I know represent are loads of solo practitioners out represent, and they accept speckled reasons for extract so. Maybe these are ancestors who are working out for themselves how to give themselves as the crow flies the shape. I see in your mind's eye that is entirely real, and they shouldn't dictate an outsider's blessing to do so (someone also to dub them 'initiated', if they've worked originally all this time).
Grant you, I know zero about valid ordination, and if these online schools care for with that, then I conclude that's real.
Impart is so far-flung information out there; so diverse sites that force send you towards book lists and cash. Sitting room because this. I don't see why you dictate to pay a outcast.
And to me, vending religion, vending secrets, if you force, goes against everything we are.
Equally, pronounce from ordination, to what end? Are you then avowed a priest/priestess and now you can teach/start a group? That goes against all the sense of right and wrong I referred to in trade. Where's the mentorship? How do you learn to teach and intensify and fun a dynamic group if you didn't come from that?
/rant. for now.