This Carved Yucca Cactus Staff with Compass Pinnacle Top has been both Hand Carved is a beautiful and sturdy magickal tool. Each staff offered by The Glass Witch Magick Shoppe had been carefully selected for its enhancement found in its beautiful and natural wood. Like all things of nature each one will be slightly different than another as all come from nature.
This beautiful Carved Yucca Cactus Staff with Compass Pinnacle Top has been designed from a pine branch. Handle carved with a working compass adorning its top as the Pinnacle of your staff. A rubber cap has also been added to the bottom for protection making this an amazing staff for magick, walking, renaissance faires and gatherings. It has a thong threaded through the end for hanging. Approximately 47 inches long.
Each staff will enhance the energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying the energy of the staff for balancing, focusing and transmitting it as well as giving protection.
Yucca Cactus is a genus of perennial shrubs and trees in the family Asparagaceae, for their rosettes of evergreen, tough, sword-shaped leaves and large terminal panicles of white or whitish flowers. They are native to the hot and dry (arid) parts of North America, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Yuca (spelt with a single "c"). It is also colloquially known in the Midwest United States as "ghosts in the graveyard", as it is commonly found growing in rural graveyards and when in bloom the flowers appear as floating apparitions. Yucca Cactus is a much more renewable and eco-friendly option than many hardwoods that is both light weight and strong.
Yucca Cactus also known as Adams Needle is used in magick for: Transmutation, Protection, Purification, Animal Magick and Personal Strenght.
The Glass Witch likes to offer our clients the most unique and magickal tools. Our Wands and Staffs come in wood crafted by Mother Nature, Crystal, Glass and pewter, Copper and Brass. All are hand crafted and selected by Lady Abigail, High Priestess of Ravensgrove Coven with over 50 years of magickal understanding. A Witch of many magickal crafts, she and husband Lord Rick are solely responsible for all of our items such as, Wood Books of Shadows. Staffs & Wands. Each made with devotion to the old ways and the many traditions of Witchcraft.