There's a dust-up separation on senior at the Pungent Taper - over. It seems that blog landlord Widow's Son posted a taking sides sponsorship of Dr. Ron Paul's presidential candidacy, which turned concerning a a touch puzzling agitation of derogatory reactions from brother Masons. In the midst of all of the caterwaul, the emotion seemed to be that such a tangible taking sides aim had no place on a blog site that featured the mall and compasses of Freemasonry on its masthead. In fact, any mix with politics and the symbols of the group are calculated by some of the posters to be un-Masonic.
Masonic program about politics are normally instead common from one monitor to the upcoming. In the function of a keep on practice is open, no talk about religion and politics. When the gavel flow, yet, offer is universally zoom to linger the summit in addition to brothers of the issues of the day, senior the commemorative board, senior cards or the same as bombardment up the kitchen. Towering Lodges call together program, universally, that stop Masons from using the mall and compasses as part of their commerce or taking sides media hype. But what of a Mason's car that sports a Masonic expert title and a taking sides cushion regard upcoming to it? Does that point toward an official Masonic sponsorship of the sprinter, or open-minded that Mason's opinion?
Likewise, are Masons supposed to elapse off their rings, belt buckles, watches and pins prematurely having a taking sides summit, lest any non-Mason in the room connect he's "utterance for Masonry?"
Having the status of about Masonic lodges that are cast-off as polling places? Having the status of about keep on buildings that allow politicians to speak from their stages? And what of our Brother George Washington, who had the temerity to revisit in glory - as lead lookout you - togged up in all of his Masonic kit at a audaciously taking sides get-together ornamental the cornerstone pose for the Capitol? Was Wbro. Elisha Cullen Dick fast asleep open the pose and to be posthumously castigated for not transport George up on charges? Or are some of our modern brethren open-minded looking for baggage to be anxious about so the group faces far boss challenges than this non-issue?
Brother Widow's Son bluntly states on his blog site that
"This website is the personal site of a Master Mason. It is not concurrent with, sponsored by, or salaried for by any close by keep on, upmarket keep on or other Masonic multinational, nor do the opinions voiced on this site reflect the opinions of any Masonic multinational."
I dubious anyone believes he's in support of the site as whatsoever but his own way of thinking.
Repentant, but until Brother Widow's Son starts transport homeless winos to the polls in the Masonic Hangout bus or retail jello shots for the OES ladies who register to shift the tackle for "the moral sprinter", I don't connect the group is in any problem from him mortal Ron Paul's Sancho Panza.
And the same as we're at it, what of this item from the 1904 elections?