'via Blog this'
BY: TJ Morris ET
Ascension Center Education and ACE Folklife Society work together in an alliance to awaken higher consciousness counseling among Lightworkers and Truthseekers
We the Avatar Ascension Masters give among our Lightworkers and Truthseekers that which is just and equal knowing that we all have a master in the cosmos as our own SOURCE CONNECTION some call God in heaven.
We are accepting that those who from the heavens came are contacting some who are called the Alien ET Hybrids and sharing sustainable solutions as we continue to pray and ask for assistance and meditate and ask for peace and answers.
While in prayer ask God to open the door of utterance to us all to speak the mysteries Christ for the sake of our bonds to the higher beings in other realms and dimensions of the cosmos some call kingdoms in heaven.
I pray that I may make manifest in the law of abundance and the law of attraction that I may also share in love and light the right to speak and have taken on the audio media in the social network we call the web as the Internet Online in Cyberspace.
I am now hosting the Alien ET UFO Community Blog Talk Radio Show every night except Monday night which is family home evening night for all those who believe in the ET Christ Consciousness.
Therefore, I am announcing that we as the Alien ET UFO Community are providing the Consciousness Counseling of the Avatar Ascension Masters of the ET Ascension Center Enlightenment via education.
We share so that we may have peace on earth and walk in wisdom toward those who are without, redeeming the time on earth as it is in heaven or cosmos.
We share in our open prayers that we may always seek guidance from our higher spirit connection as the Christ Consciousness of which we learned from the example of our great teachers of our ancient ancestors.
We pray always that our speech craft will always be with grace, seasoned with a grain of salt that we may all know how to answer each and every sentient intelligent being of our species when asked for assistance.
We all pray that we are becoming beloved faithful ministers who are on the path of our beloved ancient ancestor we all know who has risen with Christ and seek those things above where the original Christ sits on the right hand of God in the highest realms which has always been. Let us all set our sights on things above in the cosmos of all the elder avatars who we know as the Supreme Beings who created us in their own image for the greater good of humankind.
Ascension Centered Education is also known as Higher Consciousness Counseling also known and accepted in this day and time modeled after and in the spirit of Christ Consciousness. The founder of the original and first Ascension Center created for humankind on earth was predestined and channeled by way of the messenger of Christ who the one is known on earth as TJ the daughter of light and now an Avatar Ascension Master.
TJ teaches love and light for all and sustainability of planet and species.
TJ is sharing the faith, hope, charity and the greatest is love for all things in keeping peace of our ancient alien ancestors on earth as it is in heaven also known as the cosmos. TJ has a ministry of faith in humanity providing leadership and support in the Ascension Community of Practicing Skills and who ask for members to become known as the Ascension Beings who now walk the earth in body-mind-spirit sharing the birth-life-death experiences.
The Stargate to the Cosmos Conference is for all those who desire to become awakened and aware that we are all sharing this planet and are concerned about our own sustainability as we go forth into the future we co-create together.
This is what our ancestors who care to share their guidance and counseling desire for us all in order for us all to seek our soul purpose.
We are sent here to earth in order to learn to survive and to become productive citizens in our spiritual community though it now seems super natural in nature to take on the whole of our similar interests in the paranormal community and share the ACE FOLKLIFE HISTORICAL SOCIETY way of understanding history in the global community as the critical mass consciousness in the web also known as the global brain of God as the Theory of Everything.
The Stargate to the Cosmos Conference and Symposium will include many Consciousness Counselors with many concerns who want to share guidance as the leaders of the future in the Ascension Age. We will be asking those who know of their soul purpose and have done their spiritual work understanding their past lives and have learned their prior lessons before returning here to earth.
Those who have had contact experiences will becoming to our conference seeking information and guidance to connect to others who share wisdom, love, and light for their own tribe called humankind. We share health and prosperity for all!
All our friends of the UFO Digest are invited including all Authors, Copywriters, and Editors also known as one of the groups of the ACE FOLKLIFE CLUB.
The ACE FOLKLIFE Historical Society will ask all the various Historical Societies to attend and share in this historic occasion together with all of us of the Alien ET UFO Community