For relatives who are new to Wicca, it is colossal to closely air the past questions....- Why do you deficiency to become and to be a Wiccan/Witch?I don't know if I deficiency to be 'Wiccan' or a 'Witch'. Having the status of I do deficiency is to become done in tune-up with the conception. It fills me with awe and presage and I deficiency to understand my place in it. I deficiency to view happier and done accepting, for some maintain I look to reason that studying the Wiccan path chutzpah lead me put on. - How do you define Wicca?Correctly in the absence of experienced no matter what positive, I would intuitively define Wicca as a pagan religion pre-dating Christianity. It is about human being in tune-up with the conception and channeling energy towards secret goals and the higher good - but not in a way that harms a person. - DO YOU Chew over THE Verbal communication WICCA AND WITCH TO Decrease TO THE Extraordinarily Government, OR DO THESE Verbal communication Decrease TO A Duet OF Horizontal PATHS?What's more words I reason are inexperienced words for paganism - an old earth religion that predates science and dam organised religions. I may perhaps be muddled and I abstract that :) What's more pride yourself on their connotations - and Witch fine makes me reason of Disney. :) If you remove the negative connotations I reason they mean the exceedingly path. I chutzpah be conscious to see how my perception changes disdainful the coming rendezvous. - Having the status of DO YOU Seek TO GET OUT OF WICCA/WITCHCRAFT?I am seeking that oneness with the conception that I aspiration. To go arrogant the junior ego-driven practice and judge myself. I deficiency to view done in exact of my life. Which sounds daft, cos we never pride yourself on exact disdainful our lives.. perhaps I can fine deliver to it!-What do you exploration to deliver to Wicca/Witchcraft?Wow. I don't know what I can deliver. Possibly this blog? They say you learn superior target teaching, so perhaps I can help somebody overly by asking questions and really strenuous to understand everything. i can whichever deliver optimistic thoughtforms and good energy in the conception by overcoming my own negtivity. - IN OR OUT OF THE BROOM Cubicle...WHICH IS Prepared FOR YOU?I country be a bit of every - depending on the mass of my come out. - HOW DO YOU Segregate Religious studies AND SPIRITUALITY?ooook. So we are triumph existential here? Correctly I reason religion is the organised external form of spirituality. Religious studies has its negative connotations too - Which group do you belong to? Would you die for it? For me spirituality is that connection with God or the Deep space on a secret, quarters level. - ARE THESE Verbal communication Synonymous OR DO THEY Decrease TO Astonishing THINGS? I postulate religion and spirituality are not indistinguishable - but I whichever postulate that put on is a physically powerful specify of institute who would say prior to. I glorification that. But they are muddled ;p - Having the status of DOES IT Suggest TO BE A WICCAN/WITCH?To rehearsal the pagan path. Do no harm to others. To recognise one's place in the Deep space. To do magick as a form of channeling energy towards the good. (p.s. I match magick with a k :) It suits Wicca. Bit magic suits magicians ;p)- WHY DO YOU Ability THAT WICCA IS THE Prepared Government FOR YOU? From what I pride yourself on read or come crossways disdainful the being, it feels provide with. This need reminds me of that Tale story - and Wicca may fine be the furthermost attentively combined to my perception of the Tale. Offering are elements of Wicca and pagan or even new age spirituality that speak to me on a ancient level :) - ARE YOU Pictorial TO A Settled God, GOD, AND/OR PANTHEON OF DEITIES?No I am not as yet - I know succinct about the lot of them - perhaps whatever thing chutzpah snap in a bit. Possibly not. - WHY IS THE PENTAGRAM THE Holy Din in OF WICCA?Doesn't it midpoint the some elements? It's got five points hasn't it? I haven't even looked at a Pentgram for a while. Would 4 of the points be fire, earth, air and water, and the 5th one be God or the Wiccan? Something perceptible that I can find out!ok so I've fine looked it up: The five points midpoint the 4 elements along with the spirit, and the circle connects them all.THESE QUESTIONS Choice Pointer YOU TO Prepare YOUR Point of view, AND Pointer YOU TO Assume A Bed FOR THE Investigate THAT YOU Choice Discover AS YOU Layer ONTO THE Government, THAT IS Accustomed AS WICCA.