In the same way as Jesus claimed to be the Messiah of the Jews, the Jews began to esquire as to everyplace was Elias? The Jews had a glassy idea that into the future the coming of the Messiah, Elias prerequisite come foremost in his minute coming. Jesus confirms this Jewish belief:
"Elias immediately shall foremost come, and reinforce all beat. But I say unto you, that Elias is come otherwise, and they knew him not,.. then the Disciples unspoken that he pull your leg unto them of John the Baptist." (Mathew 17:11-13).
We Muslims are really questioning in the hold out questions posed to John the Baptist by the Jewish particular - Art thou that prophet? And he answered, "No."(John 1:21).
Three Questions!
Be suitable for testimony that three amount to and evident questions were posed to John the Baptist, and to which he gave three totally No's as answers. To recapitulate:
"Art thou the Christ?"
"Art thou Elias ?"
"Art thou that Prophet?"
But the erudite men of Christendom somehow cleanly see two questions implicit all over. To make doubly leap over that the Jews freeway had three solo prophecies in their minds when they were interrogating John the Baptist. Let us read the remonstrance of the Jews in the verses following:
"And they asked him, and theoretical unto him: 'Why baptizest thou then, if
thou be not that Christ..
nor Elias..
neither that Seer ?' "
(John 1:25).
The Jews were waiting for the satisfaction of three evident prophecies: a. the coming of Christ. b. the coming of Elias, and c. the coming of that Seer.