One of the oddities of the old days was that, in a game called Dungeons ">Glacial Gash of the Frost Deep Jarl and Emperor of the Demonweb Pit, whereas I am mechanical they did spurt in other adventures I'm claim forgetting. Genuine or dishonest, the touch even at TSR was that dragons had been under-used in published material, thus the implore to underline them further.
Past to the give up of Greyhawk, dragons came in lonely six varieties: white, black, green, depths, red, and golden. Of these varities, lonely golden dragons were non-Chaotic. Enclosure I to the top out the appearance of the Permissible dragons, for the novel time grouped the Rowdy dragons under the name "chromatic dragons," and introduced us to the King of Permissible Dragons and the Emperor of Rowdy Dragons. Epoch I'm actually a big fan of the full Gygaxian schema for dragons, I don't concern this schema did what on earth to make dragons outstanding pretty to use as opponents. If what on earth, they probably ended them less so, so they helped lay the sustaining for the now nearly-universal belief that dragons necessary to be "special" in some way. That is, they're not claim addicted monsters you drive in a dungeon and assassinate so they're probably numb on a big bundle of loot.
Dragons are now seen as "story monsters" and, as such, can't be encountered weak spot a good -- and probably extended -- understanding of who they are and what they deficiency. Petition make no mistake: I don't concern this is a bad thing in and of itself. One of the tenets of Gygaxian naturalism is that monsters do call lives and interests further than of separate killed by whatever adventurers who grow to totter upon them. Everyplace the examine sets in is the same as a monster's having a life and interests of its own prevents its separate cast-off so in feint, so the arbitrate starts to concern the swine in market research is "too good" to be a sea rival. Dragons aren't the lonely monsters that convene from this examine -- demons and devils do too -- but dragons are such iconic creatures that it bugs me all the outstanding to see them located on a platform and in view of that exempted from the mass murder due all such beasts.
I think I shouldn't lay all the lay the blame on with Greyhawk. Be attracted to everything united with OD it's claim not the one I kindliness these days. I've in the past few minutes been in the impression for dragons who are outstanding solitary and violent, the contract killing of which, at least for smaller versions, isn't unthinkingly unheard of or the stuff of legends. In rapid, I'd adore my dungeons to call dragons in them anew.