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Tuesday, 16 December 2014

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Alpha Omega In Scandinavia



Today on the day of the Vernal Equinox, former A Hierophant Tomas Stacewicz declared the official opening of his new magickal order in Scandinavia, the Hermetiska Orden av den Gryende Morgonrodnaden (H.O.N.A.),

I take pleasure today in welcoming the H.O.N.A. as yet another traditionalist Hermetic order in the greater Magickal community.

It is important to understand, however, that the H.O.N.A. and does not operate under the authority of our order, the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha Omega, nor as a jurisdiction of our outer order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. It also does not share our unique curriculum. The, which according to Stacewitz, is geared to meet the unique needs o Hyperboreans. operates as a completely separate order, which according to Stacewitz, is geared to meet the unique needs of Hyperboreans.

It is important to further clarify that the initiatic mission of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha Omega today continues in Scandinavia uninterrupted, as it has since 1992.

In 1997, the A opened its second Temple in Scandinavia, the Thoth Ter Maximus Temple Number 9, in Gothenburg, Sweden. At that time, it was my pleasure in appoint Tomas Stacewicz as the first Hierophant of Thoth Ter Maximus Temple.

On December 21, 2013, Tomas Stacewicz officially resigned from the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha Omega to create his own magickal order according to his unique personal vision.

Upon the resignation of Frater Stacewicz, it was my sad duty to install a new Hierophant of Thoth Ter Maximus Temple Number 9 from among the Thoth Ter Maximus members who chose to remain loyal to the A, rather than follow Frater Stacewicz into his new order.

Of course, Mr. Stacewicz took the temple implements he created to his new order along with him. Furniture, however, does not a temple make and the work of Thoth Ter Maximus Temple Number 9 continues today under leadership of loyal temple members who quickly replaced all necessary temple furniture.

Frater Stacewitz today wrote:

"I ceremonially closed down the Thoth Ter Maximus Temple No. 9 on this Vernal Equinox Assembly, a Temple which I myself founded, created all the implements, props and robes for (and which I still own) and named back in 1997, after being authorized to work it by David Griffin, and which I have worked since then until this Vernal Equinox. In my magical universe there doesn't exist any Thoth Ter Maximus Temple No. 9 anymore in Gothenburg, Sweden, or anywhere else for that matter."For the record, although Frater Stacewitz was duly installed Hierophant of the Thoth Ter Mazimus Temple Number 9 in Gothenburg, Sweden, his authority ended with his resignation from the Alpha Omega in December 2013. He was in no way authorised to close any temple of the A.O. Instead, he was merely replaced as Hierophant with another member of that temple who remained loyal to the A.O.

I find it fascinating how precisely today Frater Stacewitz magickally relinquished all interest in Thoth Ter Maximus Temple Number 9 of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha Omega, because today, at the precise hour of the Vernal Equinox the new password of the Alpha Omega was bestowed on Thoth Ter Maximus Temple Number 9 - and its new Hierophantria was regularly installed. Nothing is more central in the Golden Dawn thatn the mysteries of death and rebirth. While Thoth Ter Maximus Temple is indeed dear fot Frater Stacewitz, it cetrainly lives on without him in the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha Omega.

Mysterious indeed are the ways that magickal egregores protect magickal orders!"Behold my Brethren, she who now stands amongst us, clothed with the attribute of lawful Revealer of the Mysteries for those whom we are leading towards the Light."- Golden Dawn Equinox RitualHierphantria at Vernal Equinox Assembly 2014Thoth Ter Maximux Temple No 9Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawnouter order of the RosicrucianOrder of the Alpha OmegaScandinavian Jurisdiction

Throughout Scandinavia, the initiatic mission of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha Omega today continues uninterrupted, as it has since 1992. Despite the resignation of Frater Stacewicz and his wife Jessica from the A, the work of Thoth Ter Maximus Temple Number 9 of our outer order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, continues uninterrupted today as it has done since 1997.

Hiereus at Vernal Equinox Assembly 2014Thoth Ter Maximux Temple No 9

Having made this important clarification, on behalf of all of the Fratres and Sorores of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha Omega, I wish Frater Stacewicz and his wife all the best with their new order. May their students show to them the same fidelity that they themselves have shown to the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha Omega along their initiatic career.