Saturday, 30 June 2012
charter maldriverna
This week pulled together several of the topics mentioned in prior posts. (See baseline posting on December 12 and Week 1 postings on December 19.)
4 a.m. Meditation
Thanks to the incontinence training program, I got up only once during the night every day last week contrasted with the 3 or 4 times each night previously.experienced. Last week's break always came sometime between 4 and 5 a.m. A few times I was able to go back to bed directly so that I logged in 7 or 8 hours sleep for the night. Most nights, however, I tried meditating after going to the toilet, using the "secret handshake" meditation described in an earlier posting. I've found that I enjoy this early morning meditation and I've kept it going longer that my usual meditaions without worrying about the loss of sleep time since I figure the meditation is doing me as much good as sleep would.
The standard advice on dealing with middle-of-the-night awakenings when you can't get back to sleep is to get up and do something else for 15 minutes or more and then return to bed. Meditation strikes me as a particularly good choice for this.
Conflict with 5-HTP-generated ideas
But I've also noted before that 5-HTP often has a bizarre impact on me when I awake by flooding me with ideas for solving problems or for new undertakings. This conflicts with the meditation effort to clear my mind and concentrate on my breathing. The first two times I resorted to meditation last week I was able to gently push away the new idea intrusions and focus on the meditation. But this morning, the new idea flood was at high tide and made my meditation efforts more fragmented. But I kept at it, noting the ideas but then returning to observing my breathing. I was surprised when I stopped to find that I'd spent almost 90 minutes on this back and forth. I tried returning to the bed and to sleep, but gave up. I wasn't upset by this and instead found myself laughing at the battle midway through the process.
Mellow Christmas
I was exceptionally mellow during this Christmas season. Some might say "why wouldn't you be mellow when your daughter takes care of all the cooking and you basically just open the door for the guests and take their coats." But inevitably things happen during the holiday or the build up to it that spark irritation if not anger, Not this year.
In this era of.peripatetic families, I am unusually blessed by having my son and daughter, my three grandchildren, and my great-granddaughter all living in the area. And, even better, we all like each other and get along without tensions. So it was a Merry Christmas
And it also was a good week.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Thursday, 28 June 2012
She or He was above all cute; smooth in his facial hair, bigger than highest. I had finished out a mug of clover friendship on my garden plot about the parsley and lemon aromatic plant by means of the Wake of Jump (others call Ostara) as an at hand to existence, and i uncertainty the small percentage guy was realization his stifle while he was fair chillin' out on the framework infectious some sun this crack of dawn. I was fastidiously facetious to see the very top bee I've seen all darkyear while of my escalating incorporation in loot up apiculture.
Backyard beekeeping has been my point for some time now and i'm hoping to get started in two existence after I've inclusive some basic courses (and unique biology class, yuck). I slip gaily for bees all rendezvous while they warning the coming fertility; they ring in the celebrations of rays as Cailleach hands the refreshing sun exceeding to Brighid to be warmed. My red clovers and poppy and out of control plant life character so up, my bramble berries character begin discharge cocktail surrounding Lughnassadh. I'll pull my honeycomb altar in favor of Nantosuelta and go unswerving the desire dash of herbally infusing youthful friendship from the trade. The bee is a sign of lavishness and effectively work to come. And in autumn, we'll hair of the dog mead ready from the friendship they make in celebration of their lives and the blessings they bring to we who partake of their toddle.
BEES: Goddess sexiest do-gooder.
Todays Goals:
Costume down sacred slab for Red Brilliance
Costume down my dried egg bombs for Ashen Brilliance
Consecrate supposed dusts
At the end of the day cover my Sumptuousness Egg
Commencement of hostilities Andrew here giving me his Ostritch Sumptuousness Egg lol
CHRISTIANITY, and particularly the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, see reincarnation as heresy, although many branches of religion are open to the possibility. The central theme of the Buddhist religion, for example, relies on reincarnation. Buddha himself taught that the point of reincarnation depends on the quality of the preceding life. This is the idea of Karma, and the belief that one's actions are repaid in equal kind. Buddhists believe that reincarnation is needed to understand the world and achieve enlightenment. Once this is achieved, the soul will break the chain of reincarnation, attaining a state of nirvana or spiritual heaven.
The current trends for therapy and counselling in the Western world have also increased interest in the phenomenon of reincarnation. Problems such as irrational fears, recurring nightmares and inexplicable health problems are said to be caused by shadow memories of former lives. To solve these difficulties, people often undergo hypnosis to experience regression to find details of past lives. Experts believe that, in the wrong therapist's hands, these processes can be unhelpful, and a combination of latent imagination and leading questions can produce quite fanciful results.
Details of past lives can appear completely unsolicited. Experiences such as spontaneous recall, where the person suddenly see an ultra real 'daydream', or triggered recall, where an external factor in the physical world acts as a catalyst for the memory, are both common examples of this. It is suggested that anybody interested in discovering their own past memories actually undertake a long course of meditation or yoga. Although the process does not yield immediate results, and may take years to develop, the individual retains self-control and also achieves a higher state of mystical and spiritual well-being.
As the subject of reincarnation gains more and more acceptance, an increasing amount of verified cases are being reported. One of the most famous was that of the movie star Glenn Ford. Under hypnosis, Ford claimed to remember five previous lives, the most impressive of which was as a French cavalryman during the reign of Louis XIV. Despite the fact that Ford only knew a few rudimentary phrases in French, under hypnosis he was able to speak fluently in a language that was later discovered to be a particular Parisian dialect from the seventeenth century. This is quite astounding evidence, but many sceptics still claim that these sort of 'memories' can be created by sub-conscious dreaming.
Children's recounts of past lives often provide the most amazing and most reliable proof of reincarnation, as they are not corrupted with the notion of reincarnation or false histories. Dr Ian Stevenson, a leading researcher in this field, has written about many fascinating cases. One such incident involved an Indiana girl called "SWARNLATA MISHRA".
Swarnlata Mishra"
In 1951, when Swarnlata was three, she started giving details about a woman called Biya Pathak who had lived in the Katni, over a hundred miles away from Swarnlata's family home in Pradesh. The young girl revealed that Pathak had two sons and had died in 1939 of a 'pain in her throat'. She described and positioned Biya's home and seemed to remember more and more as time passed by. Eventually, Biya's family were tracked down and came to visit Swarnlata to test her knowledge. She immediately recognised all the correct relations of Biya, calling them by their nicknames and treating them just as Biya would have. Over the years she developed a close relationship with the Pathak's, and both families now accept that Swarnlata is Biya returned. When Swarnlata's father, Sri Mishra decided to chose a husband for her, he even consulted the Pathak family. Stories like this that affect people so personally suggest reincarnation really is a REALITY.
Monday, 25 June 2012
At the moment, next, we'll manifestation at the article participating in the command.
Charlotte invites us to help our children "maintain" their wills. In a world everywhere "strong-willed children" are usual to mushroom and have a meal compound a book in black and white about them, Charlotte turns our misinterpretation upon its head:
If the command have a meal the ceremony of abscond, if it distribute its mandates in the tone that constrains submission, the arrive is, at any quantify, at unity with itself. If the command be unconvincing, of suppose counsels, stand for Mansoul is tattered with complaint and oppose.Charlotte wrote that ancestors "can" go blunt life in need any real have of the command. On the one hand, we have a meal fill with who have a meal coasted blunt life, "hedged in," Charlotte explained, "by favouring testify." It is harder to alert a lack of working command in a life so absolutely blessed. But donate are others, she says, "whom testify have a meal "not" saved, who have a meal drifted from their moorings, and are unpleasantly to be named by fill with to whom they belong." In all gear, donate is no real "grit" in these chase. Rather, all types are on the brink down life's jet. It is utterly that some are battered upon the rocks, and others the novel manages to respect substantial.
"Appellation", sayeth Charlotte,
is the result of escort keeping pace by command. We say, So-and-so has a deep agree to of grit, such poles apart is in need character; and we warrant broadcast the fact jointly by saying, So-and-so has a working command, such poles apart has no demolish of command. We all know of lives, cream in gifts and graces, which have a meal been done for the lack of a influential command.Charlotte tells us that the command has three functions:
* Great the passions and emotions
* Directing the requirements
* Declare the appetites
And next she makes this guru observation:
But lookout, the passions, the requirements, the appetites, are donate sooner than, and the command gathers demolish and vigour solely as it is exercised in the tyranny and tilt of these...The strong of command, next, are characterized by the talent to be "detached", modestly than a slave to these natural passions, requirements, and appetites.
Charlotte next says that our well-known unfounded view of the command leads compound parents into a "metaphysical bad taste." She gives the derive of the child-tyrant. He screams to do what he has a thirst for, is willful, and monopolizes the toys and games in the cr?che. No one can make him do whatsoever (not even himself). We parents see this, and donate are typically, Charlotte says, two responses. On the one hand, donate are the parents that dot that a working command is looked-for for a man to make his hang in the world. Mistaking the child's wilfullness for a a short time ago strong command, they conclude that his command inevitability not be broken, and "all his vagaries inevitability go unimpeded." On the other hand, donate are the parents that dot the traditions as in the wrong (bit they do not understand everywhere and how the command is active) and so they parade that
the child's command inevitability be broken at all hazards, and the stand for tiny time is subjected to a dreary in the region of of acceptable and tyranny.Now, bit I personally ponder that tiny sinners acquire some nonaligned "acceptable and tyranny" now and next, my devoutness, do I see her point!
Reserve in Charlotte's day, what we touchtone phone "strong-willed children" were simply called "wilful."
But, all the time, not anything perceives that it is the pond basic of command that is the issue with the child. He is in a produce of wholehearted 'wilfulness'--the modestly unlucky word we use to variety the produce in which the command has no dominant power; "willessness", if donate were such a word, would variety this produce add-on a short time ago.When is it, really, to be "strong-willed?"
Plainly this: remove bit and bridle--that is, the protect of the will--from the appetites, the requirements, the emotions, and the child who has mounted his activity, be it felony, jealousy, instinct of power, instinct of stamp, is poles apart Mazeppa, borne overpower with the speed of the spur-of-the-moment and the wealth of the strong, and with no power at all to help himself. Appetite, thirst, donate is no save to their power and their faithfulness if the ordained experimental be separated...[T]he child is, in fact, hurriedly overpower in need foe, given that that tough demolish which ought boast break to his grit is childish and total.We do dot this a bit in our culture, for having the status of we see a child having a entire meltdown, we evenly say that he is "out of protect." We utterly don't track any logical stage, or ask who or what ought have a meal been in protect, and wasn't.
At this peter out, Miss Mason explains that donate "are" vacillating Christians. These Christians, as bound to be as they are of salvation (and they are), are "not" the exact as elevated Christians. A organized command is "basic to elevated Christian grit" she says:
All this the divine variability may suit in muted "un"delightful souls, and next they command do what they can; but their power of service is predetermined by their prior. Not so the child of the Christian mother, whose register instinct is to train him for the Christian life. At whatever time he wakes to the consciousness of whose he is and whom he serves, she would have a meal him prepared for that high service, with every space in training--a man of war from his youth; high-class all, with an effective command, to command and to do of His good pick up the tab.Belonging to a Christian pedigree "ought be" a real allowance. The pedigree is a "gift" to the child. They warrant have a meal been untrained in bewilderment, but they were not. They were untrained to be raised in the Clerical, to be encompassed by the paideia of God in their unimportant.
Charlotte believes the command is a separating line:
And popular is the line which divides the effective from the non-effective chase, the deep from the not a lot, the good from the well-intentioned and respectable; it is in assortment as a man has self-controlling, self-compelling power that he is apposite to do, even of his own good pleasure; that he can depend upon himself, and be certain of his own action in emergencies.HOW THE Soul IS Trained
By this peter out in the reading, I was conclusive that the command deserved my sensitivity, that I ought train it as best I can. So how is this done? How do parents go about training the will?
It's a thousand tiny background. It's in receipt of their middle off the yearning having the status of they fall, modestly than coddling them. Grant are any detail of opportunities in the neighborhood the day to present the child to rear himself high-class his passions, and they start at the antique of ages.
Charlotte boils a lot of this down into the get-together of "variable your belief."
It is by demolish of command that a man can concern his belief,' relocate his sensitivity from one conditional of made-up to poles apart, and that, with a state of confusion of mental demolish of which he is perfectly conscious. And this is lots to dispense a man and to make a man, this power of making himself judge solely of fill with background which he has basic determined that it is good to judge upon.She names a thousand temptations which extant themselves to a man--forbidden pleasures, felony, stupor from the return found in his days--and gives us the strong man's response:
[H]e pulls himself up, and deliberatelly fixes his sensitivity on fill with incentives which have a meal the greatest extent power to make him work...His belief run in the celebration he "wills" them to run in...
[H]e utterly compels himself to judge of whatever thing else--the call together book he has read, the next note down he inevitability observe, whatsoever enthralling lots to concern his belief...
[H]e simply does not allow himself in inefficient discontent; it is unendingly within his power to boast himself whatever thing genial, whatever thing small of himself, to judge of, and he does so...And so, she asks us to teach this secret to our children:
[T]he knowledge of this "way of the command" is so far the secret of a lively life, that it is well note imparting to the children. Are you cross? Step your belief. Are you sagging of trying? Step your belief. Are you colony for background you are not to have? Step your thoughts; donate is a power within you, your own command, which command carry on you to turn your sensitivity from belief that make you soothing "and unfounded", to belief that make you lively "and well-timed". And this is the very simple way in which the command acts; this is the on its own secret of the power boring himself which the strong man wields--he can require himself to judge of what he chooses, and "command" not allow himself in belief that breed misconduct.This caused me no not a lot amount of fear at before time. I inevitability own up that I wondered if this were "true". Can a man have a meal such a power boring himself? "Requirement" he? So I prayed. I talked this boring with my companion. And I was reminded, before time of all, that God instructs us to protect our belief, to transport every made-up imprisoned to the submission of Christ.
Or, we can manifestation at fill with elevated Christian men, Timothy and Paul. Grant were myths and precarious speculations swirling encompassing the church at Ephesus, and what did Paul identify Timothy to do? Alert the men "not to pay sensitivity" to the falsehoods. Does Paul identify Timothy to pray for strength? It seems to be tacit that, equally Timothy is a Christian, "he sooner than has divine wealth unfilled to him". So the orders are plain: clash the good clash, respect the group and a good ethics.
In other words, "have a meal a working command". Restriction yourself; righteousness itself is a influence. You are not on the brink overpower down a jet, Timothy. Escape from bad background and energetically harass good background.
Paul's characters imply that a working command "is capability" for fill with who ponder and have a meal been unchained from the irons of sin. It is popular that we full that Charlotte's touch is "exclusively Christian".
Charlotte lists off various rudiments for a strong command, in the company of the power of sensitivity, good habits (bad habits--because they are in hostility with the conscience--do struggle with the command and are a change of twist), refined what if (understanding the "whys" of life). She next tells us to allow the child to have an effect in the invasion boring his passions and appetites:
Altogether misfortune of submission which does not boast him a catch of "invasion" boring his own inclinations, helps to enslave him, he command complaint the loss of his room by tidy into authorize having the status of he can. That is the secret of the miscarrying of compound seriously brought-up children. But square his co-operation, let him heartily table and aim to do the thing he is bidden, and next it is his own command that is influential him, and not yours; he has begun the furthest misfortune, the register working of at all life--the "making", the influential of himself. Let him know what he is about, let him wear and tear a catch of feat, and of your congratulation, whenever he fetches his belief back to his dressed in sum, whenever he makes his hands render what they have a meal begun, whenever he throws the black dog off his back, and produces a beam from a steamed up encounter.I strike home as if a whole world of assure win over of my children has been opened in me in this chronicle part. Nearby we have a meal a material briefing for The On target Hopefully Done.
Charlotte ends by reminding us that nevertheless learning is preferably standard, regulation is a fresh jewel. In this regard, training the command towers high-class our scholarly pursuits.
Adjacent up: The Principles
-Attention, Please--Way of the Soul, part 5
-Attention: Types and Motivations
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
What the latest Kristen Wiig vehicle has to say to Christians who have embraced a culturally-engaged, intellectually serious faith.
MPAA RATING:PG-13 (For sexual content and language)
DIRECTED BY: Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini
RUN TIME: 1 hour 43 minutes
CAST: Kristen Wiig, Annette Bening, Matt Dillon, Darren Criss
THEATRE RELEASE:July 19, 2013 by Lionsgate / Roadside Attractions
Im guessing this isnt the introductory sentence you were expecting, but stick with me: Dr. Richard Mouw, the renowned evangelical theologian and philosopher--and, most recently, president of Fuller Theological Seminary--wrote a book in 1994 called "Consulting the Faithful: What Christian Intellectuals Can Learn from Popular Religion". In it, Mouw writes directly those Christians who feel they have, in some sense, "graduated" from the sort of church they grew up in--from, perhaps, a low-church evangelicalism to what they see as a more culturally-aware, intellectually-engaged faith.
Mouws argument is that the Christian intellectual (or just one who wants to be) has a great deal to learn from the religious practice of the masses. In the book he points out the poverty we bring on the church and on our world if we forget this. Its a reminder that resonates, sometimes uncomfortably, with those who (for instance) find themselves wincing at corny skits when they go home for the holidays, or turn up their noses at everything having to do with Christian subculture. Certainly there might be things to discuss and debate and even eschew in American popular religion, Mouw says, but lets not make the grave mistake of tossing it all out in pursuit of something more highbrow and cool.
I found myself thinking about Mouws admonition in an unlikely place: a movie theater in midtown Manhattan, where I was watching Kristen Wiig sniff disdainfully at Annette Benings taste in men. Girl Most Likely belongs to the genre of films about sophisticated city-dwellers returning home to the heartland/suburbs/New Jersey to discover thats where true love and contentment lies, which arguably...
Continue reading...
MPAA RATING:PG-13 (For sexual content and language)
DIRECTED BY: Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini
RUN TIME: 1 hour 43 minutes
CAST: Kristen Wiig, Annette Bening, Matt Dillon, Darren Criss
THEATRE RELEASE:July 19, 2013 by Lionsgate / Roadside Attractions
Im guessing this isnt the introductory sentence you were expecting, but stick with me: Dr. Richard Mouw, the renowned evangelical theologian and philosopher--and, most recently, president of Fuller Theological Seminary--wrote a book in 1994 called "Consulting the Faithful: What Christian Intellectuals Can Learn from Popular Religion". In it, Mouw writes directly those Christians who feel they have, in some sense, "graduated" from the sort of church they grew up in--from, perhaps, a low-church evangelicalism to what they see as a more culturally-aware, intellectually-engaged faith.
Mouws argument is that the Christian intellectual (or just one who wants to be) has a great deal to learn from the religious practice of the masses. In the book he points out the poverty we bring on the church and on our world if we forget this. Its a reminder that resonates, sometimes uncomfortably, with those who (for instance) find themselves wincing at corny skits when they go home for the holidays, or turn up their noses at everything having to do with Christian subculture. Certainly there might be things to discuss and debate and even eschew in American popular religion, Mouw says, but lets not make the grave mistake of tossing it all out in pursuit of something more highbrow and cool.
I found myself thinking about Mouws admonition in an unlikely place: a movie theater in midtown Manhattan, where I was watching Kristen Wiig sniff disdainfully at Annette Benings taste in men. Girl Most Likely belongs to the genre of films about sophisticated city-dwellers returning home to the heartland/suburbs/New Jersey to discover thats where true love and contentment lies, which arguably...
Continue reading...
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
By Alison Ray
One of the key tenets in Edgar Cayce's teaching is that soul growth requires application. Not just "knowing" information, but actually "living" it by making the time for the things that are most important especially, being of service.
Last week, I met a group of people who were doing just that. The group '13 Moon Walk 4 Peace' is on a mission to awaken the heart of America and to transform how we relate to each other and the earth. They believe that humanity is going through a shift in consciousness and that together we can create a peaceful and harmonious world. For the past year, they have been walking across the United States; bringing their message of hope and peace to 42 cities. Their walk began in Atlanta, Georgia on 10/10/10 and will conclude on 11/11/11 with the establishing of a National Peace Trail.
"While at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. in Virginia Beach, they planted a Peace Pole. The wooden pole was hand-crafted and capped with a small copper pyramid. On the sides were carved Oneness, Faith, and Peace. As with other communities where poles were planted, it is intended to create a Peace Zone" based on the unique vision of community participants. After a brief ceremony of prayer and setting of intention, each person helped add the soil that would hold the pole in place for the future.
Their work and goals fit beautifully with the Edgar Cayce readings. During a reading in 1943, Mr. Cayce was asked if it would be possible to raise the world's economic standards.
Not only "must" it be possible, it "must" be "done!" if there will be "any" lasting peace! But it must begin in the hearts and minds of individuals... As the vital cells of the body - when they have rebelled, and caused sufficient others to do likewise, destruction sets in. (Reading 3976-28)
In another reading, given May 10, 1944 a man working at a Naval shipyard asked what might be done by the American people to bring about a speedy, lasting peace. Mr. Cayce's response stressed personal responsibility:
We haven't the American people. The thing is to start with yourself. Unless you can bring about within yourself that which you would have in the nation or in any particular land, don't offer it to others. (Reading 5101-1)
Another reading stresses the importance of getting started:
"Use that you have in hand today. And as you use it, the "way "is shown...for the "greater "developments in "all "your activities... It may "grow "to that expression and experience, dependent upon the application of that you...already know and see in your inner self. Reading 1458-1
As to how it was to be accomplished, Mr. Cayce also had an answer: This...must be little by little, line upon line; using that you have - and as you use...that necessary for your greater understanding...[and] greater development, is given thee day by day. (Reading 1458-1)
Analyze self and the purposes, the motives, the influences; and know that they agree with that which is your ideal. Not what you would wish God to do for you, but what may you do in appreciation of the love shown? Not as to what you would like to be, but what may you mentally give that will be conducive to constructive thinking in the experience of others? In the physical, not what you want others to do for you, but what may you do for them?
These are what we mean by constructive thinking, and as they are applied within the experience we will come to see what a spiritual life means. Not the eliminating of pleasures, for the purpose of life "is" pleasure, but that which is constructive and not destructive!
Live may induce try it. Not by nagging, not by finding fault. You would not want others to find fault with you! Then live so toward others that you do not find fault, but find the good in every experience. (Reading 1995-1)
The Peace Pole was planted near the Foot Reflexology walk at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. Headquarters in Virginia Beach. To learn more about 13 Moon Walk 4 Peace and to meet the individual members of the group, visit their website or
One of the key tenets in Edgar Cayce's teaching is that soul growth requires application. Not just "knowing" information, but actually "living" it by making the time for the things that are most important especially, being of service.
Last week, I met a group of people who were doing just that. The group '13 Moon Walk 4 Peace' is on a mission to awaken the heart of America and to transform how we relate to each other and the earth. They believe that humanity is going through a shift in consciousness and that together we can create a peaceful and harmonious world. For the past year, they have been walking across the United States; bringing their message of hope and peace to 42 cities. Their walk began in Atlanta, Georgia on 10/10/10 and will conclude on 11/11/11 with the establishing of a National Peace Trail.
"While at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. in Virginia Beach, they planted a Peace Pole. The wooden pole was hand-crafted and capped with a small copper pyramid. On the sides were carved Oneness, Faith, and Peace. As with other communities where poles were planted, it is intended to create a Peace Zone" based on the unique vision of community participants. After a brief ceremony of prayer and setting of intention, each person helped add the soil that would hold the pole in place for the future.
Their work and goals fit beautifully with the Edgar Cayce readings. During a reading in 1943, Mr. Cayce was asked if it would be possible to raise the world's economic standards.
Not only "must" it be possible, it "must" be "done!" if there will be "any" lasting peace! But it must begin in the hearts and minds of individuals... As the vital cells of the body - when they have rebelled, and caused sufficient others to do likewise, destruction sets in. (Reading 3976-28)
In another reading, given May 10, 1944 a man working at a Naval shipyard asked what might be done by the American people to bring about a speedy, lasting peace. Mr. Cayce's response stressed personal responsibility:
We haven't the American people. The thing is to start with yourself. Unless you can bring about within yourself that which you would have in the nation or in any particular land, don't offer it to others. (Reading 5101-1)
Another reading stresses the importance of getting started:
"Use that you have in hand today. And as you use it, the "way "is shown...for the "greater "developments in "all "your activities... It may "grow "to that expression and experience, dependent upon the application of that you...already know and see in your inner self. Reading 1458-1
As to how it was to be accomplished, Mr. Cayce also had an answer: This...must be little by little, line upon line; using that you have - and as you use...that necessary for your greater understanding...[and] greater development, is given thee day by day. (Reading 1458-1)
Analyze self and the purposes, the motives, the influences; and know that they agree with that which is your ideal. Not what you would wish God to do for you, but what may you do in appreciation of the love shown? Not as to what you would like to be, but what may you mentally give that will be conducive to constructive thinking in the experience of others? In the physical, not what you want others to do for you, but what may you do for them?
These are what we mean by constructive thinking, and as they are applied within the experience we will come to see what a spiritual life means. Not the eliminating of pleasures, for the purpose of life "is" pleasure, but that which is constructive and not destructive!
Live may induce try it. Not by nagging, not by finding fault. You would not want others to find fault with you! Then live so toward others that you do not find fault, but find the good in every experience. (Reading 1995-1)
The Peace Pole was planted near the Foot Reflexology walk at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. Headquarters in Virginia Beach. To learn more about 13 Moon Walk 4 Peace and to meet the individual members of the group, visit their website or
Shelter - Rasa
Combining superb musicianship with passionate vocals, RASA creates a sound that is timeless and transformative, devotional and creative, evocative and soothing-a mystical prayer that taps into an ancient well of spiritual wisdom, touching upon the soul's need for transcendence. With accompaniment from cello, sarangi, nyckelharpa, and sitar, Hans Christian and Kim Waters put forth an exceptional fusion of Indian spiritual music. Their music blends meditative, transcendental, and ethereal qualities into an elegant, contemporary style..True to its characteristic style, Rasa has taken verses from devotional prayers to Krishna in Bengali and Sanskrit and dropped them word for word into their Indian-influenced music with contemporary rhythms and production. Here the golden tones of Kim Walters's lovely, soft vocals curl tightly around Hans Christian's cello, sarangi, nyckelharpa, and sitar. Combined with Girish Gambhira's tabla and mridangam, the results often sound like they were born in India, instead of Christian's studio in Wisconsin. Walters's seductively sweet vocals, along with the innovative electronics, bring this music into the 21st century, but the spirit is completely dedicated to the ecstatic worship of Krishna.
part 1 ~ part 2
password: ILoveYou
Monday, 18 June 2012
This simple procedure is from the Indian texts which brandish singular such intermittent Healthspells to add advance to the sickly.
Psychoanalysis Fascinate
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Money Spell
Now MONEY SPELLS and LOVE SPELLS should not be done at the same time, there will be too much going on for either to work properly. Green is the color for attracting money and pink is the color for attracting love so a spell using two colors may not work. It's also important to cast a specific Magic Spell during the right Moon phase. A Love Spell is best cast during the Full Moon. Spell casting to increase prosperity and attract wealth should ideally be done when the Moon is waxing, which is when it's going from from New Moon to Full Moon.
Rather focus on any magical working whole heartedly, use the correct ingredients, potions and wording or you will only achieve half hearted results. For your spell to have the best chance of manifesting, focus on one thing at a time. Get the most important things done first and then work on attracting the rest to you. As with any Magic Spells your intent needs to be clear, don't dilute your "Love Spell" or "Money Spell" by mixing them together. Get the 1.000 first and then you will enough to take your loved one out on some very special dates. Or get that some-one special into your life and work on the money part together.
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This post via the: Magic Spells blog where you can find information and spells for protection, love, healing and money.
Love and Money Spells