So off I went to the Glastonbury shops, where I found a metal Glogg water bottle with a good, waterproof, screw-on top. On the mystical morning of 09-09-09, I filled it full of sacred water and screwed the top on tight. For good measure, I put it inside a big zip-lock freezer bag along with a couple of the small (empty) Chalice Well plastic bottles. I'm pleased to report that the water made it back to Edmonton safe and sound! Once home, I decanted it from the Glogg bottle into the more decorative souvenir bottles.
At the October meeting of the Women's Drumming and Goddess Chanting Circle, we celebrated the Goddess of Avalon and had a special blessing with the Chalice Well water. Each woman received a tiny half-ounce plastic champagne flute as a Holy Grail stand-in. I poured sacred water into each flute from the Chalice Well bottle. Then we each thought of something in our life that needs healing, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or financial. I recited the following blessing --
"Daughters of the Goddess, may you be blessed and healed by this sacred water from Goddess's holy Chalice Well in Avalon. Blessed be!"
Then we all raised our glasses to the Goddess and drank Her sacred water of life.