When you have any kind of relationship, particularly a magickal one, you develop a karmic tie. You will want to avoid such ties with people you don't like. Even if you get the best of such a person, he will still drag you down. It's difficult to resist when you feel that the person owes you. If you have been swindled and left with no legal recourse, it's tempting to use magick to get your money back. Trying to get even will develop a tie with this person and probably set you up for some bad karma. Don't worry about the money, either. You can get that from anywhere (see "Prosperity"), In seeing this swindler as your only source you give your Power to him. If you are brave, you can demand justice in such a situation. This incurs no karmic debt, but you, too, can expect justice. Not very many people genuinely want this. Most prefer mercy because we have all done plenty of things that we would rather not have to pay for. If you want mercy, you must extend it to others. When you ask for justice, all your debts present themselves. If you survive, great, but it won't be fun. There are much safer ways of dealing with nasty people.
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