Enochian magic takes a view harmonious to Buddhist teaching that postulates a plurality of deities, but no "incomparable" deity. It denies the being of a personality God in the line of attack of an Absolute Spirit. Except, according to the Enochian possibility, present-day are angels, or quick rulers, of each world, each globe and each sun, and so on. This take-off is a determination of a "Law of Hierarchies" which states that from the profile realms of spirit to the kick levels of recognize, everything in in the middle of is unflappable of a host of gods, monads, or life-atoms given in a innumerable of hierarchies. The opinionated regulations are viable to hierarchies:
- All aggregates are unflappable of hierarchies.
- For every hierarchy present-day is a governing chief or hierarch.
- Hierarchies slip-up infinitely appearing in recognize.
- Hierarchies stand up infinitely appearing in spirit.
- The life has a hierarchical piece together, interlinking groups of entities living and working together.
- Hierarchies are uneducated, growth once more time, and die.
- Worlds are produced by hierarchies of huge Builders and Architects passing together.
- Every one of world contains hierarchies of Recorders who meet the armed forces of karmic history for that world.
- The huge elements and planes are unflappable of splendid hosts of sprouting hierarchies.
- Every one of hierarchy is unflappable of a host of minor hierarchies.
- Every one of hierarchy is a side part of a not inconsiderable hierarchy.
According to the Enochian monad case in point, every issue enters the huge planes of vision as unself-conscious life-atoms that slowly growth appearing in timid monads, and they in turn slowly growth appearing in gods as a determination of karmic progress.
The chief of a hierarchy is called the hierarch, each of the watchtowers is viewed as a hierarchy. Any Watchtower is estranged appearing in six subhierachies. The hierarch of each of these is called a Supercilious. Any of the four Watchtowers is furthermore estranged appearing in four subquadrants whose hierarchies are called Archangels. These are further estranged up appearing in minor hierarchies whose rulers are called Angels. In this way, the end life, plain and barely visible, is overfull with beings in shifting states of self-consciousness.
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