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Friday 8 November 2013

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Just A Reminder
SABBATSThere are 8 Sabbats, or days of power. Four of these are determined by the Solstices and Equinoxes. By Observing the Sabbats, Wiccans attune themselves to the Earthand to their deities. They reaffirm their Earth roots. These are times of of real as wellas symbolic power.Yule:The Goddess gave birth to a Son, the God, at Yule (21st December) The Winter Solsticehas long been viewed as a time of divine births. Yule is the time of the greatest darkness and is the shortest day of the year. To Wiccans it is a reminder that theultimate product of death is rebirth.Imbolic:Marks the recovery of the Goddess after giving birth to the God (2nd February) Imbolicis when the earliest beginnings of spring occur. This is a purification after winter.It is also a festival of light and fertility.Ostara:This is the Spring Equinox (21st March) The Goddess blankets the earth with fertilitybursting forth from her sleep. On Ostara the hours of day and night are equal. This isa time of beginnings.Beltane:Beltane has long been marked with feasts and rituals (30th April) Beltane marks thereturn of vitality. Litha:Midsummer, The Summer Solstice (21st June) At this time the earth is awash in thefertility of the Goddess and God. Midsummer is the time for magic of all kinds. It is a time when the powers of nature reach their highest point.Lughnasadh:This is the time of the first harvest. (1st August) The plants of spring wither and droptheir fruits or seeds for our use as well as to lensure future crops. Mabon:The Autumn Equinox is the completion of the harvest begun at Lughnasadh. Onceagain day and night are equal. Nature is reclining drawing back it's bounty ready forwinter.Samhain:Samhain, also known as November Eve, (31st October) is a time for reflection, of looking back over the past year, of coming to terms with the one phenomenon of lifeover which we have no control - death. It a time when Wiccans remember theirancestors and all those who have gone before.AND SO THE WHEEL OF THE YEAR IS COMPLETE

Origin: way-of-witch.blogspot.com