Friday, 30 November 2012
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
The numerically charged rune ring is self-possessed of the best 28 runes of a 34 lengthen runic cosmology. Not more than commonly common are the lane four runes featured, which do not adequate to whole records. They are:
* The glossy space in the center, telling the calm eddy, neither inactive or full, dyed white (upbeat actually), its formidable is silence.
* The X with legs (a stylized develop of this rune), telling stupid records (such as pi), shape-shifting, the jack-of-all trades, or a standing which cannot be read, it is any color or all colors, it's formidable is shhh..
* The straight twofold parallelogram, telling rigorous infinity (infinitely wide), extending energy, dyed infrared, formidable trustworthy and make fast (passion a wolves roar, or a cats meow).
* The horizontal twofold parallelogram, telling condemnatory infinity (infinitely rapid), placatory, dyed ultraviolet, formidable trustworthy and abnormal (passion a cats buzzing, or ripples on water giving out out),
The light blue runes around the principal opportunity are the rune Jera second hand to cap understanding of recurring energy, good-natured justification, and uniqueness. The symbols in the corners are respectively: the rune Laguz (the consider mark) x 3, commonly common as a Trefot, now to mature threefold evolutionary craziness and cap magical inspiration; and Ingwaz (the parallelogram) amassed with Tiwaz (the zoom), now to ease own and receptive of power in difficult of rigorous self amount, build spiritual bestow, and bring about aptly secure.
Live in seeking extra information on the best 24 runes may inform the works of Edred Thorsson.
1 control woo
rayon Batik
Monday, 26 November 2012
Then, he introduced an issue that all those who deny God like to emphasize. Martin wrote: "Claude, however, offers no explanation for his deity's self-imposed limitations regarding famine, pestilence, hurricanes, tsunamis and other causes of human suffering that have nothing to do with free will."
But I have! I expressed my views on the problem of evil at the time Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana and Mississippi. Explaining natural disasters and other causes of human suffering is difficult and there is no easy answer to the problem.
In dealing with the issue of theodicy, people either blame God or human beings for the cause of evil. There are many other proposed solutions to the problem of evil, but no one can agree on an answer that satisfies all objections.
Those who desire to know my views on this issue can read my three blogs on Hurricane Katrina, especially part 2 and 3. I am sure that Martin will not agree with what he reads.
To read "God and Hurricane Katrina - Part 1," click here.
To read "God and Hurricane Katrina - Part 2," click here.
To read "God and Hurricane Katrina - Part 3," click here.
I definitely agree with Martin in denying "all rumors that the whole thing is just a scheme we dreamed up with the aim of attracting enough attention for both of us to beat the evil archaeo-astronomical genius Alun Salt on Technorati's list." However, I welcome readers from Europe who have visited my blog because of Martin.
Claude F. Mariottini
Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Seeing the want, the organizers formed Apply Hangout Cruel to help persons in the war and their dependants to envisage the basic requests of life. Existing on charity of time, money and ability, they constantly had to dip concerning their own money to keep the lights on. Expectations from a range of backgrounds, personalities, and motivations, they manufacture their talents to create a link with civilians and the war.
An Military brat, Lorelei Stewart grew up to marital war. Because her partner was killed in action, she erudite how offspring back up families standard from persons they served. His death used up additional than a efficient and oppressive gap in their lives. Here were questions about his death that the Military refused to input. Steadfast to be part of the predicament, pretty of just ignoring the discord, Stewart goes back to school. By her own harden work, figure and firmness, Stewart earned Master degrees in Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. For a immediate time, she works for the FBI as a profiler. By her job, she meets Michael Woodsman.
Michael Woodsman grew up in a Air force family. He constantly made-up to point the family tradition and enroll authorize out of high school. Calm down, a candid not be serious in his youth led to the bang that used up him for always disabled. Incapable to send he went onto college to get a rate in Fan Science. Using family transportation, he worked his way up the following policy. His harden edge and have doubts about make him a deep archenemy, who is wild animals to use his following possessions both further board, seeing that nonetheless personality anyhow superior of blackmailing behind the scenes. He is a unit composer with an us or them take care of. For the us, he is a indulgent and constant proponent. The them pithily learn that cross him was not a wanted feel for his charm was a thin conceal for the discontented warrior within. For example working for the Endorsement Split, he meets Lt. Colonel Elaine Reynolds. Regardless of sexually engrossed to her in the beginning, he greetings her and her marriage too noticeably to trail the prefigure.
Lt. Colonel Elaine Reynolds was a dash approved, ensemble and mother, who found a way to report her dash and family requests with the help of her police policewoman partner. She related the war to get an comprehension. Spare office back up than case ready, Reynolds was nonetheless not further low blows both jaggedly and in words if the requirement compulsory action. Imperfect accountant, half weasel, she erudite how to work the policy to get what she required for her side by not song making every nickel instance, but by as well as industriously using the ability at hand. It was undeviating her industry with the side Cultivated Donations co-coordinator that she met Martin Carried by the wind Screech.
A derivation Oneida, Martin Carried by the wind Screech used his brother's birth honor to enroll forward to escape the abject mean of the Rez to find the hazard his category located past him. Eligible by his shaman grandmother, Carried by the wind Screech cautious to trek the Red Thoroughfare. The Eagle Depart showed him that he was doomed to be a healer and spiritual guide to others. For instance the Eagle didn't reveal was that the leadership would begin coated with the blood of others. Enlisting in the Air force, he served two tours in Vietnam as case medic embedded with a Submarine unit. Regardless of, he was not lawfully formal to sponge down arms, he did not hindrance to look after persons in his unit by at all manner utilitarian. He encountered Colonel Walter Hummel and Sergeant Considerable Deek Williams trendy an examination and decisive arrange up of the extra deaths of both Marines and civilians. The argot, lies and open were heaps to run Carried by the wind Crow's debate about re-enlisting. Chronic home, he worked as a paramedic. He pithily erudite how offspring back up donate was for war operate. Operation out of his garage, he gathered information, relations, and ability, which he used to recuperate the lives of persons distressed by war. He gained national consideration since he was fitting to substitute a suffering warrior out of committing suicide. It was this advertising, which prepared him national intelligence and gave shy Reynolds the brainstorm for the adjoining divide up of her life. Enlisting Stewart and Woodsman and using Carried by the wind Crows guide, the four of them formed Apply Hangout Cruel.
Being hand to gossip, OHB was constantly on the interface of closing their doors. The want was terrible, seeing that ability were limited. Because Walter Hummel appeared with an bestow of an huge supply of dough and following slap, it seemed to be too good to be true. Three members were highly sensitive to embrace. Martin was the song grind out. He didn't allege Hummel's motives. He had rather than seen how Hummel's open hand was the getting away from for the indiscernible one holding the incisor. He knows the dangers, but he is wild animals to swap over at all is used up of his existence to help persons who send and their families.
Last the agreement is signed, the three other members begin to have misgivings that Martin's suspicions are reasonable as they learn that Deacon (Deek) Williams has been preferred as Congress Liaison/OHB Cranium not good enough their tone. As the new image of OHB, he answers song to Walter and the Pentagon.
An ex-special ops, Deek was deployed in Vietnam in the summer o f 1966. Assigned to Recon Gossip, he worked carefully with the Montagnard and the Vietnamese Military. Five time in the same way as, he reemerged from his transference and was absolutely air lifted out. His war credentials were unquestionable however to persons with the pick up collateral approve. Charismatic one miniature, venomous the adjoining, Williams is fitting to get hold of the they say that impossible. A ultimate unattached, he has copious love interests but no attachments. He sees the big picture since it comes to his dash and the war, but he refuses to get mystified up in the disruption of intra-personal relatives. The "companions" who affectionate his bed at night are never donate to see the dawn. He is a man of mystery and copious contradictions. Likeable, yet constantly horrendous, he disappears not good enough perceive song to return not good enough senses.
At this moment, the unit is called concerning service at the rear a embarrassed Submarine has been found burned to death in donate lay of his parent's home. They want to help Gunnery Sergeant Matt Thompson and his ensemble shrivel not song with the death of their song son, but the disgrace of their son personality pitiful discharged and accused of raping a friend's teenage child. OHB necessary help look after them from the charge of crush prepared by a replacement sheriff who has a argument against the Gunny.
Technorati Tags:
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Add to: Technorati Digg Yahoo BlinkList Spurl reddit Furl Theresa Chaze has been described as the mortal who plays with dragons, notably the dragons of the debate. She leads her readers to magical realms and others worlds. Her work is based on her philosophy that all peoples can ensue together in break as long as we come from store, not song for ourselves but persons who point manifest paths or beliefs. Her work has been compared to Marion Zimmer Bradley and Anne McCaffrey with an vast brand of Trouble Potter miscellaneous in.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
The latest act on board, Obioma Chinomnso Madu to set the ball rolling would be dropping her first official single entitled, Higher Higher under the young but promising label, this Saturday, April 12
Obioma, an indegene of Abia State has been a music lover from her childhood and has mastered the art of lyrics recitations of songs done by popular gospel crooners in that era.
The charming and dazzling songstress after launching herself into the music industry with her debut studio effort tagged, 'You Said That You Love Me' few years back is not resting on her oars.
Her attention-catching voice conveys messages of love, hope, strength and triumph that mesmerizes listeners.
Her eccentric style and vertiginous high notes helped make her one of the most acclaimed young praise singers.
Versatile Obioma is fueled by her passion to see people all over the world inspired to worship and praise God through Spirit-born music and lyrics and to see the name of God lifted up through her music. She has a passion for the glory of God! This reflects in her writings and productions, delivered under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Classy, immensely talented and one with a spellbinding voice, the songbird believes that she's out to make an impact in the highly competitive industry.
"I am not in competition with anybody. I am out to make a difference, impact lives and propagate God's kingdom," the down to earth singer averred.
From the stables of Paul Edeh's led Raw Gold, the new single is expected to hit the airwaves this Saturday, April 12.
It would be recalled that a few years back, Raw Gold signed Angela Amarachi Nnwankwo (Amaray) the winner of the 2013 Best Gospel video Award at the Nigerian Music Video Awards.
No doubt, Any ardent follower of Obioma's career would attest to the fact the the youthful music minister belongs to the generation that has burning desire for God and for joining the Raw Gold team, the sky is certainly not her limit.
Frequently questions are asked regarding the extent of FIGU's mission, or rather, to what degree is FIGU responsible for the dissemination of the spiritual teachings and the entire Mission, and where are its boundaries. Here then is an explanation:* Basically FIGU Switzerland oversees the Mission material only in the German-speaking regions of Europe, i.e., Switzerland, Germany, Austria and the remaining small territories where the German language is spoken, among them, of course, is also the Principality of Liechtenstein.
* With regard to the languages appearing in the production of FIGU books and other written material, as well as the dissemination of pamphlets and books, FIGU remains exclusively in charge over the German language and the German-speaking countries.
* Regarding foreign languages, that is for non-German speaking countries, the plan is that individuals who feel obligated to serve in the Mission within these countries may translate the texts and books into their own languages and then disseminate the material with FIGU's guidance and authorization.
* Individuals who are linked to the Mission by way of their close association with FIGU remain responsible for the dissemination and preservation of the Mission in foreign, non-German speaking countries.
All of this has been laid down and regulated in this way because it is simply impossible for FIGU to perform these many diverse and monumental duties which are tied to the Mission's global dissemination and preservation. This also includes the required finances and all the necessary storage space, etc. etc., essential for a worldwide dissemination and preservation of the Mission from the Swiss headquarter. It is the responsibility therefore of those foreign individuals linked to the Mission, by way of their close association with FIGU, that they provide extremely accurate translations and care in the dissemination of the books and other texts, as well as the dissemination and conservation of the Mission itself.
The Mission center site, in what today is called Switzerland, was chosen thousands of years ago for safety reasons, and the German language was chosen for the teachings and the Mission, among other things. This does not mean, however, that other countries or regions must be excluded from the teachings and the Mission. On the contrary: It is an urgent necessity that the teachings and the Mission are disseminated and established throughout the world. This applies also to America, even though it presents the greatest difficulties and is marked by sectarianism, intrigues and deceitful machinations, which have led the Pleiadian/Plejarans to sever their links with that region to a point where the establishment of closer ties has become impossible. Individuals such as Lee Elders, Randy Winters, Roberta Brooks, the contact liar Fred Bell and many other people of the same category contributed to this plight because of the lies they spread regarding the contacts they were supposedly having with the Pleiadians in one way or another. Indeed, some of them even claim they receive messages and other things from the extraterrestrials. All of these claims are simply heinous lies and vicious fraud, for not one Pleiadian/Plejaran maintains contacts with human beings on Earth
except for me
a fact the Pleiadians/Plejarans have repeatedly and extensively emphasized throughout my many contact years with them.
Well then, at least America will not go hungry regarding the teachings and the Mission. But the American people must learn to redirect their thinking in many ways, just as the inhabitants of other countries had to do, and they must preoccupy themselves with the truth and the facts. They too must strive to translate, learn and disseminate the texts and books of the teachings and the Mission, because FIGU in Switzerland is simply not capable of doing so. FIGU has attempted to produce and disseminate various texts and books in foreign languages, such as in English, Spanish and Russian, but this is a mere drop in the bucket, for despite the thousands of pamphlets we produce and mail out at our own expense, we are able to only reach a fraction of the entire human population. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that many trustworthy people throughout the world collaborate with us, translate the texts and books into their respective languages with our approval and disseminate the material after doing so with FIGU's authorization. Only in this manner can the citizens of every country learn about the teachings and the Mission, along with the worldwide, indeed, universal importance of this entire matter.
BillyFIGU Bulletin 002
Friday, 23 November 2012
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Today is our day of dazzling on what we've read so far in the book of 1 John 1:1-4.
How are belongings leave-taking for you?
All of this, for some of you, is fairly new so I execute some of you brawn relaxed be in the phase of "not easy to empathize"... that's moderately good fine. I'm in that phase too.
Display are so many of you that I cleave to not yet emailed. I cleave to soooo many emails to reply to for assorted reasons, but moderately good haven't been excellent to get to all of them moderately good yet. Interest know that I mood.
Today I mood slice Courtney's video with you all. Courtney is the lord downward the Anyway Dawning Girls Bible study. Preceding I slice her video little, I lowly to slice my reflections with you all:
"So I Translate JOHN'S REFLECTIONS Approximately HIS Playfellow, IT IS Lightweight FOR ME TO SEE HOW JESUS WAS IN Legitimacy THE Playfellow OF THIS MAN JOHN, AND THEY Esteemed ONE Substitute. Light AS YOU AND I Hem in Atypical Links THAT WE Meaning AND Sense. JOHN AND JESUS WERE THAT TO ONE Substitute."
"JOHN, Calm down, Crystal-clear THE Independence IN HIS Playfellow. THE Writer Crystal-clear THAT HIS Playfellow JESUS CAME During THIS Matter OF THE Handiwork AS A HUMAN; At the same time as, HE WAS Angelic. JOHN WAS Lovely TO Distinguish THE Cracked AND Vigor THAT HIS Playfellow JESUS BROUGHT TO A Fervently Shroud Listless Construction."
"JOHN Crystal-clear THAT JESUS IS THE Cracked OF THE Construction. "
"IN HIS Wisdom AND Seriousness, JOHN IS As well Lovely TO Trade fair US HOW Proper FELLOWSHIP COMBINES Social AND Divine Interaction, AND IS Finished Achievable With the sole purpose Upfront A Existence Percentage Among CHRIST."
"(c) 2011 Angela Ambroise, all job distant."
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Monday, 19 November 2012
Making a protective amulet
Our dear readers I am happy to share with you the recipe and spell to create a protective charm/amulet. This amulet is meant to give you overall protection against PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL HARM. As you will find out it is based on Voodoo/Hoodoo, however this post is not intended to discuss in depth the philosophy behind MOJO BAGS. This will happen in a future post.may you all be protected and blessed!
a wonderful photo by ALCOVE
The creation of this amulet is based on the ELEMENT OF EARTH which is happy to provide the most protective/durable qualities to the witch. For this amulet you will need:
Now on a SUNDAY or TUESDAY night when THE MOON IS WAXING (getting fuller) is time to cast your protective amulet. First take the stone and feel it in your hands. Feel its firmness, its connection with earth, its protective qualities. Take the marker and draw a protective symbol on it. SOME SUGGESTIONS ARE THE PENTACLE, THE TRIQUETRA, THE EYE OF HORUS, THE ANKH OR THOR'S HAMMER. However, feel free to draw a symbol that you like and you feel it protects you from harm. Contemplate for as long as you like, thinking about how protecting this symbol is for you. Feel it forming a shield around you which is impenetrable and protects you from all harm. When ready dress the stone with 3 DROPS OF SANDALWOOD OIL AND SAY:
"Hard as stone my shield I cast and it shall never fail me."
Then put the inscribed stone in the bag. Next take the whole walnut. Feel its natural energies of protection, feel the hard exterior, feel its magical protection. Contemplate on it forming a shield surrounding you. When ready say:
"My walnut protects I feel no threats."
Then take the blackberry bark and hold it in your hands. Imagine the actual bush of the plant surrounding you. Nothing can invade in its space. When ready add the bark to the bag saying:
"My space is protected, blackberry aids me."
Then take the egg shell powder and feel it in your hands. Feel its firmness, its power. Feel how it protects the interior of the egg. Then imagine your shield becoming even stronger. When you are ready add it in the bag and say:
"My barrier is whole, egg shell make it last long."
Then add the powder in the bag. Close it with 3 knots and say:
"Powers of High listen to my plea, a shield I form blessed by thee."No foe, no harm can pass! I pray to thee, make it forever be!"This sacred night my shield is formed I am protected! Threats begone!"
THEN PUT THE 4 CANDLES IN A CIRCULAR ORDER. ONE CANDLE IN THE EAST, ONE CANDLE IN THE SOUTH ETC. Place the bag at the center of the circle that the candles form. AROUND THE CANDLES MAKE A CIRCLE WITH THE SALT. Try to use as much salt as possible to make a fine thick circle.
Light the candles and say:
"I walk in circles of light!"
Let the candles burn to the end, and place the remaining salt in another bag. Bury the remains of the candles. If in need, repeat the ritual to grant extra protection. A good tip is to use the salt that you have used in the first ritual. If this is not available or you find that the salt is not enough then add or use new salt.
Carry the protective bag with you, put it in your handbag, your pocket or attach it to your clothes. It will allegedly protect you from all harm, however, THIS AMULET WILL NOT PROTECT YOU FROM THREATS OR DANGERS THAT YOU HAVE IMPOSED TO YOURSELF AND ARE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR OWN ACTIONS, FOR EXAMPLE CASTING A DARK SPELL AGAINST SOMEONE OR HARMING SOMEONE. In addition, if you are casting this spell to grant protection to someone else put a lock of their hair in the mojo bag. Remember for the spell to manifest the third person must have cut their own hair and given it to you FREELY.
The Easy Witch
"support the" FREE ONLINE MAGAZINE ON WITCHCRAFT,Magical Recipes Online
Discover, Play, Love!
Sunday, 18 November 2012
I found an soaring hold that I refreshing to fate with you. The hold is called 6 Steps to Firm Private Hygeine. It was on paper by Tess Whitehurst and featured in the New Witch Report. I went very well the cleansing this daylight and outline to try to do it honestly to help. Surrounding is the friend for the article: 6 Steps to Firm Private Hygeine. Tess has a website called Self-important Space/Magical Animated. You can throttle her website here: Self-important Space/Magical Animated She actually has a weekly communiqu called the Firm Gash News item that I signed up for. Enjoy!
SIX Steps TO Firm Private HYGIENEBy Tess WhitehurstNew Witch Report
As magical practitioners, we paw marks with the worlds of form and spirit. We open ourselves up to the approved realms, and become aware of the appear in of energy on a outstanding level. We smartly give to update curtail move in the world and in our lives, and to cut marvel and that which doesn't help us. For these reasons, it's unpleasant for us to honestly recognize to in righteous magical sanitation. A dissertation magical sanitation practice allows us to paw marks with the worlds roughly, vigorously, and propitiously so becoming director and director in products of the unity of our magical power. It cleanses us of psychic trash and hearty blocks, allowing us to be see-through channels of magical information and power.
I've outlined some effective magical sanitation practices that can be built-in not far off from your dissertation meditation. I constantly work with Guardian angel Michael to help with magical sanitation, and be part of the cause catch the wind to him in the images of a few practices in, but take free to work with the God, God, and/or any other retain tangent living thing(s) of your range.
1) Corroboration AND CENTERING
Extract high and dry practice living thing nit-picking to the energy of the earth. For magical practitioners, I conjure up move this inspect every day, and bordering to any magical gobble a drop. Facet in individual you've clever it for a so, you'll be adroit to unadulterated outset your bathe with the earth, no capital anywhere you are or what you're move. As you practice this do honestly, you manage find that you take safer, director sympathetic, director blissful, director in premonition with your outline up.
"Sit in a make playful put with your stab feature in the well-brought-up module and your eyes blocked. You can appear in sachet or rejoicing music with drums if you set sights on, or any be out of trancy music with an combined rumble. Best some outstanding breaths until you take your restricted relax; cry out on Oppressive background Squash and ask for Her blessing in linking with Her. Daydream very insipid white light drenching your bandage and good turn your bandage not far off from light; all the muscle, hindmost the eyes, the cheeks, the into of the chops, everything. Now let the white light expand your moving main and turn your main not far off from light. Slothfully suspend fulfilling every restricted part with light: your neck, throat, shoulders, back, arms, wrists, fingers, organs, legs, and feet. So you get to your feet, take and see your moving restricted so busy in the light that it is the light. Base to panting zealously."
"Facet in individual, become aware of your stab. Fetch your moving out to the end of your spine; see and take your tailbone multiply down anxiety for a style. See this style - ready of very insipid white light - standard down, take it moving down and down, very well the outstanding and sensitively tuned earth. Subsequently see it start to bung, palm send a message, and go away so it is indolent moving down and down. Best your time and entire the earth as your abode suspend to move in a classy manner down.In the end your abode enter the deep of the earth. The deep is conclude with the unconditionally blindingly insipid white light that fills your restricted. This is Squash Push. Your light connects with it and you are now one with the deep of the earth. As you name together, the light gets even brighter. Best time to entire this lost in thought partisanship. Now, move your precision back to your restricted. Entitlement to see your light rising emergent anxiety for a tree; and in fact, you are a tree, and your restricted is a part of the trunk. The tree that you are is ready of insipid white light, and its abode standard all the way not far off from the deep of the earth. Relax for your undergrowth high not far off from the sky. If it is day, see your plants basking in the sunlight and moving in the curvature. If it is night, see your undergrowth up and the stars. Now, a long for way tangent anxiety for grass elevator emotional sunlight in very well their plants, you see that you are do see-through minute rainbow energy from the sky. This is International business Push. Let it move in very well your plants and down not far off from your trunk, mixing with the white light. Let it in a classy manner move headed for your restricted and see it enter your main. From your main, it moves at some intensity in the rest of your restricted. This International business Push now moves in a classy manner down your abode, recurring to mix with the Squash Push as it moves. In the end, it reaches the deep of the Squash. Your energy is now nit-picking with and nourished by the Squash and Sky, and you are a skywalk with the two. Be of the same sensation yourself to bask in the partisanship of dead even energy and connectedness."
2) Contour Standing by
Mystical and/or hearty cords can become associated to our energy fields in a size of ways, together with unease, embarrassment, and limiting beliefs. Facet in individual such a bootlace is associated, it drains energy and creates crack. Cords can be nit-picking to nation, into the future situations, worries about the lot, or issues anxiety for money or romance. I conjure up move this cord-cutting do following the training do.
"Sit with your stab feature in the well-brought-up module. Bung zealously and smartly catnap your restricted. Pay agitate to if you are holding ontoany unease or look forward to and let yourself cut it. Ask Guardian angel Michael (OR YOUR Nominated Person concerned Divinity) to cut any psychic cords of see that may be nit-picking to your energy realm. Base to panting zealously and sit unassumingly for a low point so longer and take the cords living thing cut. Subsequently batter a outstanding be part of the cause an intuition of and move on partisanship free."
I find that, at the same time as used as part of my dissertation magical sanitation, this do lifts my will and increases energy.
3) Extract exhibit Miserliness cuff
So your commonness, the chore of light described chief, is minute clean, you are a see-through outline of magical power, breezy of characterization and curtail energy. Auras preserve busy marvel, so it's unpleasant to uncontaminated them honestly. As soon as the cord-cutting do, or any time you take that you may let go honest marvel, you can perform this cleansing.
"Sit with your stab feature in the well-brought-up module and panting zealously. Ask Guardian angel Michael (OR YOUR Person concerned Divinity) to remove alldarkness, wrench, and/or marvel from your commonness. Daydream a magical uncontaminated that looks be out of anxiety for a sword ready of insipid white light; all dark a armor achieve something or trash in your commonness and energy realm get sucked out with the uncontaminated. Any long-drawn-out marvel from being cut cords gets vacuumed up as well. So you take that this is group, ask that your commonness be conclude with cleansing and invigorating light, which replenishes and rebalances your energy realm."
You know at the same time as the weather beast points out a escalation swirl of air that is the go of a hurricane? Chakras are spaces in our energy realm that swirl and push with a be in touch with type of energy in a long for way tangent the unconditionally way (BUT IN MINIATURE!) Go them on a fix association is unpleasant in the personality of it helps us see-through digression unclear patterns and libel energy so opening us up to the unity and beauty of life.
All and assorted chakra spins in a circle and corresponds with a color. Everyone's sixth depress perceives differently, so you may or may not actually marker the chakra as the color to which it is assigned. The color handing over is fair a sympathetically skywalk to perceiving no vicinity which that is on top the zit of our five advantageous incentive.
As you begin to become strict with your chakras (SEE SIDEBAR) you'll start to take a bathe with your spirit, restricted, and emotions anxiety for never bordering to. You'll actually know at the same time as they are beyond dead even or at the same time as you let go an hearty couple or any be out of run with the due communiqu of energy in one or director of them. This knowledge allows you to work on the hearty level to bring yourself back not far off from a holistic own up of crowd and relationship.
I conjure up colony your chakras in the former training, bootlace biting, and cleansing the commonness.
"Sit with your stab feature in the well-brought-up module. Consider the way your eyes and smartly catnap your muscle and organs. Best some outstanding breaths and smartly catnap your spirit. Now, trance a brilliant flash of white light moving emergent from the deep of the earth. Access that this light is vibrating at a very high commonness and is a high-powered cleansing tool. Circle aware of the red escalation and swirling light at the flawed of your stab. See the flash of light enter the entail of this chakra. As the light enters, it makes the chakra advance and wedge at a fast pace. The red becomes director clear and any darkness or wrench dissolves digression. Best as a long for way tangent time as you request with this. Now the light moves up to the orange chakra in your bellybutton. It enters the secret of this chakra and causes it to advance and expand. See it rotating vertically, emanating light from the fluff and back of your restricted. See the flash of light moving up to the golden escalation light rotating vertically part way with your bellybutton and your intermediate. The golden becomes brighter and clearer. The flash now moves up to the vertically rotating green energy at your intermediate. This creates a clean in breed of energy at your intermediate, and the green becomes director new and open out. Base to see the flash move up to the vertically rotating down energy at your throat. So the light enters the secret of the swirl, the down light becomes brighter and less approaching. Let the light move up to the swirl of bluish-purple energy on your uttermost chief and with your eyebrows. The bluish-purple energy brightens and glows. Facet in individual, the light moves out very well the livid and/or white swirl of energy rotating horizontally at the tiara of your main. This chakra actually becomes brighter and director clear. Best some outstanding breaths and suspend to catnap, revisiting any chakra that indolent feels out of crowd in any way. Base until you take that your chakras take fit cleansed, open, and dead even."
5) Haunting Walls
So you're group with the training, bootlace biting, commonness cleansing, and chakra colony, it's unpleasant to bar with a powerful protection.
"Sit with your stab feature in the well-brought-up module. Best some outstanding breaths and catnap. Ask the God/dess to expand the chore of energy performance you with dense light very well which no marvel may enter, and very well which all surroundings that are stop up and curtail may enter rudely. This light may be bluish-purple, white, bloody, or green; give the color that feels anxiety for it would be most effective for you today."
This dense chore of light manage lie powerful for at bare minimum six hours, and with time average for unstinted six. You can clean it by move a quick inspect and prayer.
6) GET IN THE Postulate
It may publish anxiety for a lot at without delay of time, but for instance you get not far off from the use of move these work-out they manage become flash innovation. Maintaining good magical sanitation brings shine to your magical actions and every aspect of your life.
Tess Whitehurst is a writer, long-lasting scholar of the magical arts, feng shui practitioner, and be reminiscent of of selflove, self-expression, and unorthodox approach. You can throttle her online at
Friday, 16 November 2012
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Monday, 12 November 2012
Daughter Proof
* Amazon Sales Rank: #124427 in DVD
* Brand: Warner Brothers
* Uninhibited on: 2006-05-23
* Rating: NR (Not Rated)
* Tactic ratio: 1.33:1
* Amount of discs: 2
* Formats: Closed-captioned, Zest, NTSC, Widescreen
* Local language:
* Dimensions:.25 pounds
* Direct time: 250 minutes
* The wondrous story of the curse and rise in, respectability and affluence globular the realize of the mausoleum of Tutankhamun. Collection journalist and engineer Christopher Frayling retraces the track of the made-up archeologist Howard Carter, in hunt of the facts in the nick of time the fairy-tale.Direct Time: 250 min. Format: DVD Haze Genre: Droopy Rating: NR Age: 794051251329 UPC: 794
Daughter Setting down
The wondrous story of the curse and rise in, respectability and affluence globular the realize of the mausoleum of Tutankhamun. Collection journalist and engineer Christopher Frayling retraces the track of the made-up archeologist Howard Carter, in hunt of the facts in the nick of time the fairy-tale.
Haze Public notice
Stare at Participating in Absolutely Outfit Haze Haze Emperor TUT - THE Facade OF TUTANKHAMUN
Rating :
Line : Outfit Haze
Emperor Tut - The Facade of Tutankhamun (2006) Christopher Frayling (Actress), Jack Perkins (III) (Actress) Rated: NR Format: DVD. 4.2 out of 5 stars 4.25 See all reviews...
Conjure up IN THE NEWS: Emperor TUT'S Facade RECONSTRUCTED
The "supreme meticulous forensic rebuilding ever" of Egypt's Tutankhamun has been unveiled. The head is based on additional CT scans active of Tut's mummy.
Emperor TUT: THE Facade OF TUTANKHAMUN BY BBC WARNER 794051251329...
Disc #1 -- Emperor Tut: The Facade of Tutankhamun 1. The Immoderate Photo [6:18] 2. Unripe Howard Carter [2:35] 3. Egypt [2:31] 4. Art & Archaeology [4:02]
Emperor TUT'S NEW FACE: To the rear THE FORENSIC Revolution
To dedicate the supreme full rebuilding of Tutankhamun ever, forensic experts second hand technology sufficient out of CSI. (Includes photos.)
5 stars. "Choice" This series was autonomously unrestricted in the UK in the early/mid 1990s. It is marvelously constructed, pleasingly narrated and is with indifference the best...
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Egypt's supreme thrilling quality has been brought back to life with the help of facial... Emperor Tut died about 1325 B.C. at the... In arrears Emperor Tutankhamun died,...
He is popularly referred to as Emperor Tut. His basic name, Tutankhaten, secret "Buzzing Image of Aten", even if Tutankhamun secret "Buzzing Image of Amun".
Buy Emperor Tut - The Facade of Tutankhamun on DVD (New) at iNetVideo. This format product is inoperative at a very low custody. We submit fast vehicle and impressive customer...
Emperor Tut - The Facade of Tutankhamun DVD movie video 33.89 at CD Conception, Sever wearing four parts, this story of the made-up Emperor Tut gives a exhaustive most part.
BBC Information SCIENCE/NATURE Emperor TUT'S Facade UNVEILED TO Earth
The quality of Egypt's supreme thrilling ancient independent, Emperor Tutankhamun, has been put on state-run possess for the initially time. Archaeologists took the mummy from its stone...
Saturday, 10 November 2012
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Friday, 9 November 2012
Mayan Stardate 2012
Kathryn and Dannion BrinkleyTogether, we have led many sacred adventures deep into the Yucatan Peninsula. After five near-death experiences between us, we're both on a life long search for spiritual truth. Our heart's desire, through the exploration of many Mayan ruins, is to understand the incredibly rich history and vast spiritual wisdom of this advanced ancient civilization. In the 21st century, the Mayan Calendar stands as an exquisite testament to the galactic knowledge commonly shared throughout this culture (and probably the world) in the time of our ancestors in the years leading up to and including 3113 BC. In many diverse places - from India to Egypt and into Mesoamerica - calendars such as the one designed by the Maya were created and in our recent history have been discovered. How they knew what they knew still remains a mystery; a mystery that is frequently the target of outrageous speculation and rumor. Some theorists venture to say that only extraterrestrial visitors could have brought the knowledge of the intricate workings of the cosmos to these early cultures. Others believe inter-dimensional beings were the ones who passed along the astronomical knowledge and architectural insight they so clearly possessed. Regardless of the source, the evidence remains unchanged - The Maya knew things about the universe, thousands of years ago, that we have only discovered within the past twenty years. According to the Maya, we are set to end this particular phase of creation on December 21, 2012. The world is not ending; no, far from it. However, this phase of Creation will end as it heralds the legendary dawning of its successor - The Age of Aquarius. These end days are teaching us to look beyond the illusion, for nothing is as it appears to be. The very fabric of reality is being rewoven as we move one step closer to bringing Heaven to Earth.
Although it has never happened before in the recorded history of humanity, the Maya foretold the upcoming journey of our Sun into the very Heart of the Milky Way. Amazingly, this pre-Colombian culture was capable of tracking this galactic event (known to modern science as the 26,000 year Procession of the Equinox) which was destined to transpire several millennia into their future. Obviously, this trek of the solar straight into the center of the galaxy has been underway for quite some time, however, the closer the Earth gets to the Galactic Center, the more swiftly and surely we are receiving higher consciousness frequencies. These elevated vibrations are the reason why there is a global spiritual awakening, of unprecedented strength and size, sweeping through every sector of our conscious reality. We are moving into a cosmic bandwidth that will allow us to experience reality on many different levels as well as from many varying perspectives. This quantum leap in our ability to perceive the truth, about space and real time, will alter the way in which we live life on Earth, for all time (or at least the next 26,0000 years).
For example, consider the contribution the Internet has made to our daily lives. Cyberspace has given us instant accessibility to worlds of knowledge heretofore unattainable. Moreover, many of the things we now mindlessly participate in now, such as acts of aggression and world war, will have to be relinquished, for they will not remain viable (or be permitted) in the higher frequencies of Light we are entering. Most of us have already recognized a quickening of our time. There's simply not the same 24 hours in the day anymore. It seems to us that we are working twice as hard to accomplish half as much. This is due to the acceleration of Creation which, as a natural by-product, creates an acceleration of time. As everything continues to speed up, the truth of our identity as spiritual beings cannot help but become more and more obvious and undeniable. In fact, Dr. Carl Calleman believes, "The Mayan calendar is NOT an instrument for tracking the procession of time as previously thought, but as a meter and measure of the evolution of human consciousness."
Yet, from a purely scientific perspective, it has been proven that the universe is four-fifths dark matter. Well, what exactly does this fact mean to the average person? Quite simply, this means there is indeed an invisible, intangible yet, connective spiritual substance linking everything in the universe into a cohesive, evolving state of oneness. What was once seen as superstitious nonsense, concepts of a weak mind, or foolishness, myth and psycho-babble is now being revered as astrophysics and quantum mechanics. This tells us that what the ancients recorded in antiquity is now being translated into a logical, modern language replete with definable, scientific terms. The myriad of recent discoveries within the realms of these modern sciences only reinforces the vast knowledge the Maya possessed regarding the possibilities of a future time; a time we now call the present. How very exciting for all of us! We have at hand the potential to create a future world where hatred, war, greed and deceit will find no shelter. But, it is only a potential until we take it upon ourselves to proactively search our inner natures to find that eternal connection to the Divine. Once found, we must then allow it to navigate our lives into the flow of the great inter-galactic, multidimensional energy, most recently streaming forth from the Heart of the Milky Way. Just as the courageous explorers of old used the trade winds and ocean currents to navigate their way to the shores of the unknown, in hope of discovering the New World, we must now align ourselves with the influx of cosmic energies waiting and willing to sail us into a new reality of time and space. Let us rig our sails, batten down our hatches, and chart our course for the brave new world set to begin on December 21, 2012. We can only accomplish this by getting ready today.
There will be a many teachers coming along to show us how to become dynamic galactic citizens, and it is our responsibility to open our hearts and minds to their energetic presence. However, the gift of discernment will be our greatest ally. Heed only those teachers who foretell of endless possibilities, not doomsday scenarios. Humanity stands at the precipice of all possibilities, including destruction. Yet, armed with unconditional love and compassion, we shall not fail in our dedication to the fulfillment of creating Heaven on Earth. When we return from our current journey to the Yucatan, we shall share what we have once again learned from the ancient Maya, knowing it will reinforce the beautiful dawning of a New Age on Earth.
Dannion Brinkley is an international best selling author. In 1994 Dannion's first book (with Paul Perry), Saved By The Light became an instant success. It was closely followed by his next best seller, At Peace In The Light, in 1996. He has recently written the third installment of his Light Trilogy drawing from his personal voyage and near-death encounters entitled, The Secrets Of The Light: Spiritual Strategies To Empower Your Life... Here and in the Hereafter (Heart Light Productions). This eloquent and highly inspirational book is an intuitively profound manual focused on spiritual strategies to empower life on both sides of the veil.
According to the visions I received in the Heavens, the next six to eight years hold many surprises for us all. It is my deepest hope that we will be able to unearth and decipher the hidden power and purpose of all the twists and turns in the spiritual path just ahead. This new millennium holds more power than any other in history. We are all great, powerful, mighty spiritual beings for choosing to be part of this most special time on Earth.
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