What advice can more experienced players give as we figure out what characters to play in our first game?
Are there any good printed character sheets out there yet? I searched through Reddit and didn't find much beyond this one, which is good enough but I expected to find a lot more. What do you use for a character sheet?
How important is it to have a character in the group who can cast healing magic? Is a Ranger good enough at covering that role or will we need more healing? I am worried about the ramifications of no more "magic item shops" and so being unable to buy wands of CLW to cover a party that has a lack of healing spells like you could in 3.X edition.
Can a Warlock cover the arcane caster role of a group, or is his spell/day too limited for that? How important is it to even have an arcane caster?
Any other advice/tips for someone coming from Pathfinder to 5E?
Reference: witch-selena.blogspot.com