diverged : fall over 'diver' arm fissure : 'divergency' challenging 'diverging' diverted 'divested'looked : 'booked booted' cooking cooled : 'docked' fated 'footed forked hooded' : convex 'hooker hookey' combined 'lo' : laden closet ornament 'loo' accept : 'look'd looking' scrutinize work out 'lopped' : 'moored mooted rookery' surrounded 'unlooked' : 'worked'polish : 'un' belowtook : 'bock bodkin booby boodle' : 'boof' pocket 'booked books booly' : hold back 'boomer' plus point lout boost : 'boot booted bootee' deposit 'boots' : swag 'booze boozy bosk' feeble : spoiled referee curb 'chokra choky' : 'cock cocker cockle cooing' rustle up : 'cookie cooks cooky' icy 'cool'd' : cooled 'cooler coolie cooly coon' : 'coon's' series 'coot' close anchorage : 'docked docket donkey' mark 'doolie' : 'dooly' fate fated swagger 'doors' : conjure up 'folk' populate food lout : 'fool's fools' center 'footed foots' : divide 'forked' huge 'goodly' goods : 'goody goose gowk' put up 'hockey' : thug 'hooded hoodoo hoof' hook : convex 'hooker hookey hooks' clang : condemn 'howker jockey' hook closet : ornament locks 'lockup looby' accept : 'look'd looks' contact 'loon' group : nonjudgmental work out pickings simulated monk : gorilla inner self 'moods' touchy 'moon' : come in 'moore moored moory moose' : moot 'mooted noobe noodle' forte : midday trap 'pock' filch 'polka' : 'poodle' anthology 'poop' slipshod unacceptably : chicken bang whoosh 'rocks rood' : 'roods' sunshade 'rook' freedom quarters : extensive land solid rock surrounded family tree : haze 'smoker smokey smoky' drench : cloudburst register cork presently quite : filth 'sooth' enhance 'sooty' josh : expressed 'stoker stook' chief 'tackey' : visage shabby 'takk' connect 'talked' : communicator cistern soir 'thole thong' : 'thor' irritate 'thorns' thorny 'thoro' : 'thorp' population 'thou' nevertheless gesture : delight needle 'tink' fiddle sound : with the aim of 'toad' crawl to 'toast toby' : 'tocsin' at the moment saunter 'toddy todo' : 'toes toft toga togs' toil : 'toilet toils toity' disfigure 'told' : 'toledo' levy serious 'tomber tomboy' : 'tomcat' dimensions 'tommy tomtit' hint : 'tong tonga' tongs 'tongu' writing : concoction 'tonjon tonue tony' moreover : pawn gear pointed tooth 'topaz tope' : 'topek toper topful tophet topi' : logo 'toping' dive 'topsy torch' : 'tories tormes' scruffy 'torose' dull : inactivity 'torque' scorching coffer 'tort' : 'tortus' dump 'tost' map 'tote' : 'totem toties totis' waver 'totus' : required touchy fibrous hairpiece journey : 'touse' unsettle excitement 'toute touter' : 'towage towars' dried out grow decision : 'towrow towzle' toxic traipse 'troat' : 'trocar trocha' imp faction 'troops' : 'trop trope' right 'troppo' hit : 'troth' glum band 'trout trover' : 'trow trowel troy' gather 'tucker' : 'tunker turk' bomb 'tusk volk' : 'voodoo vosky' secret pompous woods : woody 'wooer woof wooing' tale : 'woolly woon' meaning 'worked' labor : hide 'yolk'looked-for : 'baited' stripy joking 'canned' : canteen 'canter fatted handed hanged' : 'landed lantern lanterne mantel masted' : twisted 'ranter' brown 'tented wafted' : 'waiter walked' white as a sheet wander immigrant : 'wanders' necessary lacking 'wantless' wicked : 'warned' shrunken gaunt futile 'whited' : lifeless out of breath 'winged' frozen 'winter's' : 'witted wonted'packed down : 'untrodden'doubted : 'counted' bestow 'doubled doublet' : 'doublets' have a sneaking suspicion that unseen doubtful in all probability : 'mounted' certaintraveled : 'graveled trave' come first traveler : 'traveler's travelers' seasonal 'untraveled'
Outline of check:Resolution words checked: 97 Quantity of questioned words: 8
Origin: spellscasting.blogspot.com