"PREFERABLY, DO NOT TELL CLIENTS YOU ARE A PSYCHIC." Knowing you are psychic creates all sorts of issues including them probing you about what the content of their home is and if it's threatening. There also develops a dependence on you for advice on just about everything. They will want to know from you if the home is haunted or not rather than the team's collective conclusion. During the interview process, they might also be self conscious of your ability to read them and take them totally out of the emotional mileu in their home that supports the haunting experience. You want to observe them as joe schmo off the street and not someone with deeper insight into motives and honesty, background and insight.
"YOU SHOULD BE A SILENT WITNESS". Walk the property. Take notes of everything you encounter. Do not pull others into your reading, do not point to a place and say someone is there, or any other dramatics. Simply note the reads. Keep this in a notebook. When the team is done with the investigation, they may review your reads to see if it verifies what they got. The problem with telling them what is happening, is that you are now creating belief in these people and they will act on those beliefs. You are coloring their choices and affecting their assumption that, if a door just closed and you said there was a spirit in the hallway, it must be the spirit.
"BEING A PSYCHIC IS A BEING A BLOODHOUND, NOT A LEADER." The power a psychic has on a team can be heady stuff for people who need attention, validation, or a feeling of being needed. Check the ego at the door. Be stealthy. Be observant. Take notes. And, if your team asks, should we set up audio in this room? Be available to answer that, yes or no, without elaboration. If your team relies too much on your interpretations, guide them back to the study of the building and let them probe their own intuition. The team I'm on, keeps notes. They all walk the property without foreknowledge and write down everything they sense, feel, or don't like about the feel of the place. They seal it in an envelope and it's held until the end of the investigation when we pull them out and see how close we were to intuitively knowing the hot spots.
"MEDIUMS NEED TO REMEMBER NOT EVERYONE IS PSYCHIC". To the average homeowner, a psychic holds all the secrets in their home. They know what's there. They can talk to it. They cast it off. The entire process, when witnessed by homeowners can seem a bit ritualistic, magical, and even dark. That a medium is seeing the invisible souls in their private home is very unsettling. Those images do not leave the homeowner and they are left afterwards with imagery, fears, and wondering what else they don't know or see. Their home is no longer full of good memories, but filled with banishings and entities they have no ability to see, control, or know about. So, I would advise psychics to keep any of their methods and descriptions to themselves and banish as you see fit, but there is no need to drag the homeowners through the process. In other words, no theatrics.
A psychic ultimately is a depth of intuition that can truly benefit a paranormal team, but at the same time, they can completely misguide the team. Tears, freaking out, and dramatics are not proper use of skills and also shows a psychic who has not yet learned to observe a history of a site without becoming the history. If it is overwhelming for the psychic emotionally, then it is time to work the skills to a more professional level before going public with the talents.
I believe a psychic can be a sensitive counselor, a wonderful bloodhound, but should never be the focus tool for the team. They are a member, like any other member with a skill set that, along with others, helps come to valid conclusions.
Origin: magick-keys.blogspot.com