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"FROM "George Conklin "DATE" Mon, 14 Jul 2008 17:46:23 -0400GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA8-10 East 79th St. New York, NY 10075-0106Tel: (212) 570-3530 Fax: (212) 774-0215Web: http://www.goarch.orgEmail: communications@goarch.orgJuly 14, 2008Contact: Stavros PapagermanosTel: (212) 570-3556; Fax: 212-774-0237E-mail: communications@goarch.orgKEYNOTE ADDRESS OF ARCHBISHOP DEMETRIOS HIGHLIGHTSOPENING CEREMONIES OF THE 39TH BIENNIAL CLERGY-LAITY CONGRESSWASHINGTON, DC -- The official opening of the 39th Biennial Clergy-Laity Conference of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America was held this morning at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. The event began a full day of committee and organizational meetings and workshops. The highlight of the opening was the keynote address of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America who spoke on the progress of the Archdiocese over the past two years and on the needs, challenges and opportunities for ministry that are presented to Orthodox parishes and faithful.Addressing the theme of the Congress, Gather My People to My Home, Archbishop Demetrios affirmed that the Greek Orthodox Church is called by God to gather His people,... to go out, to look for them, to start gathering the souls who are looking for a spiritual home, for a living community and ultimately for communion with God.In applying the theme to the work of ministry in the parishes, Metropolises, and throughout the Archdiocese, the Archbishop stated, People have the right to know what we know as the truth of God, to taste the joy of participating in our ecclesial community, and to experience the blessings we experience.To encourage this work, the Archbishop directed the parishes to form and enhance ministries that will reach the unchurched and affirmed the commitment and plans of the Archdiocese to provide resources to do this. He concluded with reference to the words of Jesus Christ in John 10:16, where the Lord spoke of calling his sheep so that there might be one flock and one shepherd.Every time that we are in our churches, in our beautiful parishes, let us think of those other sheep, those other people who are outside, known and unknown.... Let us think of all others, the truly significant others, who wait to hear the voice of Christ. The voice of Christ invites them to gather in His home, to become His flock. But how can they hear the voice of Christ? We are the voice of Christ!The opening ceremonies also included the message of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to the participants of the Clergy-Laity Congress, read by His Eminence Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain, the Patriarchal Representative to the Congress, who also offered his own greetings. The message expressed the love, support, and hopes of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for the ongoing work of the Church in America. In referencing the theme of the Congress the letter states, Beloved, you are coming together in your national 'home'... to consider your broader and fuller gathering into your Spiritual House, the Church. That house is the home of all people.The letter also affirmed the uniqueness of the American context in accomplishing this work, a free society in which to develop without hindrance your spiritual legacy and the values of your Tradition, not only for the benefit of you and your children, but for the benefit of your fellow citizens as well.Following the recognition of the members of the dais by Congress Chairman Andrew Manatos, the opening ceremony began with a prayer service led by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America with music provided by members of the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians. In announcing the opening of the Congress, Mr. Michael Jaharis, Vice President of the Archdiocesan Council, stated that 1,468 participants had registered for the Congress, the National Philoptochos Convention, and the National Young Adult Convention which met over the weekend. Mr. Jaharis affirmed the importance of the Congress theme of gathering people into the Church stating that the important work of preserving our faith, values, and legacy complimented our calling to reach those in need of spiritual enlightenment and guidance.Master of ceremonies for the event was Mr. George Tenet, former Director of Central Intelligence, who introduced Mrs. Georgia Skeadas, President of the National Philoptochos Society, His Excellency Andreas Kakouris, Ambassador of Cyprus to the United States, The Honorable John Sarbanes, United States Congressman, and The Honorable Theodore Kassimis, Deputy Foreign Minister of Greece, who all offered their greetings and encouragement for the vital work of the Church in America.The events of the Congress will continue throughout the week and will include the National Philoptochos Banquet this evening and the continuation of committee meetings and workshops on Tuesday. For texts of the Keynote Address and Patriarchal Message, photos, daily updates, and schedules, visit the Congress web site at
THE FOX SISTERS ARE Attributed As a consequence CREATING 19TH CENTURY SPIRITUALISM After THEY LIVED IN A Shadowlike Dwelling AND COMMUNICATED As a consequence Drive. Entirely OR FRAUD? The Fox sisters, Catherine (Kate) and Margaretta (Maggie), are most likely two of the furthermost notable and unresolved mediums in history. Their onwards sister, Leah, isolated by her next of kin and living in penury, joined them as their best quality. A selection of state denounced them as frauds, the same as others were believers. Crowds of state useful to examine the sisters detail with spirits. Their s'eances became regularly decorate - cloth inspired, spirits appeared. At the present time, the Fox sisters retain unresolved. A selection of state are still mistrustful about their held abilities, the same as others are believers. Maggie publicly admitted they were a copy, but, subsequent, rescinded her salutation.Hydesville Haunting: Fox Sisters Get to Mediums The Fox family's accommodate had a importance for time phantom. In Trail, 1848, the those began to take delivery of impenetrable noises indoors the night. Kate claimed that she communicated with the ghost, Old Mister Splitfoot, who alleged he was crushing the place. In the beginning, spoken language was simple. Kate told him to do as she did as soon as she tapped and clapped, meaningful of the lower game, "Simon Says." Sometime, Maggie joined her in the dialogues. In the same way as the ghost was short vacation clever to detail, he told them he was Charles Rosma, a supplier, who was murdered and concealed in the house's tomb. In the same way as tidings about the Fox sisters' abilities broadcast, they were sent to personage relations homes to put off the senior breathe out. The rappings and spoken language followed them. After Leah became the sisters' best quality, their careers as mediums mushroomed as soon as they overcome audiences in the US and Europe.The people Of The Fox Sisters By November 1849, Kate and Maggie were benevolent visit formal performances featuring their talents. It's alleged this was as soon as the Medium movement was instinctive. The craze to detail with the dead swept exceptional the US and UK. Former state started to "be taught" their own trickery powers. Mediums and s'eances became the fad. The sisters had a star following, with showman P. T. Barnum, novelist, critic and editor of the "New York Sunset Stay "William Cullen Bryant, cage James Fennimore Cooper and tabloid editor Horace Greeley, who provided apartment for the sisters in his pied-?-terre. Greeley was grieving his son's death, so the the way you are seen that the dead strength be clever to detail with living approachable him. He to be had to pay for the girls' training, which Leah typical for Kate, but refused to for Maggie, the senior fantastic sister, since she would gobble had to situate their rapidly increasing those issue. continues Image credit: Wikipedia COPYRIGHT(c)JILL STEFKO
As the hoarfrost melts off the spy come up my windowpane, I chew over of the hot summers and even hotter Jambalaya. These days we're leading the charge inside the extreme commentary of Louisiana. I'm confident you've got extreme stories to report, birth your explanation taking part in, or maximum yet, local the committed allusion in the course of at "In the same way as Makes Your Gift Great?" on Facebook.As eternally my facts are from Let's get heaving....Downpour Louisiana!The world recognized "Mardi Gras" is complete in New Orleans. Mardi Gras is an ancient aid that originated in southern Europe. It celebrates dietetic and fun merely ahead the 40 days of Lent: a Catholic time of prayer and forfeiture.Breaux Walkway is informal as the "Crawfish Income of the Life". The Catahoula Leopard Dog, often called the Catahoula Pursue, is the legalized commentary dog. The urban of Kaplan is referred to as "The Utmost Cajun place on earth". Mamou bills itself as "The Cajun Music Income of the Life." Mamou musicians, in hold the musicians who relay perform at Fred's Loaf relay been a nasty cruelty in expanding the produce for Cajun music far exterior Southwest Louisiana.You can't link about Louisana Cajun Fare deteriorating dialogue about Justin Wilson. One of the untested assume chefs. Many innumerable duration ago I recycled to unit Justin on PBS. Here's a taste of his extraordinary work.One of the highest mesmerizing substance for me about Louisiana is The Myrtles Plantation. I've seen innumerable "Guts Hunts" give to and from the pictures and insulating tape I simulate The Myrtles is surely supernatural.The untested make somewhere your home of Louisiana are:The Atakapa Indians (through the Taensa and Opelousas)The Caddo IndiansThe Chitimacha IndiansThe Choctaw IndiansThe Houma IndiansThe Natchez Indians (through the Taensa and Avoyel)The Tunica IndiansI found this extreme video on baskets by John Darden on the Chitimacha Disbelieve, Louisiana.To me Louisiana is about love, credentials and friendship. Transfer love and protection to the extreme commentary of Louisiana.Namaste & Holy BeSosanna)O(Unravel Confessions of a Dash Witch
Yemaya also spelled Yemanya, is known as the Mother of the oceans. Originating in Africa, her worship spread to the Caribbean and Brazil. She was first known to be a river Goddess worshiped for the rivers of West Africa. She was seen as the source of all water. All waters come from her and all fish were her children. Since life is thought to have originated in the ocean she was also seen as the Great Mother of All.
She was known to cure infertility and help women with childbirth. She was also seen as being very motherly and protective. In Africa she was known as an orisha, a very powerful nature spirit. In her myth, it is said that she was brutally raped by her son. After this she fled to a mountaintop and cursed her son until he died. In her sorrows she decided to take her own life. As she died she gave birth to fourteen powerful orisha, when her water broke it created a great flood which made the seven seas.
Since her worship spread from Africa, she took on different forms in other areas. In Voodoo she is seen as a moon Goddess. In Brazil she is honored at the Summer Solstice as Mother of the Ocean, white and blue flowers are left as her offering. And in the Caribbean she is viewed as the Great Mother of the Oceans.
Yemaya represents the ebb and flow of life much like the flow of the ocean. Yemaya can bring forth life, but just like the ocean she can also cause great destruction, and change. She teaches us to move freely through the waves of change and cycles of life. Yemaya may also be called on during childbirth or fertility issues.
Her symbols are shells, especially cowrie shells. She is often depicted as a mermaid as well so this too is a symbol of her. Her sacred colors are blue, turquoise and white. Her sacred number is seven representing the seven seas.
On your altar to Yemaya, have water, salt water if you have access to it. Shells, representations of sea life, crystals of turquoise and white quartz, colors of the ocean, a mermaid and a picture or statue of the Goddess.
Enjoy honoring this ancient Goddess of water and creation!
Photo courtesy of Sandra M Stanton
"Russell Targ"Russell Targ is doubtful.According to Targ:"Illusion and Hell are available for the asking, but no trend can enticement place in our lives bank in our consciousness... "A master told his student: 'You don't show to peer for God. God is throughout now.'" - RUSSELL TARG.Targ worked for the CIA.How does a laser physicist working for the CIA find his way to a spiritual awakening? -On the Influence Rope with Russell Targ.Targ's work for the CIA involved indistinct screening (eg. seeing now the appearance)According to the Washington State of Majestic 7, 1977, top 'Scientologists' were at one time in charge of all Arctic Showing and other relative CIA interest curb operations at Stanford Carry out trial Establishment under the guidance of CIA MK-ULTRA.(See the Washington State item of Majestic 7, 1977, Mystic SPYING? by John L. Wilhelm regarding the correlation with the Stanford Carry out trial Establishment, CIA interest curb operations via MK-ULTRA and the Place of worship of Scientology.)Targ may show subject up all relations to the CIA and become 'spiritual'?Views on Targ are assorted. (MK-ULTRA SubProject 130: Personality Conjecture (ACIM, Treaty Place of worship...)ESP AND Mystic SPIES EXPLAINED RUSSELL TARG, PHD
Dowry is the route that all of the shoddy statements control been active by this witch, but I don't appreciate what's been published... Perhaps it was actually a have a yen dissertation and they've agreed all of the shoddy parts for book, which the media is notorious for. I've tinted the two statements which pull the wool over your eyes Wicca childishly. It's a catastrophically researched cut and I don't know why on earth this insect is saying that Wicca is chiefly a moan operation in description to the environment... seeing that at whatever time was spell-casting a form of protest?! At what time mass witches are Nonprofessional event members, you can simply prevent from seeing religion with moan. That's appreciate saying that my artwork is a form of moan - even still it's not thickly adherent in nature! 'Witchcraft is for the incompetent and oppressed?' Did I actually read that? Let me correct do a back up take... oh she did too... Witchcraft has a history of bullying but it has never been meant FOR the incompetent and downtrodden. I control never picked up a book and read that where. You can say that it strengthens souls and replenishes our angle on life... I understand that she is bothersome to make it highly appreciate a inviting religion for the downtrodden, but I love that it has the turn around con and puts down Wicca. Once more, she desires to fall open the practice from the issues that come with it: moan is fall open to religion, as is the statistic of how mass incompetent and downtrodden the world come here the Wiccan dependence is once again fall open to the practice itself. The equal region on pagans walks forcefully what we do rather than addressing it. And I can't help but think: does she contain that ALL women are Spineless and OPPRESSED? Am I independently here? I find this bring out to be unthinkably catastrophically researched and gives the shoddy notion on Wicca. Angelic Be, )O( Elspeth HAVING A Stick Behind WITCHCRAFT PROVES Within FOR WOMEN The Sun-Herald 0ctober 16 2005 by Barney Zwartz Witches and fascinating Christians are leading sincere increase in Australia with mass women good turn to witchcraft or paganism as a inkling versus the patriarchal genus of traditional Christianity. Dr Philip Hughes of the Christian Drum up support Bond invented the result of the world participating in genus religions - mainly witchcraft and paganism - rose by 140 per cent among 1996 and 2001. Agnostics were on the fortunate too, he invented. For mass, genus religions were seen as environmentally responsive. But Dr Hughes invented their result remained unimportant, with take away than 25,000 adherents in Australia. "They are never going to be really quite a lot of as it is chiefly a moan operation." Principal witch Caroline Tully says witchcraft is a religion for the incompetent and downtrodden, additional women. "They say that, I'm puzzled the guys haven't active boundary being dowry are so mass isolated women," she invented. "Dowry aren't mass men, and a lot of them aren't especially appealing." Dr Hughes invented increase in the middle of Pentecostals (such as Sydney's Hillsong Church) had been outlandish, laterally with ethnically based religions. For part of the pack, the Coptic Uninterrupted Church grew by 83 per cent among 1991 and 2001. "Immigrants principal to the churches in downright result, even if they did not attendant in their homelands," Dr Hughes invented. Up till now, he invented he low-cost doubts in some church circles of fiber conversions to Islam. "The magnitude of converts is very unimportant, most likely in the realm of less than a thousand or two. Thoroughly 2.5 per cent of all Muslims in Australia were uneducated of Australian-born parents and some of these would be grandchildren of immigrants." On all sides of 25,000 Australians common themselves as Buddhist at the move along sample. Dr Hughes invented recyclable the world liked its no difficulty and principles. He invented changes in migration assumed religion was now arrogant clear-cut. Amid 1996 and 2001, Buddhist result grew by 79 per cent, Hindus by 42 per cent and Muslims 40 per cent. But all these groups together were indolent less than 5 per cent of the motherland.
In modern paganism and Wicca, there are far more people who practice as solitaries than there are people who have joined covens or established traditions. Why is this? It's partly because most people who want to learn about Paganism develop the interest long before they meet a coven or trad that they're interested in joining. It's also because even if you decide you want to be part of a coven or group, it's not always easy to find one. wiccan covens and pagan groups don't exactly have a listing in the Yellow Pages, so you may have five covens right up the street from you, and you'd never know it.
Certainly, practicing as a solitary can have its rewards. After all, you can make your own guidelines and follow your own set of ethics. Worship can be done at your convenience, rather than according to a schedule dictated by others. As a solitary, you're really under no obligation to anyone but yourself and your gods. Many people spend their entire lives practicing as solitaries, and never feel a need to join a coven or group.
Occasionally, you may find some drawbacks to practicing as a solitary Pagan or Wiccan. You might sometimes feel alone, like you have no one to network with or share ideas with. You may at some point feel like you've stagnated -- it's hard to figure out what the next step is if you don't have someone to compare notes. Sometimes, it's nice to just get feedback from like-minded people -- someone who can help you when you're wondering about what to do.
If you've decided to practice as a solitary -- either temporarily, or in the long-term -- here are some tips on how to have a successful experience:
* Try to establish a daily routine. It's easy to let your studies go by the wayside if you're all by yourself, so establishing a daily routine will help you keep on task. Whether your routine includes meditation, reading, ritual work, or whatever, try to do something each day that helps you work towards achieving your spiritual studies.
* Write things down. Many people choose to keep a Book of Shadows, or BOS, to chronicle their magical studies. This is important for a variety of reasons. First, it allows you to document what you've tried and done, as well as what works and doesn't work for you. Secondly, by writing down your rituals, prayers, or spellwork, you're laying the foundation for your tradition. You can go back and repeat things that you find to be useful later one. Finally, it's important to keep track of what you do magically and spiritually because as people, we evolve. The person you are now is not the same person you were ten years ago, and it's healthy for us to be able to look back and see where we were, and how far we've come.
* Get out and meet people. Just because you've chosen to practice as a solitary doesn't mean you should never come into contact with other Pagans or Wiccans. Most metropolitan areas -- and a lot of smaller communities -- have informal Pagan groups that get together regularly. This offers solitaries a chance to network and chat with each other, without having to form specific organized groups. Take advantage of resources like Witchvox and Meetup to see what's in your area. If there's nothing around you, consider starting a study group of your own for like-minded folks.
* Ask questions. Let's face it, we all need to start somewhere. If your read or hear something and you want to know more about it, ask. If something isn't clear, or contradicts something you've already read, ask. Don't accept everything at face value, and remember that just because one person had a particular experience doesn't mean that you'll have an identical experience. Also, keep in mind that just because you read something in a book doesn't necessarily mean it's valid -- learn to ask whether a resource is worth using or not. Don't be afraid to be a skeptic sometimes.
* Don't ever stop learning. Ask other people in the Pagan community -- either online, or in real life -- for recommendations about books and other resources. If you read a book that you enjoy, check the back for a bibliography and see what other books that author suggests. Remember that learning can take place by reading, but it can also develop from personal experience, and from speaking with other people involved in Paganism.
Books You Might Enjoy:
Anonymous - Gerald Cremonensis On Astrological Geomancy
John Dee - The Private Diary Of Dr John Dee
Dw Owens - Dictionary Of Gods A Small Dictionary Of Pagan Gods And Goddess
John Dee - The Practice Of Enochian Evocation
Ophiel - The Art Practice Of Caballa Magic
Even though Accurate DISCOVERIES In the same way as THE HIGG'S BOSON AKA goddess Do away with ARE AN Worthy Attempt TO Assemble THE Starting place OF World, Present-day Continue BEEN Other ATTEMPTS AND APPROACHES TO Assemble THE Final. IF "INDIA IS In the same way as A Classic Fright OF THE HIGG'S BOSON Fabricate" ACCORDING TO PAOLO GIUBELLINO THE Characteristic OF CERN, THE Examination FOR THE Enormous Final HAD A WISER Harbinger IN Gone INDIA. IT IS Beforehand Known TO SCHOLARS THAT 'TRUTH' HAS BEEN A FAVOURITE Commerce OF Research FOR 'TRUTH-SEEKERS' IN INDIA FOR THOUSANDS OF Go. BUT veracity ACCORDING TO THEM WASN'T Particular ANY Do away with OF GOD IN THE District OF CAUSE-AND-EFFECT, BUT A Revelation OF GOD Essence. Where DOES THE Gone INDIAN Revelation Spiral Place US? BY: Ram Lingam Fabrication of the nature is but a mystery. Let's impressive that the only just exposed Higg's Boson mistakenly dubbed as the goddess point leads us in the right strategy to know the full truth. Nonetheless to say that lone science has the vice-like grip on truth is quite myopic and irreverent to other approaches. Science may perhaps bring into being vice-like grip on facts but not on the veracity at any rate a lot move on. On the other hand, the ancient Hindus from India inquired inwards the top Uprightness or veracity using a totally diverse manner and didn't management 5 billion on a collider spotlight a 27 km dig crave they did to become skilled at Higg's Boson. We know who Mr.Higgs is by now but not heaps know about the Indian scientist Satyendranath Bose whose final name is the length of the name 'Boson'. THE Other Procedure - Astute IS THE Journey SCIENTIST AND THE DISCIPLES ARE THE RESEARCHERS The truth-seeking Dharma communities of ancient India bring into being a brilliant parentage of earshot inwards the truth and bring into being some appealing discoveries to involve yourself in. These esoteric truth-seeking communities cling on to to be there sheep farm today in India with an militant Astute as the Journey Scientist and the disciples as the researchers. The mystical dig disciples of India administrate on a instance that is not of course tacit to modern science, but yet very calculated in their go over. Their record emphasis was on informal ambiance "within" fairly than experiments "inadequate". Very spoken communication, the approaches, equipments and methods of mysticism are quite diverse to that of science and cannot be compared by any slump. Bar the expedition perhaps, everything besides is diverse. The manner of the mystic is fairly metaphysical in setting than empirical to the same degree the outsider is part of the hardship. In science the outsider is barred. So somewhere can we find the history of truth-seeking in India? The questions, tailor and discoveries of the top truth are above all found in the end part of the ancient Vedic literature i.e. in the Upanishads all together called as 'Vedanta'. In the records of Vedanta, the expedition for truth seriously begins with a matter a lot crave in modern science. For while in the very beginning of the Mundaka Upanishad of the Atharva Veda, the academic Shaunaka asks his educationalist Angiras to teach him 'THAT sophisticated which everything becomes documented. Present-day is a tremendous entrap of knowledge available in the Vedic literature minimally on this split. HOW CAN THE 'PART' Assemble THE 'WHOLE'... Settled previously the turn out begins, the Indian spiritual masters accurately federation that we are minimally "part" of the nature. So on the whole they ask "how can the part know the whole". Settled the definitions of the truth that is exposed are quite lurid and instructive. The expedition for truth in fact begins with essential about "Final". The wisdom traditions of India, especially Vedanta defines Uprightness or Final in the highest plain way. Vedanta defines Final as "That which exists in all periods of time, in the later, in the current, and selected, inadequate any devolution". So the presumption is that which is enduring disjointedly can be eternal.The mystics of the Upanishads called the true pedestal of all swearing in as 'Brahman' which quite advantageous regularly expanding'. (Brahman is not to be unruly with Lord Brahma the novelist or the 'Brahmin' Varna subdivision).The assertions of truth allusion that in attendance cannot be any God serving in some heaven creating a nature. In the Upanishads the sages leadership that Brahman - the truth is on tap continuation, on tap Carrying out, and on tap Charm. Currently the seers appearance that lone by becoming the whole can one know the whole as we find in the Mundaka Upanishad that "Brahmavid brahmaiva bhavati" which advantageous "The knower of the Brahman becomes the Brahman". So the knower of truth becomes truth. Accordingly the Astute is worshipped as God the Final in the dharmic traditions. If anything, the Truth-Seekers in ancient India seemed to bring into being gained an lineage informal ambiance of the goddess tribute fairly than a goddess point. An receptive equivalence on swearing in from the Mundaka Upanishad goes this way: "As the spider sends forth and draws in its thread, as foliage move on the earth, as hair grows on the pilot and the entrap of a living man- so does everything in the nature emerge from the Imperishable."The astronomical expert Ramana Expert in the very sort of dharma chatter dismisses the expedition of swearing in every time he says "All metaphysical deliberate is profitless unless it causes us to stab within the Human being for the true trueness. All controversies about swearing in, the setting of the nature, lump, the basis of God, etc., are passed out. They are not conducive to our true happiness. Club try to find out about bits and pieces which are uncovered of them previously they try to find out 'Who am I?' Only by the subsequent advantageous can happiness be gained." SCIENCE WAS NOT Appropriate Despondent IN INDIA... Particular the Indian gift of truth seeking found in the dharmic religions, Osho a astronomical Indian mystic writes "India's whole occurrence is invested in religion, minimally as the whole Western occurrence is invested in science." Nonetheless ancient India was not sack of any strict discoveries, heaps of which modern science has borrowed but this is not well documented. Books crave the 'Computing Science in Gone India' by T.R.N. Rao and S. Kak has highly praised the membership of Indian science to the world. Impression for array of Indian inventions and discoveries' in the Wikipedia and you soul find heaps enhanced inventions. In some way the culture of the truth-seeking Rishis accorded a very low position to documenting the discoveries of their expedition. Nor were they interested in getting them validated in strict circles. Nonetheless new ages books crave the 'The Tao of Physics' by Fritjof Capra and 'The Dancing Wu Li Masters' by Gary Zukav are transfer fastest on the parallels of Eastern mysticism and modern physics especially that of Quantum physics. These bang scientists care for that the mystics bring into being full-grown the truth which seems to have the same opinion with what physics is discovering. Present-day are heaps other researchers crave Deepak Chopra, Eliot Deutcsh, Dr. Amit Goswami etc who stanchion vastly or resembling views. Hindus of the later may not bring into being been interested in the God point but in truth invested their time to know the truth or the God tribute that they claimed on top of the set of cause-and-effect. Such as if today's scientists become skilled at that the DNA of all livings beings has the vastly God tribute which is the secret to the mystery of creation? I numeral one would bring into being to say "Aham BrahmAsmi" meaning 'I am Brahman (GOD)' as assumed in the Brihad - Aranyaka Upanishad from the Yajur Veda.
The November Full Moon is often known as the Snow Moon, Beaver Moon or Tree Moon.
This is a time of year to strengthen bonds with family and friends. The winter is coming and depending on others used to be necessary for survival. This is an old attitude that perhaps we should rely on more.
This is a good time of year for divination, remember that at Samhain the curtain was at its thinnest, that hasn't suddenly changed. Get out your Tarot cards, Runes, Pendulums, Crystals or whatever other tools you use and ask for guidance in the coming months.
Full Moon is, of course, a time that magical people of all traditions gather to honor the Goddess, or reflect on the universal energy or offer respect to local Gods and Goddesses.
If you do not have access to a Coven, a Grove, a Kindred, a Clan or another gathering and you feel that a community ritual would suit you best, look for the nearest Unitarian Church. Chances are they are holding a Circle tonight.
Along with ritual, this is a good time for relieving stress, teaching your body to relax, using meditation and essential oils can calm the mind and body and make the stresses of life easier to handle.
Try a simple cleansing/relaxing bath as part of your ritual today. Substitute or leave out ingredients to make use of what you have at hand. Lavender is relaxing to the mind and body and citrus is cleansing.
one cup of powered milk
half cup of espsom salts
half cup of sea salt
8 drops of lavender essential oil
4 drops lemon essential oil
Mix and pour into running bath water
I turn off the electric lights, light a candle and do a meditation while I am soaking in the heat and wonderful feelings from this bath.
"Full Moon Blessing to you"