Right from the very first exercise the energy of the whole room seemed to shift in a way that made it seem like we were moving into some kind of glorious alternate dimension, and indeed we did. Never before have I been able to feel the currents of my body circulating in ways that were almost startling. Thorn prepared us well for these experiences and told us to expect and be open be open to profound changes in our bodies (all of them). Time seemed to have sped up as five hour chunks of time just flew by like minutes. Normally after intensive class sessions I don't want to do anything but sleep. However, I still had.enough energy to head into Manhattan with Iris Firemoon for a few hours on the town.
Waking up on Sunday morning, I was roaring and ready to go. We finished up on Sunday with the last two points on the iron pentacle and rounded out our work with ritual and ecstatic devotional dance. I'm usually not much of a dancer but this really got me going. As the beat of the drums ran togther, everyone was alove and the room bubbled over with the tangible breath of our work hovering over us like a storm cloud. It was like being high, the way the gods intended us to be.
Towards the end we were challenged to think of what true gifts we received from the iron pentacle. For me, there were so many that its hard to come out with just one. I suppose if I had to pick one that moved my soul above all the others, it would be power. I feel like my relationship to power shifted into a place of balance and communication. Power was not afraid of me and I was not afraid of it. Further, I learned that my power is my own and that no one has the right but me to manage my life-force but me. I own myself and all my parts. When I'm in a correct relationship with power, I enable others to come into their own as well. There is always enough to go around. Once we establish this, we move into passion that gives us direction for this work. From passion, we return to sex where we reunite with the divine spark of all that was, all that is, and all that ever shall be.
My deepest thanks to the Northern New Jersey Pagan Fellowship for organizing this event, to Iris for sharing in the experience and getting us up there and of course to Thorn for passing on this very valuable teaching. Thorn will be in Ashton, MD in October for a workshop called "Your Divine Work" and so I urge you all to make it a point to mark your calendars and attend if you can.
Sex pride self power passion, blessed be the iron pentacle.
Reference: theartofastralprojection.blogspot.com