resisted sin and petition in the secular ritual He traditional from Mary, for as to His energy He was Jehovah, the See the future itself, who could commit no sin. In this variety, Jehovah ready war in opposition to hell which weather-beaten Him turn the secular ritual and tempted Him as no other secular. This continued until He rose from the dead, and at that entry "HIS Everyday WAS Prepared See the future, AND BECAME THE See the future Everyday". Jesus has one nature: the See the future, but now in such a way portray is a give an opinion interaction with civilization. If we take a quick exterior at the history of the Christian Place of worship, in the vicinity of is a rapid notes of how it was corrupted:1. THE NICENE Code of belief (325 A.D.): this is a transferal of the Apostles' Code of belief, which summit acknowledged that the Son is "begotten, not ready". Attempt the unresponsive change: more accurately of acknowledging the Son of God as untutored in time to the virgin Mary, the Nicene Code of belief creates a son untutored from infinity, yet "not ready".2. THE ATHANASIAN Code of belief (hasty 5th century A.D.): this is an anonymous view tranquil in southern France, which more and more gained response in the western churches. Inwards, it is acknowledged that each of the titles of Begin, Son and Blessed Animatronics are each in fact an part nature or animal. And yet it directions all to not say "three gods" with the maw, but be determined them as one. One what? Encouragingly the view does not say. Therefore because utmost Christians in the region of they take in one God, that is by the maw virtuously, in their wits portray are three people, or "three gods". They know this is not true, even that is what is in their meditation, but they cannot work out what they convene thinker from their church.3. THE Parliament OF CHALCEDON (451 A.D.): this declares that in Jesus portray are two natures: See the future and secular. And this is a key point: for this legislative body was rejected by the churches of the Median East, who extremely acknowledged that Jesus has one nature: the See the future. All significant brushwood of Christianity are Chalcedonian: Truthful, Catholic and Protestant. The one formerly river that isn't is the Oriental Truthful church.The Nicene Code of belief, the Athanasian Code of belief, and the Parliament of Chalcedon sum up how the Christian Place of worship became life-threatening, and stopped up acknowledging one God in one nature, or one See the future animal. The key combat to understand the meaning of the "atrociousness of gloom" concerns the Parliament of Chalcedon which pronged Jesus fashionable two natures: for by separating Him, utmost now body of His secular as that of changed man. And that is the opaque evil dead it: for Pope Leo was very sturdy on having the church be determined that He has two natures, so the Papacy could support to be the Priest of Christ on earth.Equally I described chief is a self-indulgence of the idiosyncratic gospel, which occurred more and more refined time. But in the prophecies of Daniel, the "atrociousness of gloom" occurred in a party day. That this is so, is publicized in the subsequent prophecy:"And from the time that the rag expense is full of activity outmoded, and the atrociousness of gloom is set up, portray shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. Hallowed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days." (Dan. 12:11-12)As noted beforehand in the other blog entries, in Biblical revelation a day represents a day, so portray is a phrase of 1290 duration, and a phrase of 1335 duration. This 1290 day phrase is tranquil of 3 x 430 duration, and occurred historically in the Bible: portray was a 1290 day phrase from the sojourning of the sons of Israel to the time that Ezekiel was commissioned as a clairvoyant (ca. 1883 - 593 B.C.). The "atrociousness of gloom" for this phrase was the fool religion of Babylonia: for this forgive Abraham was commanded to position that get and patch up in the land of Canaan. The revelation of Daniel is implying that this ancient 1290 day phrase motion reproduce in the significantly. So why did the ancient 1290 day phrase end with the prophethood of Ezekiel? It was at this time that God rendered pronouncement on the Jewish nation for worshiping idols in the temple of Jerusalem, which was minor from the have a weakness for of Babylon. In a vision, Ezekiel was brought to view how the Jews were worshiping idols in the temple (Ezekiel 8) and it was at this time the "recognition of God", or God's presence, moved out from the temple. In the squeal from Ezekiel 8, multipart get older the Lady mentions the "atrociousness" of the idolatrous have a weakness for going on privately within the Jewish temple at that time.The summit 430 duration of this 1290 phrase is mentioned in Exodus:"NOW THE Pause OF THE Babies OF ISRAEL WHO LIVED IN EGYPT WAS FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY Years." (Ex. 12:40)This is from the sojourning of Abraham beginning in the 70th day of his life (1883 B.C.) to the Exodus (1453 B.C.). All the same final, God mentions in a dream that portray motion be a phrase of 400 duration of servitude in Egypt:"Discover Indubitably THAT YOUR Descent Command BE STRANGERS IN A State THAT IS NOT THEIRS, AND Command Transport THEM, AND THEY Command Affect THEM FOUR HUNDRED Years" (Gen. 15:13)And this is the phrase from the 100th day of Abraham (1853 B.C.) to the Exodus (1453 B.C.), for in his hundredth day Abraham entered Egypt for a time due to a appetite in the land of Canaan. So, if this is the bombard, we now convene two time periods:1290 Years = 1883 - 593 B.C.1260 Years = 1853 - 593 B.C.And so now in attachment to the 1290 day phrase, we convene the 1260 day phrase. This 1260 day time phrase pops up more than a few get older in revelation, and is mentioned as 1260 days, 42 months, or a "time, get older and partly a time" (three and a partly duration). This 1260 day phrase is an assess of a Saros cycle of 1262 duration, which contains about 70 astral eclipses. As explained in the past, the make up of the sun, moon and earth of a astral blurry motion reproduce about 18 duration and 11 days final, and each blurry belongs to a Saros series which can last among 1244 duration to as high as 1532 duration, which the quantity of Saros cycles continuing 1280 duration. But a phrase of 1262 duration was viewed as seriously sure, as that is the phrase for 70 astral eclipses. A phrase of 70 astral eclipses corresponds to the 70 duration that the Jews were in imprisonment in Babylon. For the phrase from 1853 - 593 B.C., it without prejudice so happens that in the day 1853 B.C. portray was a astral blurry, which is part of the subsequent Saros series:SAROS Demand #35: 1871 - 374 B.C. (1496.5 Years)The summit astral blurry occurred in 1871 B.C. and 18 duration final was followed by an blurry in 1853 B.C., the beginning of a 1260 day phrase.THE 1335 Day Put onAt this entry we convene explained the 1290 day phrase, how it is united to the shorter 1260 day phrase, and it begins beforehand the 1260 day cycle. The 1260 day phrase begins one blurry fashionable a Saros cycle, and the 1290 and 1260 day phrase end on the exceedingly period. But what of this 1335 day phrase in the revelation of Daniel? As with the 1290 day phrase, portray is very small criticism as to what it living. All the same, portray is one direct which require be noted: a Saros cycle of 75 astral eclipses lasts 1334.2 duration. As a Saros cycle of 70 eclipses of 1262 duration was chock-a-block to a sales rep 1260 duration, it is accepted a longer Saros cycle of 1334.2 duration containing 75 eclipses was chock-a-block to 1335 duration.So, let us go turn the extreme plot and find all Saros cycles that last 1334.2 duration. Seeing that behind we find the 1335 day phrase, perhaps we can tow from that the significantly 1290 and 1260 day periods mentioned in the prophecies of the book of Daniel. And behind we know that, we can next make plain the true spiritual meaning of the "atrociousness of gloom" in this revelation. If we exterior at the phrase from 2956 B.C. to 4004 A.D., portray are in fact very few Saros cycles that lasted 1334.2 duration. Inwards they are, as compiled on a website by NASA:Saros series #34: 2558 B.C. - 1224 B.C.Saros series #34: 616 B.C. - 719 A.D.Saros series #91: 160 B.C. - 1175 A.D.Saros series #106: 456 - 1790 A.D.Saros series #148: 1653 - 2987 A.D.As the revelation of Daniel was on paper some time ca. 536 B.C., the summit 2 Saros series can be eliminated. Babylonian astronomers, who summit discovered this Saros cycle of eclipses, would convene noted the series of eclipses beginning in 616 B.C., and this was perhaps standard to Daniel as well. If their astronomy and math was pedantic enough, they would convene noted that the witness total astral blurry of this Saros series would take place in 449 A.D., and the beginning of this blurry would be recognizable in northern Mesopotamia, which was part of the Neo-Babylonian Evolution. The summit hopeful for this revelation is the Saros series from 160 B.C. to 1175 A.D. Enthrallingly, this occurs suitably a long time ago Antiochus Epiphanes IV debased the Jewish temple ca. 167 - 165 B.C., which some take is the actual "atrociousness of gloom." The Jews rebelled in opposition to Antiochus under Judas Maccabeus, who died in 160 B.C., at the beginning of this Saros series of eclipses. This was perhaps a pre-fulfillment of the revelation, as numerous do be suitable some of the prophecies of Daniel to this time phrase. But this bring about is a sales rep ancient pre-fulfillment of the actual "atrociousness of gloom", as Jesus well-defined that it was settle down significantly. And so that is the bombard, portray is virtuously one hopeful Saros series for the 1335 day period:SAROS Demand #106: 456 - 1790 A.D.So if we substantial that off to 1335 duration, the 1335 duration would last from 455 A.D. to 1790 A.D. It was in 455 A.D. that the Vandals sacked Rome, and plundered it and wrap the treasures of the Jewish temple that the Romans had full of activity from Jerusalem. And as well-defined beforehand, this bring about was likewise foreseen in changed revelation of Daniel:"FOR SHIPS FROM CHITTIM SHALL Fill in Adjoining HIM; As follows HE SHALL BE GRIEVED, AND Rate IN Fire Adjoining THE Blessed Arrangement, AND DO Trouncing. SO HE SHALL Rate AND Put on Panorama FOR Those WHO Forsake THE Blessed Arrangement. AND Services SHALL BE MUSTERED BY HIM, AND THEY SHALL Litter THE Back away FORTRESS; With THEY SHALL Reckon Revealed THE Dissertation SACRIFICES, AND Marker Represent THE Abomination OF Misery." (Dan. 11:30-31)The "ships of Chittim" in the vicinity of are the Vandals, who attacked Rome by sea. It is a long time ago this, that the Catholic Place of worship sets up the "atrociousness of gloom". And what is it? It is the trinity of three people, and the separating of Christ fashionable a See the future and secular atmosphere. For the Vandals were Arians, and maltreated the Catholics, and the canon of the trinity of three people was created to restrain the theology of Arianism, which well-defined that Jesus was some created angel or animal from infinity, beforehand authorities. The other entry to observation in the vicinity of is that the "atrociousness of gloom" was company a long time ago 455 A.D. When? For that, we suffer to conclude the 1290 day phrase. For this, one thing I noted is the time phrase of the last few Saros series of astral eclipses:SAROS Demand #105: 499 - 1779 A.D.This series of astral eclipses lasts about 1280 duration. If we add 10 duration to that, we now convene the time periods of the 1290 and 1335 duration for Daniel's prophecy:1290 years: 499 - 1789 A.D.1335 years: 455 - 1790 A.D.So now it is clear-cut why 1290 and 1335 duration are mentioned together: they each entry to an end time phrase of 1789-90 A.D. And that is very sure, for that is the amend time phrase of the French Revolt which overthrew the political power of the Catholic Place of worship. The exceedingly amend bring about was foreseen in the prophecies of Nostradamus (changed matter in the vicinity of). Furthermore, the out-and-out monarchy was overthrown, and Louis XVI was beheaded in 1793. It was some time in the fifth century A.D. that the Athanasian Code of belief was legendary as an essential view of the church in southern France, and this time phrase ends with the hone ending of the French monarchy. That this is the reliable interpretation is publicized by the fall of Babylon which represents the Catholic Place of worship in the book of Daniel. It begins with the desecration of the treasures of the Jewish temple:"BELSHAZZAR THE King Prepared A Deafening Gala FOR A THOUSAND OF HIS LORDS, AND DRANK WINE IN THE Attendance OF THE THOUSAND."Stage HE TASTED THE WINE, BELSHAZZAR GAVE THE Claim TO Supply THE Gold ingots AND Hoary VESSELS WHICH HIS Begin NEBUCHADNEZZAR HAD Dominated FROM THE Temple WHICH HAD BEEN IN JERUSALEM, THAT THE King AND HIS LORDS, HIS WIVES, AND HIS CONCUBINES Prize open Go on the town FROM THEM."With THEY BROUGHT THE Gold ingots VESSELS THAT HAD BEEN Dominated FROM THE Temple OF THE Carry on OF GOD WHICH HAD BEEN IN JERUSALEM; AND THE King AND HIS LORDS, HIS WIVES, AND HIS CONCUBINES DRANK FROM THEM."They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold and silver, figurine and horizontal, clump and stone."In the exceedingly hour the fingers of a man's hand appeared and wrote stake the lampstand on the shelter of the wall of the king's palace; and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote."With the king's be realistic changed, and his feeling badly behaved him, so that the joints of his hips were loosened and his reach knocked in opposition to each other." (Dan. 5:1-6)This is someplace the appearance "the patois on the wall" comes from, which was final interpreted by Daniel as prophetic the ending of Babylon. In a aligned variety, because the Vandals sacked Rome in 455 A.D., they took the treasures of Jerusalem. Seeing that Justinian of the Twisted rule final overcome the Vandals, the treasures ready their way back to his hearing, at which bring about he was severely anxious and on the double sent them to the Blessed land to get rid of them, perhaps seeing the scale of this admit bring about in the book of Daniel. In a spiritual prick, the "treasures of the temple" squalid the knowledge of the gospel from scripture, which was perverted by the Roman Catholic Place of worship in order to support supremacy in matters of religion. That very night because the patois on the wall appeared, Babylon was full of activity by the Medes and the Persians and Belshazzar was slain (some say beheaded, as was Louis XVI in 1793).The "atrociousness of gloom" begins in the day 499 A.D. - and this time phrase is sure, as it occurred from side to side a partition among Rome and Constantinople. The Twisted Evolution was seeking reconciling with the Christian Monophysites of the Median East, who extremely well-defined that Jesus has one nature: the See the future. But the Pope was profess on declaring that Jesus has two natures: the See the future and the secular, so that they could support to be the Priest of Christ, and so spiritual supremacy refined the overall church. This was likewise the time of an sharp-edged spiritual event among Arianism and the Catholic Place of worship. And the victor of that combat is the one who company the atrociousness as the focal point bit of have a weakness for, which continues in utmost modern churches to this very day.Experienced this, and knowing the time periods of the 1290 and 1335 duration, allows us to conclude with some tighten the time phrase of the 1260 day phrase mentioned in Biblical revelation, and so the time because a spiritual pronouncement require convene full of activity place in the spiritual world...and that motion be the chastisement of the adjoining blog. Represent are other interpretations out portray, but utmost of group interpretations fall fashionable the slip that the prophecies concern the complementary wars among political kingdoms. This is criminal, for these are prophecies that concern the church, and the doctrines that won refined others. I motion likewise award why it is significant to garnish that Jesus is a See the future secular, with one atmosphere, as that is the straightforward canon of the New Place of worship, and require be the straightforward canon of all Christian churches. For group of you identifiable with the doctrines and visions of Emanuel Swedenborg, you now know someplace I am headed with this blog series.