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Tuesday 17 July 2012

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Ostara Sun Enter The Sign Of Aries
"I'm one with the Divinity

and open to Her Ripeness."

6th Day of the 4th Astronomical Paddock

Ruled by Artemis

Astronomical Tree Paddock ~ Fearn/Alder

3rd Day of the Celtic Tree Month ~ Fearn/Alder

Moon Phase: waxing crescent

Moon sets: 12:15AM EDST

Moon rises: 9:27AM EDST

Moon in Taurus v/c 3:41PM EDST

Moon enters the Inconsistent Air Wigwag

of Gemini at 8:28PM EDST

Blodeuwedd's Paddock of the Moon

Astronomical Meditation: Contest upon truth

Sun enters Aries at 1:32PM EDST

Sunrise: 7:24AM EDST

Sunset: 7:31PM EDST

Positively Equinox/Ostara - 1:32PM EDST

Lunar Examination for the Day: "Is your disparagement diminishing

someone or something?

Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Locality of the Meeting

March 20th, 2010


Aries is the first of all sign of the zodiac and a Intensity sign, dramatic be partial to, energy, and innovation. It is to boot a Cardinal sign, bringing eagerness, the compel to extend out and to passion action, but to boot shakiness.

Live in inherent like the Sun is in Aries are regularly brawny, assertive, express and pure. Peculiarly they present off an air of attention and urgency, and methodically sexuality. It is test to miss an Arian like they are in the room! They are sudden and twitchy, methodically seeking quick have a spat. Brave and confident with an bold spirit, they can revisit spoiling for a fight and inconsiderate. Like the same as quick principles they especially pay conflict to spell out. so the projects they proposal methodically run aground. Show well anywhere take and interest are required, they are piercing at exploring new avenues, so crave as they are aligned with someone with a practical close. They are eager in love, but may whole unthinking and wounding, in reality as they are not good at listening. On the hurtful close they can be negligent, uneasy, unthinking, and bad-tempered.

For Arians this is a time to performance to your strengths but be tossing and turning of your weaknesses; proposal new diplomacy but put off remark until the Sun enters a new position. Be absolutely tossing and turning of the colony to let buddies eel that they are listened to and that their facts and atmosphere are dear. For others this is the time to use the ambient energy to hope new solutions to tranquil trouble. If you know an Arian, ask them for insinuation, but present it hard-working held upfront plunder action.

[From: "The Right Witches' Meeting" by Kate West]

Positively EQUINOX Good turn

The Positively Equinox, like day and night are smooth in scale, is a time of extent. Both prearranged as Oestara, it is a flea market of Eostre or Ostara, the Anglo-Saxon Divinity of Positively. This is an correct time for some accurate thriving maintenance, a time to be rid of the bad and buoy up the good fashionable your life.

Falsify by making two lists of 9 items each. The first of all essential be stuff which you would delight in to be rid of. The first of all 3 are accurate, perhaps bad habits; the next 3 control your contact with others, eg old resentments or guilt; and the categorical three control the land, eg the loss of emergent life to cars on the lane. Unpleasant a instant list of 9, once again in three parts, of stuff you would delight in to bring, possibly a new job for yourself, superfluous acceptance in your multinational with others, and the fruitful growth of crops.

Warm a black candle and read the first of all list aloud three epoch. Magnify the paper, and ask the Divinity and the God to passion these stuff from you. Daydream these negatives tender in the vigor and the same as carried tangent in the smoke. Such as the paper has flat tire scalded, put the candle out. Now light a white candle and read aloud, three epoch, the list of stuff you would delight in to bring to your life. Magnify this paper and ask the Divinity and the God to bring these stuff to you. Daydream your desires the same as carried to the Gods in the smoke. Let this candle radiate all the way down.

[From: "The Right Witches' Meeting" by Kate West]

Origin: practicing-wicca.blogspot.com