Many people I know converted to Islam not for the love of the religion but under duress and other personal reasons.
Last week the police and I were told why a decease by the name of Anwar Tan converted to Islam. Anwar was once a very rich man. Due to conflict with family members he left home rather penniless. His son holds a very high position in Citi Bank at Jalan Ampang. Due to old age, Anwar could not get a job. On the advice of some friends who told him that if he were to convert to Islam he would be given a monthly allowance of RM300. He did so two years back. Since then every month RM300 was automatically banked into his account. That was how he survived till he died two weeks ago.Sad part is when the son was informed by the police of his death, he did not seem concern.
Vincent Tan wanted a certain contract but he could only get it if he was a Muslim. So he married the Sultan of Terengganu's sister.
An old neighbour of mine who was very abusive to his ex-wife took revenge by converting to Islam and took away the two kids with the help of people from Jakim. Today the kids are prostitutes in Jalan Brickfields and the father a drunken pimp.
Then we have certain people who think that this country belongs to the MALAYS or rather the MUSLIM ONLY.
Now with the child conversion bill in Parliament, Malaysia is ready to share a place with Syrian rebels.
SYRIAN REBELS BEHEADS BISHOP FRANCOIS MURADThis video shows Syrian rebels slaughtering three people in the countryside of Edlib, including the Metropolitan "Francois Murad", who was patron of Sumaan al-Amoudi Monastery, under the charge of dealing with the government and the Syrian Army;the video shows people who speak Arabic with a broken accent, saying that through this act, they are applying the law of God.
On Sunday, June 23 the Syrian priest Francois Murad was killed in Gassanieh, in northern Syria, in the convent of the Custody of the Holy Land where he had taken refuge. This is confirmed by a statement of the Custos of the Holy Land sent to Fides Agency. The circumstances of the death are not fully understood. According to local sources, the monastery where Fr. Murad was staying was attacked by militants linked to the jihadi group Jabhat al-Nusra.
Father Francois, 49, had taken the first steps in the religious life with the Franciscan Friars of the Custody of the Holy Land, and with them he continued to share close bonds of spiritual friendship. After being ordained a priest he had started the construction of a coenobitic monastery dedicated to St. Simon Stylites in the village of Gassanieh.After the start of the Civil War, the monastery of St. Simon had been bombed and Fr. Murad had moved to the convent of the Custody for safety reasons and to give support to the remaining few, along with another religious and nuns of the Rosary.
"Let us pray," writes the Custos of the Holy Land Pierbattista Pizzaballa OFM " so that this absurd and shameful war ends soon and that the people of Syria can go back to living a normal life." Archbishop Jacques Behnan Hindo, titular of the Syrian Catholic archeparchy in Hassak'e-Nisibis reports to Fides: "The whole story of Christians in the Middle East is marked and made fruitful by the blood of the martyrs of many persecutions. Lately, father Murad sent me some messages that clearly showed how conscious he was of living in a dangerous situation, and offered his life for peace in Syria and around the world. ".