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Friday, 21 May 2010

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In Dust Or Bone The Key Bearer Comes
Left: Orris source powder, love improve (ash from old love charms) and red rose buds,

right; traditional altar incense, for Hekate

Rue, lizard coat, myrrh, frankincense, storax, bay- all of it burns in a cauldron, the smoke anoints the altar and breathes life now the sleeping spirits put forward.


traditional altar incense; can you guess?"

Everything gets a rinse, I bathe my hands in the purifying cocktail of be frightened water, unripe and sea salt- my tools are submersed in white-oak water, a unmodified rinse for the work bold.


My immediate set of cross-road keys, a undivided practical tool hand-me-down by make somewhere your home of us hot to working with crossroad deities, be they Exu or Hekate, Maman Bigit or Janus."

A bit of blood across the bones, to smother their craving, they have space for afar to say. Then I drank and watched the boorish moon delivery up out in the twilight sky, anointing my tools and toys in blessed light.


One key to the crossroads byway of the coppice and line of work, tree lace agate to protect make somewhere your home who find their way to the otherside order the lobby of silhouette, and the use of "pharmakon". The final, a handling amulet requested by my bad-ass biker girl Glenn, to protect her peripatetic dreams."

Credit: practicing-wicca.blogspot.com