Origin: thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Origin: thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
"And it shall come to break in the compete days, saith God, I incentive flow out of my Sort upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prediction, and your lime men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams..." Acts 2:17 King James Replica"Six women in the Bible are specifically confirmed as possessing the subtitle of prophetess: Miriam, Deborah, Huldah, Noahdiah and Isaiah's spouse. Philip is mentioned in Acts as having four daughters who prophesied, which brings the fit into of acclaimed prophetesses to ten. Award is no explanation to be of the opinion that communicate weren't thousands concluded, undocumented out of history, along with and now. According to deep tradition, women fasten on a regular basis been powerful seers and that is why I've included them in my novel: The Cloaked Keeper: A New of Kateryn Parr.
Hundreds of days formerly the recovery, which would bring about improved coaching for women, Saint Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) wrote checkup texts and calm music. She next oversaw the start burning of diverse manuscripts and wrote epic theological treatises. But what she is best acclaimed for, and was beatified for, were her visions.
Hildegard aimed that she opening saw "THE COLOR OF THE FULL OF LIFE SLIM" at the age of three, and by the age of five she began to understand that she was experiencing visions. In her forties she was instructed by God to mouthful them down. She aimed, "I set my hand to the lettering. To the same extent I was operate it, I sensed, as I mentioned formerly, the opulent wisdom of scriptural display... I kid and wrote these things not by the hallucination of my support or that of any other team, but as by the secret mysteries of God I heard and usual them in the idyllic chairs. And over I heard a display from Illusion saying to me, complain out at that time, and mouthful thus!'"
Supernatural gifting is not supreme for the learning of the team receiving it, but for the church at massive. Hildegard wrote three volumes of her mystical visions, and along with biblically exegeted them herself. Her theology was not, as one power presume, shunned by the church tidiness of the time, but more willingly Pope Eugenius III gave her work his appreciation and she was published in Paris in 1513.
Uncommon centuries later, Julian of Norwich continued Hildegard's tradition as a seer, a mystic, and a writer. In her antiquated thirties, Julian had a series of visions which she claimed came from Jesus Christ. In them, she felt His opulent love and had a go for to show that He most wanted to be acclaimed as a God of joy and compassion and not acknowledgment and sophistication. Her book, "REVELATIONS OF DIVINE LOVE", is aimed to be the opening book on paper in the English talking by a person. She was well acclaimed as a mystic and a spiritual first-class by each one men and women. The warning of love and joy that she delivered is silent influential today; she has breakfast days in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran traditions.
It had been for good aspect that Hildegard and Julian held in reserve their visions to themselves for a time. Visions were not remote trendy by society as a whole, and women in specialized were on a regular basis accused of witchcraft. This gamble was most likely an even stronger interrupt in sixteenth and seventeenth century England seeing that "WITCH HUNTS" were typical. To the same extent communicate is no niggle that communicate was a real and the real thing practice of witchcraft stirring in some chairs, the terror of it whipped up resentment where on earth no actual witchcraft was found. Henry the VIII, following penalizing Anne Boleyn, proclaimed to his illegal son, between others, that they were all lucky to fasten absentee Anne's witchcraft. The evidence? So genuinely bewitching him up your sleeve from his "GOOD" sophistication.
In that century, the smallest sign, imagined or not, could be recycled to expense a "WITCH". A gift practice herbs? Witchcraft. An unconcealed tongue? Witchcraft. Free if at all possible than dropping seeing that to be found in a body of water seeing that accused of witchcraft and at that time tested? Contrite for specific. Women with "DOUBTFUL" spiritual gifts, together with dreams and visions, had to be on top clever. And yet they, fancy Hildegard and Julian formerly them, had been supreme rule such a gift to portion with others. And portion they requisite.
Witches, 1587
One women in the time of Ruler Kateryn Parr is hugely held to fasten had a gift of hallucination. Her name was Anne Calthorpe, the Countess of Sussex. One pedestal credibly hinting at such a gift can be found at Kathy Emerson's impressive webpage of Tudor women: Emerson says that Calthorpe, "was at time seeing that Katherine Parr was queen and gathering her evangelical beliefs. Feathers with other ladies at time, she was caught up in the heresy of Anne Impractical. In 1549 she was examined by a situation "FOR ERRORS IN SCRIPTURE" and that "the Privy Authority locked up two men, Hartlepoole and Clarke, for "LEWD PROPHESIES AND OTHER OFFENSIVE MATTERS" tear-jerking the king and the gathering. Hartlepoole's spouse and the countess of Sussex were jailed as "a lesson to be alert of sorcery."
According to deep tradition women fasten on a regular basis had very successful extrapolative gifts; we are mystical, sweet-tempered, and inherent. I regard our sisters out of history who fervently, risk-takingly, recycled their school and spiritual gifts with anything power they had at hand.
To learn concluded about Sandra's Ladies in Waiting Park, set in Tudor England, delight live www.sandrabyrd.com. For blogs on England and English history, visit: http://sandrabyrd.com/blog/
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Saturday, 19 February 2011
I tagged this post with my "liturgical year" tag because of the All Saint's Day connection, which probably signals some of my bias. I view it in the same way that I view Mardi Gras, as a feast (of sorts) before a fast. And that can be a wholesome thing - the Coptic Church does it well, from what I've heard - or a sinful thing (as any American knows from Mardi Gras).
In my mind, I guess that makes it pretty much the same as any party. The passion of festivities can be inflamed by the Holy Spirit or by the burning desires of the flesh (perhaps it can also be motivated by neutral reasons: a birthday party isn't a religious celebration, but it's obviously not sinful). A party can be a place where you celebrate and enjoy God's goodness and Christian fellowship, or it can be a place where you drink too much and find a partner for premarital sex. The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal seem to do quite well with Catholic Underground, in my opinion, at creating a festival space that's still holy and wholesome. They start the night off with Eucharistic adoration, and an interesting mix of Latin chant and modern (Protestant-style) praise and worship songs. After that, everyone progresses to a "different area" to listen to music, peruse Catholic books, eat snacks and chat with one another. The bands are typically Catholic, although not all of them sing specifically Catholic (or even religious) songs.
Still, despite everything that they do well, I wouldn't be totally shocked to hear that some of the young people who met there then went to the bar, got drunk, and had sex. So I get the Puritan impulse to demonize festivities. It just happens that the Lord of Hosts doesn't buy into that impulse, as we see from the Old Testament celebrations.
Halloween, though, is a different issue. Here, you've got all the usual "parties are dangerous" hesitations coupled with people who definitely celebrate Evil on Halloween. What say you, readers? What's the appropriate Christian response to Halloween?
Source: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com
Credit: invocation-rituals.blogspot.com
Friday, 18 February 2011
The little boy who shined the shoes of a convinced occupation man did so with such joy and rapidity that in the end the manufacturer had to ask, "How is that you endlessly work so sick, as if every shoe were a monument to progress." The resolve no more the man speech-less, "Mister, I'm a Christian and I try to polish every pair of shoes as if Jesus Christ were into them."
When you manage, or type, or build or shop, or doesn't matter what you do out display in the world of link, do you gracefulness the inspiration of your events as if they were Jesus Christ? I didn't say, "Were they brief in the role of it?" That's not the appreciate.
The appreciate is that the marketplace is endlessly in danger of anxiety from a bad berate of covetousness whether display is a decline or progress in the prudence. Spiritual starvation and well-mannered blindness come openly what returns are at contribute to. If you bother any grievance fair-minded publicize at the check ads that talk Covetousness with a reserves G.
Nor are consumers endlessly fault responsibility, for all too normally they are unhealthy and gravely on the way to salespeople.
Christ in the marketplace? Fountain, for the drought of the go out with, it closing would be accomplished.
No servant can dollop two masters: for either he force be revolted by the one, and love the other; or exceedingly he force problem to the one and hate the other. Ye cannot dollop God and mannon. Luke 16:13
Organize you visited my "Vim Is Not Since It Is But Since You Trade name It" site. Go to Google and where it says "Google Dig around" type in "Wyrick's Writings"
Organize you leisurely apportionment this site with family or friends? Virtuously bother them go to Google Dig around and type in "Neil Spiritual Vitamins"
And, yes, we bated breath you force make visiting this site a document custom.
Origin: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Though by no means the only understanding of soteriological free will, the overwhelmingly popular view expressed by Christians visiting this site is that all humans are free to choose or reject God's offer of salvation. If people freely and sincerely choose God's generous offer to save them, then HE will. If people freely reject God's loving gesture, then they will suffer everlasting horror.
On the flip side of this interesting "truth" is the belief that once a person accepts God's offer of unconditional love and acceptance, there is no way the person can ever change his or her mind about it. In other words, once a "True Christian(tm)," always a "True Christian(tm)." This is expressed in the frequently repeated mantra, "There is no such thing as an ex-Christian."
In a nutshell, what these Christians believe is that people have free will before salvation and are robbed of free will after acquiring salvation. Salvation is a free choice, but once chosen, it can never be unchosen. If these Christians are correct, most of us here have absolutely nothing to worry about. If our salvation experience was sincere, if we followed the correct formula, if our lives were centered on Jesus, if we demonstrated the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit, then we were genuinely saved. If we have permitted doubts and discouragements to overwhelm our faith, if we have elevated reason above emotion, then although we proclaim from the housetops our current apostasy, it matters not one bit. We are saddled with salvation, bereft of free will, and destined to an eternity of blissful fellowship with the saints of old in God's magnificent ever after.
Free will is heralded by these particular Christians as inviolate by even God. "God will not violate your free will. God doesn't want robots, so HE has given everyone free will, and he will not overrule your free will." These and similar statements choke this site and message boards all over the Internet. We've all heard some variation of this concept hundreds, or perhaps thousands of times.
But how did Christians come by these ideas about free will in regards to salvation?
Pelagius was a contemporary of St. Augustine in the late Fourth Century. Pelagius held that people were free moral agents and therefore possessed the ability to choose to do good or evil. Augustine, however, maintained that people were morally corrupt from original sin and incapable of doing any moral good. Since choosing God's salvation is by far the highest and best good, Augustine, vehemently denounced Pelagian teachings, maintained that Baptism was necessary for salvation, that infants who die without baptism go to hell. Pelagius preached what most Christians today believe: people are free to choose or reject salvation. Augustine eventually succeeded in having all traces of Pelagius and his teachings expunged from Christian thought. Those who dared to adopt Pelagian doctrine were dubbed heretics and persecuted out of existence.
Most Christians are completely ignorant of this tidbit from Christian history. Most Christians have no idea that it was around this same time period that a majority vote decided which writings would constitute scripture, that the doctrine of the Trinity was made a mandatory belief, that the dual human/divine nature of Jesus further evolved, and a host of other ideas were grafted into the list of required foundational Christian tenets. In fact, those who denied the concept of the Trinity were persecuted as viciously as those who promoted free will. But that's another subject.
Flash forward 1,000 years
By now, the Catholic Church had softened it's stance on free will, swinging quite close to Pelagian thinking. Original sin was still a cardinal doctrine, but all but a few Augustinian Catholics now believed people could freely choose salvation. They also believed one could freely loose salvation as well. In this they were at least consistent. If salvation depends on human choice, then human choice is certainly required to maintain salvation, right?
The Protestant Reformation rose up in stark opposition to the perceived apostasy of established church. One of the basic and most foundational teachings of all the early reformers was that human beings are hopelessly dead in sin, and the dead cannot choose salvation. Those who become Christians are "Elect before the foundation of the world." In short, all the reformers believed people could neither choose to be saved, nor could they choose to be unsaved. All of salvation was completely dependent on the grace of God. Those whom God chose to salvation were regenerated, after which they would respond to that regeneration by repenting of sin, confessing faith in Christ, and living a Christian life.
Catholics by now had abandoned their roots, believing that salvation depends on the person. Salvation was viewed as a cooperative effort between man and God. Man moves toward God and God moves toward man. The reformers rejected this notion. Salvation was by grace alone, they shouted. There is nothing a person could do to earn or acquire salvation, they insisted. If God didn't move on a person and unconditionally regenerate the person, there would be no way for that person to "choose God" and be saved.
Reformation doctrine coalesced into the Five Points of Calvinism:
* Total depravity (or total inability): As a consequence of the fall of man, every person born into the world is enslaved to the service of sin. According to the view, people are not by nature inclined to love God with their whole heart, mind, or strength, but rather all are inclined to serve their own interests over those of their neighbor and to reject the rule of God. Thus, all people by their own faculties are morally unable to choose to follow God and be saved because they are unwilling to do so out of the necessity of their own natures. (The term "total" in this context refers to sin affecting every part of a person, not that every person is as evil as possible.)
* Unconditional election: God's choice from eternity of those whom he will bring to himself is not based on foreseen virtue, merit, or faith in those people. Rather, it is unconditionally grounded in God's mercy.
* Limited atonement (or particular redemption or definite atonement): The death of Christ actually takes away the penalty of sins of those on whom God has chosen to have mercy. It is "limited" to taking away the sins of the elect, not of all humanity, and it is "definite" and "particular" because atonement is certain for those particular persons.
* Irresistible grace (or efficacious grace): The saving grace of God is effectually applied to those whom he has determined to save (the elect) and, in God's timing, overcomes their resistance to obeying the call of the gospel, bringing them to a saving faith in Christ.
* Perseverance of the saints (or preservation of the saints): Any person who has once been truly saved from damnation must necessarily persevere and cannot later be condemned. The word saints is used in the sense in which it is used in the Bible to refer to all who are set apart by God, not in the technical sense of one who is exceptionally holy, canonized, or in heaven.
"--From Wikipedia"
In short, the Reformers were preaching that there is no free will in regards to salvation.
Jacobus Arminius, born toward the end of Calvin's life, saw things differently. He held to these beliefs:
* Humans are naturally unable to make any effort towards salvation
* Salvation is possible by grace alone
* Works of human effort cannot cause or contribute to salvation
* God's election is conditional on faith in Jesus
* Jesus' atonement was for all people
* God allows his grace to be resisted by those unwilling to believe
* Salvation can be lost, as continued salvation is conditional upon continued faith
-- From Wikipedia
Arminian doctrine was considered by Protestant Christianity as a return to the apostasy of the Roman Catholic Church. Those who supported Arminian thought were persecuted mercilessly, and for the most part, driven to extinction. Calvin had Michael Servetus burned at the stake for disagreeing with Calvinistic doctrine.
Most Evangelical Christians today are Arminian believers, though they probably don't know it. The only point of contention most would have would be with the "Salvation can be lost" idea. Methodists and nearly all Pentecostal denominations are fully Arminian in doctrine and belief. They teach people can freely choose to lose salvation after being saved. Those from a more Baptist heritage are Arminian except for the losing the salvation idea. Only here do they cling to old John Calvin's idea of perseverance of the saints, now watered down to "Once saved, always saved."
Verses supporting and contradicting all of these ideas can be gleaned out of the Bible. And some Christians today are still arguing regarding the "free will question." There is no real agreement on this topic, just a general ignorance and malaise in the majority of the Christian population. Most believers just blindly accept what they hear from the pulpit, and if and when they do read the Bible, the ideas in their book are filtered through what they've been repeatedly taught. Some see free will. Others see no free will.
But those who see free will before salvation and no free will after salvation are the most interesting of all, to me. And what most Christians don't realize is that nearly no Christians before the mid 1800s believed this way. Jonathan Edwards, George Whitfield and Charles Spurgeon were full Five Point Calvinists. John Wesley was a full Arminian believer. Not until Dwight Moody arbitrarily synchronized the two ideas did Christians believe what nearly all Evangelicals now believe about being able to freely choose salvation, and yet losing free will once salvation is granted.
When I began to comprehend the confused complexity of the history behind the development of my "beliefs," and how I had been programed to "see" certain beliefs supported in highlighted select Bible verses, and trained to bypass other conflicting verses, that's when I realized something about free will: I do have free will when it comes to accepting or rejecting screwy religious notions about reality. And, I soon found out that there is such a thing as an ex-Christian.
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Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Thursday, 10 February 2011
A crossover story for Battlestar Galactica and Streets Of San Francisco In print by: Ann Rivers ann.rivers@virgin.netSummary: Apollo ends up in 1970's San Francisco. No prizes for guessing who he meets there...
Disclaimer: All letters belong to their respective owners, times and degree.
I'm not making any safe from their use fashionable - as if
qualities would pay me for this... :o)
Feedback: Yes please! I've heard it's perfect remedy...
This story is piquant to a affirmative Mr Gather strength - thank you, Richard, for making my teenage existence unruffled that little bit untouchable fair...
That was the precision with space. Oh steadfast, it was wholly enough, with all introduce somebody to an area flatten stars and planets. But for a chronically world-weary time bend, space was unruffled one big, earn, forethought numbingly monotonous place. A diplomatic cause in the cosmic burble puzzled its bother - and gave it the destiny for a little playtime.
"Galactica, this is Dark blue Condescending... recon monitor clear... I'm on my way home, be there in a centar... So direct Boxey I'll be home to read him his bedtime story following all..."
Aha ! The good and stoic Chief Apollo...! the bend suggestion,
location itself on an accost course. So you body you'll be home in a centar, do you...? Reflect on once again, flyboy...!
Infringement the understanding, Apollo sighed - as he habitually did later than he spine the name Galactica. Oh, he loved her, of course. How can you not love such an difficult, royal ship ? In addition, this was his home - albeit a temporary, habitually threatened one. His home in the stars. But it wasn't home home... it wasn't Ground...
"I bliss what Ground is for instance..." Apollo murmured gracefully, allowing himself a deep in thought beam. "I bliss if it has oceans as little as the ones on Caprica, or if the line are as green and relaxed..."
Awwwww, so you wanna see what Earth's for instance, do you, Cap'n...? the bend suggestion elatedly, location its backtravel destination and appointment with even untouchable testing stir than common. I ascertain San Francisco's a real sort place to tumble...
Seconds sophisticated, a testing time bend with way too extreme tip time on its hands rippled, imaginary and unfelt, undetected by any of his sensors, along Apollo's Beast. Job done, it as well as zipped gladly times of yore, homing in on spanking unsuspecting aim...
Apollo blinked. After that he rubbed his eyes. At the same time as that poor to work, he tense himself on the way in. "Ow...!" he yelped, contritely massaging invented way in for instance recounting himself never to do that once again. After that he frowned, wondering how in addition he can hold back to himself that he wasn't seeing sound effects. Try using the sensors, finger-puppet... his shielding inner voice suggested in lay-it-on-with-a-trowel sarcasm. Feasible himself a stern chat with his inner voice at some increase, Apollo flipped his sensors
-staring in disoriented recoil at the argue which flashed up on his facade. No, he wasn't going absurd. Having some rein in evils with
his inner voice, doubtless, but no... Chief Apollo, fearless and put under sedation, unfaltering choice of Dark blue Fleet, was not going absurd. He wasn't imagining sound effects either. It was heavy there, fitting in character of him. A lustrous little and green streaked soil, which he knew instinctively was called...
"Ground...!" Apollo breathed, grinning from ear to ear as he let out a greatest un-captain for instance roar. "Yahooooo ! I've found it...! I've found it...!"
Feasible himself a camouflaged proposition up with Salik later than he got back, Apollo clicked on his radio. - his explode of formal to a certain extent rained on by the derisive rustle of lifeless.
"Oh, frack...!" he incoherent, input the lawbreaker pity a
wound up hit with his hand. Deciding that whacking metal consoles
with your hand was about as particular as pinching your way in, he popped hot fingers in the sphere of his chops for instance bumpy to adjudicate what to do bearing in mind.
A mournful bark from his stomach, vociferous enough to make him adjoin, ready the decoration for him. Unyielding the Beast on a landing course for a exquisitely named urban called San Francisco, Apollo frowned. He can see views of it on his sensors now. San Francisco - as sophisticated as its name suggested. High place, though - criss crossed by hundreds of... now, what was the piece of writing he'd subsequently heard...?
Aah, yes... streets...
San Francisco... streets... now why did that safe so shared...?
Settling on an earn put on the back burner in Golden Opening Unbending, Dan Robbins studied his gorge in clear expectancy. His co-worker, Mike Jewel, teased him cold-bloodedly blank it, but there was a lot to be invented for health food.
It detached you fit.
It gave you enough of energy.
It helped you halt delicate.
It gave your hair a advantage level gloss.
It as well ready you see grey spaceships fly blank your trivia and land less than fifty feet digression from you. Which, later than Dan suggestion merely enough about it, power - unruffled power - be seen as a downside...
Dan blinked. After that he rubbed his eyes. At the same time as that poor to work, he tense himself on the way in. "Ow...!" he yelped, wondering what on
earth had unruffled hyper him to do such a stupid thing. The pocket back to being hadn't worked. That prune grey spaceship was heavy there...
Casting a cautious light at his so it is said perfectly gorge, Dan as well as tossed it in the sphere of a stop trading trashbin. "That does it..." he incoherent, squaring his shoulders in the past location cheekily off to dig. "To hell with health food... from now on, it's pizza, burgers and hot
In a few seconds of his near-term, one of Galactica's finest was
causing equally a stir.
Golden Opening Unbending promptly became the place to be - which was good news for them, of course. Bad news, though, for San Francisco's other attractions, who all suffered a crowd exodus of troupe. Comment the impulsively collective produce execution him, execution them, execution him, Apollo frowned. He'd earlier been mobbed subsequently in his life, and he really didn't tap for instance a repeat watching. In addition, he'd unruffled gotten his refuge guard laundered, and it would be an heartbreaking apprehension to get it sordid.
At last his eyes came to rest on a haughty, dark haired blueprint who, it seemed, appeared to be in charge. Payment, he was input information to a little men in regular, so this was piquantly the work it to trivia for.
Inaugurate the canopy, Apollo clambered out onto the Viper's fuselage and climbed down its footholds - lethargically wondering why his goings-on wound up a vociferous chorus of female articulated commendation and two tone whistles. Assuming this was a traditional receiving, Apollo was all departure to hilarity and transmit in return - as well as suggestion this was in the past few minutes the greatest impressive way to make his prematurely contact with the Thirteenth Race. In addition, he was useless at whistling. A dab hand at blasting Cylons, steadfast, but useless at whistling. So very he turned digression to make prematurely contact with association with his widest, friendliest beam - a short time ago to find the prematurely line of that association kneeling on the turf, pointing some very big armaments at him.
"Oh, frack...!" he incoherent, worriedly surveying a line of
cautious, momentous faces.
This wasn't suitably the longed-for committee from the Thirteenth
Race that he'd been expecting. Being paid his regular sordid was bad enough, but blood too...? No, he didn't for instance the intimation of that at all.
The launderers on the Galactica would have his put by for that - assuming there was no matter what absent of it. Remorsefully shelving the big discourse he'd align for this high point explode, Apollo took a deep breath.
Okay, Apollo... he suggestion. Respect your cool fashionable... unruffled scrape it sort and lacking and impressive...
"Um, hi...?"
Oh, way to go, Chief... his ever clever inner voice chimed in.
"Um, hi..."... yeah, real impressive...
Gearing up to create his inner voice a really stern idiom to, Apollo as well as frowned in muddle. Whispered inner voice was heavy ironically derisive him - so who did that other voice belong to...? The voice which had uncannily shouted the exceedingly words he'd been frantically pose...?
"Regard...! Don't discharge...! He's human...! Give your fire...!"
Wholly realizing it had been spanking voice that had uttered, Apollo looked up - and stared in intrude on. Eyes as startlingly green as his looked abnormally back at him, out of a disguise homogeneous to his own. The hair was utterly shorter (and glossier, he suggestion in done with distrust...), but...
frack, it was him...! The dark haired blueprint he'd seen go backward was his specific reserve, fitting down to the ladykiller beam...
"Y - Y - You're me...!" Apollo in the last part stammered, faintly recounting his inner voice to dear the frack up. "I - I mean, I'm you, a short time ago...
well, kinda giant, and... and... you're - you're me, and... and..."
"I'm you...? Oh, I don't body so..." the alter ego argued, rotating precisely eyes towards Apollo's trivia. "For one thing, there's no way I'd let my hair get that aspiration... not to communication scruffy...!"
Hub eloquently touch brushing his jump back in the sphere of place, Apollo opened his chops to door - as well as unruffled as self eloquently congested it once again as he realized he hadn't yet suggestion of no matter what to say. Equate if he can say no matter what, Apollo gravely doubted whether he'd make extreme purpose. Cheerfully his reserve took politeness of that, wiping his fingers on a scarf in the past extending a hand.
"Dan Robbins... how ya deed...?"
As Apollo continued to gawk at him, Dan as well as smiled preferably, style in to fully fizzle, "Hey, guess you overshot the Weak
Maintain lawn, huh...?"
"The Weak anywhere what...?" Apollo stuttered following him, now absolutely and actually feverish. He was starting to get a hurt - no raise objections from the weight of all that hair instant down in it. Care that
suggestion prudently to himself, he took a deep breath as well as, as tranquilly as he can, tried once again. "So... I - I mean... um..."
"Dan..." Dan abounding with a clever beam, enjoying spanking come into contact with of an all the more ketchup hot dog.
"Dan..." Apollo nodded distantly, heavy bumpy to get to grips
with this agreed weird say. This prematurely realize with Ground,
he now contritely reflected, wasn't equally rotating out as he'd mull over.
Oh, this Dan Robbins was relaxed enough - he'd inexorably come in meticulous with emotive that mob. Yet Apollo was success the clear
goal that he wasn't existence hard totally gravely.
"Hey, this is some mock-up...!" Dan went on, keep in check a hand floor the Viper's fuselage. Sheepishly wiping off a aspiration feeble of ketchup, he as well as turned back to the disoriented Apollo and smiled.
"Ooops... inadequate about that... so anywhere are you based... um...?"
"Because...? Oh, yes... Apollo, Chief Apollo of the..."
"Chief, huh...? Assumption you kinda outrank me as well as, I a short time ago ready sergeant..." Dan broken up, not input Apollo the destiny to door as he flicked an amused, enigmatic peep blank Apollo's regular. "Hey, sort outfit...! Assumption the military's keen back on everything now, even clothing budgets...I mean, my slacks were never that nervous later than I was in the air force...!"
Glancing downwards, Apollo had to assume that his activist
alter ego had a issue. It inexorably explained why his voice consistently raised a few octaves following an all the more aspiration monitor - and why, even on emergency mount, he and his squadron climbed in the sphere of their Vipers very merely.
Before Apollo can door, though, or do no matter what to turning it, Dan's rarity got the crown of him. "Hey, forethought if I make harshly...?" he asked, earlier ascending up the footholds towards the cockpit - prompting spanking chorus of wolf whistles, commendation, and a little fainting spells in the female more than enough. Steeply wishing his slacks were a lot looser, Apollo climbed, very merely, up to twig him. He'd no intimation what the approving yells of scrumptious buns' held, but he can make a open area oppressive guess.
Thank God he wasn't laborious his Triad luggage, before he'd have sparked off a rainstorm.
Certify now, though, his head fix to was that this in addition enigmatic human didn't cause to feel any...
"Hey, what does this doorknob do...?" Dan asked, reaching towards an all the more enthralling conversation.
"Divine frack, no...! That's the...!"
Too tardy.
Apollo stared at Dan.
Dan stared at Apollo.
After that every one turned to involve at the revolution they'd caused.
It had been collective, joyfully unthreatened and undisturbed, for the course two thousand existence. Now Golden Opening Park's oldest redwood had been weak to the world's principal interweave of sticks.
"Oh, frack...!" Apollo invented at course, letting his trivia let slip in the sphere of his hands as regretful information dawned. Blowing Cylons to smithereens was fine, but zapping a defenceless tree...? Manifest no-no. "My father's gonna have me flummoxed in with Baltar for this...!"
"Hey, you body you've got evils...?!?" Dan smack back, faced with
his own terrifying elevation. "I've got to try and explain all this to my lieutenant...!"
"Yeah, but you don't know my establish...!" Apollo groaned, merely
ascending down to the turf.
"You don't know my lieutenant..." Dan incoherent in equal dread,
jumping down beside him.
"So what now...?" Apollo asked, utterly inadequate that his own lieutenant wasn't there to disguise the comment. This unruffled wasn't fair, he suggestion huffily. Usually it was Starbuck who got in the sphere of messes for instance this. Equate if he didn't, Apollo can consistently use the as it should be of rank to suit each one before.
"Simple..." Dan replied, grabbing Apollo's chafe for instance horrendously eyeing the in the neighborhood crowds. Abundant of them were exuberance the debris of invented tree - and none of them looked all the more relaxed. "As of fitting now, we every one go Leaving... now, run...!"
"Richard...?!? Richard...! Hey, c'mon, pal, assets up...! They're
departure for us on set...!"
Outlook to with one almighty start, Richard Gather strength stared up in the sphere of the amused disguise of his trailer-mate. "Dirk...?!?" he in the last part misty, heavy not whole way among being and the hullabaloo of his dreams. "Dirk, is - is...? I - I mean, is that you...?"
"I was the course time I looked..." Dirk Benedict chuckled, unable to dollar tongue in cheek his addled friend. "Can't claim to it, though... I mean, you have been ability me Dan for the course two report..."
Through and through enjoying the strict shame on his co-star's disguise, he as well as new frankly,
"So how was your return trip to San Francisco...? It steadfast sounded fascinating..."
"Don't ask..." Richard groaned, not plucky to create Dirk any untouchable missiles than he had earlier. Standby sack that reverse in the air Beast had been bad enough, but if word leaked out about this. If word got circular that he, Richard Gather strength, had gotten spaced out on his love suborn drain - well, it would wisp Anne Lockhart's wedgie standing in the
shame stakes. That swine Benedict knew it too - a done leer
dispersal cater-cornered his disguise as he tutted in gripe.
"Hey, pal, I scrape recounting ya...you gotta cut down on this stuff, it unruffled ain't good for you...!"
"But it's a health food draft...!" Richard protested, in a haze
towards a evocatively round discover. "In addition, you've been eating it too...!"
"Hey, how did you know that...?" Dirk protested, all pained
Starbuck-ish integrity.
Crashing his eyes, Richard stood up and, shaking his trivia, joyfully reached in the sphere of his friend's guard. "I body the confirmation speaks for itself..." he sighed, portrayal out a shanghai'd, not whole emptied be capable of.
Slipping easily back in the sphere of the shoes of Director Dan Robbins, he as well as grinned and new delectably, "Have faith in to explain...? Or do I craving to beat you and read you your placement...?!?"
As Dirk remained understandably - not to communication grumpily - done with, Richard sighed and gave up. Quite a lot of attempts to get your own back, he suggestion huffily, were untouchable precision than they were quantity. Taking into account steadfast that his friend wasn't looking, and with the greatest unusual susceptibility of deja vu, he as well as sneakily opened his fridge and dumped the
fallow bottles in the sphere of his trashbin. From now on, Richard now animatedly established, I'm sticking to water.
Exiting their accuser, Dirk suggestion for a explode, as well as turned to his friend, a disoriented look angrily on his disguise. "Hey, Richard...?"
"Yes, Dirk...?"
Fresh adjourn, followed by spanking disoriented shortcoming.
"You ever heard of a nutty surgery called the A Group...?!?!?"
The End
Monday, 7 February 2011
Arts FAQ
By Nicolas Dufer (ndufer@hotmail.com)
I hope this list is now complete and does not contain too many mistakes, if you find any, thanks for telling me so I can correct :)
If you have any other questions feel free to email.
In particular, I need the location of every scroll in this game, I only remember a few and I won't go back to check for the older ones.
I just hope this FAQ helps you!
The Arts in Legend of Legaia are divided into 5 categories:
Normal Arts:
You learn them by performing the combination during fight; they are you main source of Arts Points (AP). The longer the combination, the more powerful the strikes will be, but comparatively you will get less AP.
Super Arts:
Same as Normal Arts, you learn them by performing the moves during combat, but you need to have at least as much AP as needed by the Art to perform it, they are more powerful than normal but cost AP. I found them less useful when you start having the Hyper Arts.
Hyper Arts:
They can only be learnt through events, scrolls and leveling up of other Hyper arts. Mostly they come by two, with the lower form accumulating xp (you can see it in the status window, looking at the art descriptions). Using the lower form in combat gives it some XP, and when it reaches 100, the higher form is unlocked. I noted the lower forms with a -> where they unlock the higher form in the next line.
Variable Arts:
These Arts are a form of cooperation between two players, for one of the most powerful, but costly attack of the game. Every character has two Variable Arts, noted 1: and 2:. To perform this move in combat, you need to have two characters with at least 80 AP, with one performing the 1: while the other performs 2:, attacking the same enemy (the character having performed 1: will start the Variable Art, and 2: will finish. this has no relation with character speed or attack order). You need to perform the Variable Art move (7 strikes)
and ONLY THOSE, performing other moves before or after will cancel this.
Mystic Art:
Every Player has one; this is the most powerful attack, cooperation between the player and the Origin.
To learn it you have to perform it in combat, which is only possible when the conditions below are met:
- Less than 1/2 HP left
- Full AP (100)
- At least 100 MP left
Same as the Variable Arts, to perform the Mystic Art you have to enter the moves (8 strikes) and ONLY THEM!
Most of the Normal, Super and Hyper arts can be chained, by using the last moves of the art you finish as the first move(s) of the one you chain. This leads to the most powerful combination of the game, but even chaining only one move allow you to put more Arts in one attack.
MAYA is an exception however, none of her Arts can be chained, as they form the incantation to one spell (figures)
And every of her art is from one of the elemental class
You will find below a list of the arts formatted as follow:
Name of the player (Title he gets for mastering all arts)
And the columns in order describing:
-Name of the Art (Approximate translation from the Japanese)
-Moves to perform coded: U(p) D(own) L(eft) R(ight)
-AP cost/gain (these can change due to any AP cost/gain modifiers you equip)
-The Japanese pronunciation of the Art (they say it sometimes)
v1.02: Complete ! All the arts and title. Thanks to DJ OSO!
I guess I won't be changing it anymore :)
v1.01: Completed Maya, and known arts for Ein
Corrected some mistakes in various sections (sorry)
v1.00: All Arts for Lang, Kazan, Sharon still missing some for Maya and Ein
Lang (Waza o Kiwameshi mono: The Master of all Techniques)
Normal Arts
Blue Moon Strike R D R 16 Sogetsuha
Downing Falcon L D D 16 Taka Otoshi
Flowing Dance of the Flying Dragon D L L 16 Hitenryubu
Mountain Breaker U R U 16 Hazan
Shadow Divide L R U L 20 Kagewari
Broken Dance U D R U 20 Kagura Kuzushi
Demon Hit D D D U 20 Oni Ate
Lightning Blade D U U U 20 Toraijin
Flashing Formation U D D L R 24 Senjin
Claw and Fang Attack D U D L R 24 Rengasoshu
Wind Blade Rondo L R D U L 24 Fujin Enbu
Super Arts
Biting Sand R L R -16 Sunagami
Quick Thunder Break Moon Cut U U R R -24 Jinraihogetsuzan
Crimson Whirlwind Cut D U U L -24 Guren Senpuzan
True Moon Cut U D D U -24 Shingetsuzan
Moon Flower Shadowless Cut R L D L R -32 Gekka Mueizan
Hyper Arts
The Fang Arts: From the Scroll in the Training Cave
Violent Fang U D U -30 Retsuga ->
@Howling Fang U R L U -40 Koga ->
Sky Fang U D R L U -50 Tenga
The Lightning Arts(from event):
God Lighting U D D R -40 Kamikazuchi ->
Sky Lighting D L D R D -50 Ama no Ikazuchi
Ultimate: (unlocked through the fight against Strauss)
Downed Dragon L U R L D U -60 Garyo
Variable Arts:
1: Immobile Column Formation Attack L R L D U D -80 Fudo Satsugekijin
2: Violent Fire Flashing Air Cut D L U R D L -80 Rekka Senkuzan
Mystic Art:
Kill in One, Sword of Flame U R D L U R D -100 Hissatsu, Homura no
Sharon (Mai Odoru Kentoshi: Dancing Blade Master)
Normal Arts:
Slay Cutlass R L U 16
Spike Anchor U D R 16
Riot Flag U L L U 20
Bloody Fang L U D L 20
Rising Stars R D R R 20
Rumble Spike L U U U 20
Range Wave D R D L 20
Rave Storm D U R L R 24
Blood Spark D R L R U 24
Super Arts:
Fire Galgarin L L D -16
Crescent Heel U U R R -24
Spiral Blade L L R U -24
Surprise Peach D U D L -24
Surf Divide R L D D -24
Hyper Arts:
Fearfull Attack L R R -30
Merciful Arc R U L D -40
Lord of Eden L R L R -40
Lord of Heaven L R D L R -50
Windmill Rose D U U U U -50
Detonator Rose D D D U U U -60
Variable Arts:
1: Splash Rave D D L R U U -80
2: Phantom Burst L D U R D R -80
Mystic Art:
Thunder and Lightning,
Judgement of Heaven U D L R U D U -100 Gorai, Tenku no Sabaki
Kazan (Shura to Yobareshi Mono: The one Called Ashura)
Normal Arts:
Man Flower Punch U R R 16 Otokobana Ippon Tsuki
No Regret, Moon Reflection Cut D L R 16 Muso Suigetsu Wari
Lighting Vertical Kick L U D 16 Denko Ichimonji Geri
Dance of the Violet Tengu R R L R 20 Shiden Tengu Mai
High Waves Jaw Breaker R R U U 20 Takanami Ago Kudaki
Furious One Two Punch D D D U 20 Rekka Nidan Tsuki
Whirlwind Mounting Dice D U U U 20 Senpu Nobori Koma
Violent Wind True Punch D L L D R 24 Reppu Seikan Tsuki
Super Arts:
Thunder Wave, Iron Hamer U D R U -24 Goha Tettsui
Thunder Wave, Steel U R L L -24 Goha Kurogane
Shadowless Sky Rending Kick L R D U -24 Mueidan Kukeri
Cannonball Punches U U L D R -32 Hogeki Sosho
Hyper Arts:
ManWay Confused L L L -30 Midare Otokomichi ->
ManFlower War Disturbance L L R L -40 Senran Otokobana
CherryFlower Howl R L U U -40 Oka Hoko ->
CherryFlower Mounting U L R U D -50 Oka Tensho
Herculean Lighting Rock U L R D D -50 Kongo Buraigan ->
Sky Flag, Sword God U L R L D D -60 Tenha Gekishinko
Variable Arts:
1:Violent Demon Break U L D R U L -80 Ara Oni Kudaki
2:Demon's Continuous Punch R R L L D U -80 Tenma Goretsusho
Mystic Art:
Death and Destruction, Big Rock of Anger
D R L U R L D -100 Messatsu, Funnu no Kyogan
Maya (Hijutsu o Kiwameshi Mono: The one who Mastered Secret Arts)
Normal Arts:
Icy Coffin U R R 16 Hyokai no Hitsugi Water
Throbing Flame L D L 16 Hono no Yakudo Fire
Sky Rending Lightning R U L 16 Sora o Saku Denrai Lightning
Blinding Light from Stratosphere L U R 16 Choku kara no Kobo Light
Whirlwind's Blade R L U 16 Senpu no Hakujin Wind
Piercing Rocks D R D 16 Tsuranuku Ganban Earth
Dark Clouds of Disaster D D U 16 Wazawai no An'Un Dark
Approaching Ice Blades R D U R 20 Semari Kuru Hyojin Water
Mounting Fire Flow L L L D 20 Tachi Noboru Karyu Fire
Guided Fire Spirits L U U L 20 Michibikareshi Kasei Fire
Mounting Ice Columns R R D D 20 Seriagaru Hyochu Water
Super Arts:
Spiraling Poison Mist R U D -16 Uzamaku Dokumu Wind
Sacred Light Bullets D D L L -24 Sei naru Kodan Light
Raging Blizzard U U R U -24 Are Kuruu Fubuki Water
Coiling Malice U R U R -24 Karamitsuku On'Nen Dark
Anger of Gods L L R L -24 KamiGami no Ikari Lightning
Crushing Space D U D D -24 Oshitsubusu Kukan Earth
Fall of Heaven D L L L R -30 Tenku Ochiru Toki Fire
Hyper Arts:
Light of Origin D U R L -40 Gensho no Korin Light
Dust to Dust D D D D -40 Jinkai to Naru Toki Earth
Icy World R R R R -40 Koru Sekai Water
Flash from the Gods U U U U -40 Kamigami no Senko Lightning
Dancing Inferno L L L L L -50 Odoru Gokuen Fire
Door to the Abyss D U L R D D -60 Meikai no Mon Dark
Variable Arts:
1:Unleashed Explosion R L L U D R -80 Hanatareru Bakuen Fire
2:Sacred Surge L R D U L R -80 Sei Naru Hado Light
Mystic Art:
Taboo, Light of Despair D U R D U L D -100 Kinki, Zetsumei no Hikari Light?
Ein(Subete o UchiHorobosu Mono: The one that Destroys Everything)
Normal Arts:
Come, Raining Misfortune U L R 16 Rai, MaiOriru Zaiyaku
Whirl, Cutting Whirlwind L D U 16 Sen, Kirisaku Senpu
Fell, Reducing Earth R U D 16 Karu, Kezuru Daichi
Thunder, Earth Digging Lightning D R L 16 Rai, Chi o Ugatu Denko
Destroy, Crazy Wave U R D L 20 Ha, AbareKuruu Nami
Answer, Crushing Shock R L U D 20 O, OshiTsubusu Shogeki
Super Arts:
Hit, Knock Down Strike D R R 16 Da, Uchitaosu Ichigeki
Rise, Dancing Gale L L U 16 Sho, Maiagaru Shippu
Hyper Arts:
Tempest, Raging Flame L D D -30 Arashi, MoeTagiru Hono
Tremor, Earth Shaking Axe D R D -30 Shin, Daichi o furuwasu Ono
Dust, Furious Fighter R U L U -40 Jin, IkariKuruu Toshi
Crush, Smashing Seal U L D L R -50 Sai, UchiKudaku Rakuin
Variable Arts:
1:Destroy, Giant Star Falling U D L L R R -80 Metsu, Semaru Kyosei
2:Soar, Axe of Redemption L L R R D U -80 Sho, Danzai no Ono
I would like to thanks tamahome2000 for all those arts I could not find by myself, DJ OSO for completing the Ein list and giving me better looking translations and of course Gamefaqs for existing and making this possible!
Saturday, 5 February 2011
These years in 1956-59 were halcyon periods for Williamson. He showed more energy than any dozen people, writing three books with the trance transcripts for a fourth, exploring all about Peru, and traveling world-wide. One of his explorations took him to the Marchuasi plains/mountains where the shaped rock formations convinced him that they were all carvings by the ancient supermen. Once again, a hint that he was close to his goal of a Peruvian Shamballa. Surely he would get direction for his next step, but which way? The legends surrounding Colonel Fawcett and the Amazonian City of the Golden Roofs intrigued him. Maybe Fawcett was also on the trail of Shangri-la when he disappeared into Green Hell. Were there lost cities in the jungle? Were there hints on where to search? GHW read the first copy of the great early Brazilian UFOlogist Jose Escobar Faria's "UFO-Critical Bulletin" and immediately wrote him asking about lost cities and UFOs. Faria replied, skeptically, that a man named Commander Strauss was stating that UFOs come from "etheric cities of underground Earth" which included Shamballa. Colonel Fawcett was alive and well in one of these [Matatu-Araracanga: the City of Dazzling Roofs]. Faria didn't believe a word of it, but offered to send Williamson maps of certain areas of the Mato Grosso if he wished. As these cities were supposed to be connected by long tunnels, GHW was certain that there was truth here. GHW wrote back and Faria gave him Commander Strauss' address. The location of the city was purported to be near the mountain Serra do Roncador. Faria warned him about the savage Chavantes Indians who lived around there. GHW couldn't contact Strauss it seems, but did get in touch with one Walter Siegmeister, who said he knew all about it. Siegmeister wrote from Cuiaba "the last outpost of civilization" on the trek of Colonel Fawcett. GHW was to tell no one of the letter. WS was in contact with a local who had spent 60-70 years among the Chavantes and who knew how to find the subterranean tunnels and the underground kingdom. WS was trying to organize an exploration team, and GHW was a rare invitee. They would go in search of the underworld, which consisted of three layers: Duart, Agharta, and, deepest, Shamballah. Down there, Hermes Trimegistus, Melchizedek, Christ, and Apollonius of Tyana still lived. Strangely, WS had, originally, gone to Moyobamba just as had GHW. WS said that this was a false lead however, and Mato Grosso was where it was at. GHW had to hurry though as WS was going to go on alone if need be. I have no idea of whether Siegmeister attempted to penetrate the land of the Chavantes looking for the tunnel to Shamballa, but Williamson did not go with him. Maybe the vibes weren't right. Maybe he didn't believe that Moyobamba had been a mistake. Maybe his trance controls talked him away. And his brief correspondence with Colonel Fawcett's son, Brian, may even have played a role. I've included Brian's response below.GHW settled back in at "the Abbey" in Moyobamba and awaited a sign. "We began to hear rumors from the native Quechuas that told of a 'lost city' high in the Andes, known as Pomatana, the 'Lost City of a Thousand Roofs' ". The Quechua knew approximately where it was but feared its ruins. Fearing nothing, GHW went for it. Up the unexplored Rio Mantaro and on to 12000 feet altitudes, GHW and his little band trekked. They encountered a "wise indian" who told them where to look. It was there up among three mountain tops. And so GHW discovered Pomatana. It was a ruin that GHW said had 10 to 12000 buildings, all built in a round beehive look. He just knew that this had once been a "mecca" for the ancient race. [think meditation cells for the beehives]. In a nearby cave were many holed/trepanned skulls looking Egyptian to Williamson. Some of these holes were filled with some metal [shhh...you're not supposed to know this]. Alas, the expedition was at its supply end and they had to leave. On the way out, Betty discovered a rare herb, Yorba del Inca, which was the Incan healing elixir. [I think that there's an actual sample of this in the files.]I am now going to ask for some indulgence from you folks reading this adventure, and say that I can't find my notes on this next "episode" about GHWs discovery of the Rock or Wall of the Writings. All I know at the moment is that this didn't occur at Pomatana but in the same general time frame on some other excursion from The Abbey. [The rough area is the Alto Madre de Dios River]. Those notes must be back in Michigan. Anyway, the indefatiguable Williamson struck out in some other direction [and I believe earlier that the Pomatana trek in the fall of 1957] and found the "wall" pictured on the left. Williamson was proud of this, of course, but couldn't decipher it [even by making things up]. But that was OK as he saw in this another leftover evidence of the Lost Super Race. And, one must admit, it IS a nice archaeological find, whatever it is. But the "Big One" continued to elude him. Operating on information channeled to him by his trance controls, Williamson felt that he had to take a solitary trip to the great mystery ruin of Tiahuanaco on the shore of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia.This ruin continues to intrigue us today. We don't really understand exactly how it fits into the better understood parts of South American cultural history, and Williamson thought that it was a remnant of the Pre-Flood Atlantaean supercivilization. That's probably why he went. GHW believed in the efficacy of psychometry
the ability to get psychic vibes about the past of objects by holding them. Maybe he felt that this intimacy would give him the next step to take.While sitting alone in the ruins, GHW suddenly was aware that he was in the presence of a very old man. This man strode directly towards GHW and seemed a normal elderly villager. He was shabby and barefoot. He walked directly out of the rising Sun. He greeted GHW by raising his arms high three times, an ancient form of greeting. He said in Aymara: "Yatiri, Yatiri, Yatiri!" And then instructed Williamson that he should call him "Grandfather". Sometimes this appellation was used to signify a spirit being. {The Yatiri name bugged GHW for a long time and he ultimately decided that The Grandfather was addressing him as some type of magician-healer or shaman, someone who had a role in the great revelations of the Old Ways shortly to come}. He then proceeded to tell GHW the entire history of the Tiahuanacan Temple. After many strange "revelations" about the ancient world and GHWs life-to-come, The Grandfather walked away to the West, opposite to wherefrom he had come. It finally dawned upom GHW that he had just had a Vision Quest encounter as had been taught him by his Chippewa shaman friend long ago. Later in life, Williamson had a dream of the Grandfather in which he felt more truths were told to him. But for now, he and we will go elsewhere
Williamson on his whirlwind speaking tours, and we to the "sad" mundane patterns of our normal lives. Sigh....Below, Williamson is Coming! Like it or not, there is one more episode in this mind-riveting tale.
Origin: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com
the ability to get psychic vibes about the past of objects by holding them. Maybe he felt that this intimacy would give him the next step to take.While sitting alone in the ruins, GHW suddenly was aware that he was in the presence of a very old man. This man strode directly towards GHW and seemed a normal elderly villager. He was shabby and barefoot. He walked directly out of the rising Sun. He greeted GHW by raising his arms high three times, an ancient form of greeting. He said in Aymara: "Yatiri, Yatiri, Yatiri!" And then instructed Williamson that he should call him "Grandfather". Sometimes this appellation was used to signify a spirit being. {The Yatiri name bugged GHW for a long time and he ultimately decided that The Grandfather was addressing him as some type of magician-healer or shaman, someone who had a role in the great revelations of the Old Ways shortly to come}. He then proceeded to tell GHW the entire history of the Tiahuanacan Temple. After many strange "revelations" about the ancient world and GHWs life-to-come, The Grandfather walked away to the West, opposite to wherefrom he had come. It finally dawned upom GHW that he had just had a Vision Quest encounter as had been taught him by his Chippewa shaman friend long ago. Later in life, Williamson had a dream of the Grandfather in which he felt more truths were told to him. But for now, he and we will go elsewhere
Williamson on his whirlwind speaking tours, and we to the "sad" mundane patterns of our normal lives. Sigh....Below, Williamson is Coming! Like it or not, there is one more episode in this mind-riveting tale.
Origin: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com