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Saturday, 21 January 2012

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(8-8,Jehana) You are now in your room, the incurable ahead you...
You encounter your own power and energy compilation, burgeoning...
A ashen unhappy light surrounds you...
It expands out and revealed from you, forming in the sphere of unhappy flash...
Budding, burgeoning, reaching ever outwards...
Boston unhappy flash... energy grid... moving facade...
Connecticut... Shelton....
unhappy flash.... energy grid.. moving facade...
New York Township....
unhappy flash, speeding southwards...
Sweater Township....
Nadir flash, thinning out southwards...
Twig Rouge...
Nadir flash, energy, powergrid, linking...
Nadir flash, racing back towards east...
Linking Boston.
The Change is Throw...
The Change is fluid; citizens who catch fish to approach in leisurely may well make available this circle.
The Change Is Throw.

(8-18,Needlework) Guardians of the East. We receipt you.
Your praise of snappish air.
Your jump breezes.
Your new beginnings;
and their contract of substantial vision.
Be put forward now!
Guardians of the South. We receipt you.
That spark of life that smolders within
the sleeping microorganism and the pregnant ewe
and the forsythia buds.
Your contract of Summer's heat.
The rush of love's affection.
Be put forward now!
Guardians of the West. We receipt you.
The melting ice, stuffed from the strike.
The jump rain that indistinguishably drapes us with love.
The healing upright of water burbling from a jump.
Be put forward Now!
Guardians of the North. We receipt you.
The rocks below the winter blizzard.
The pedigree of leaves seeking earth's warmth low.
The intensification of the hills, the swipe of the biting mountains, The tracks of the wolf in the new-fallen blizzard.
Be put forward now!

(8-8,Jehana) We right upon Brighid, promoter Holy being of
the Fires of the Forge;
the Fires of Symbol of hope.
We right upon Brighid, promoter Holy being of
the waters that devote life
Say life, transforming seeds
secreted hollow under the chill
in the sphere of the awe-inspiring gift of Blight and Time and
We right upon Brighid and become notion
the Sword, reproduction by fire, and tempered by water.
Greet, and Greetings!

(Here, any and all are receipt to approach their own dynasty invocations)

(8-13,Babs) Greet Lady of the Imitation.

(8-22,Lynne) I right white and golden light to the Property for her healing I ask Bridget to send a blessing onto the Property (8-13,Babs) Put together it so.
(8-18,Needlework) Seize a microorganism in your hand. Divider yourself gone the difficult microorganism shoot down. To the kind pit in the sphere of. At one end of the pit is a insignificant, bright direct.
The pit can rift in unfinished and the bright direct becomes a insignificant germinal vine.
Escort the microorganism planted in the kind win of the garden. The blizzard shoot down the terrestrial insulates the microorganism from the insensitive winter winds as it sleeps. The insignificant germ feels the gentle warming of the sun and the wetness of the melting blizzard as it dreamily wakens. This wakening of the insignificant, contained microbe of the vine is Imbolc - the experimental stirrings of Leap. The time for instance the insignificant sprout thrusts pedigree in the sphere of the win, and prepares grass to record the sun's projected edibles and warmth. Similar to the terrestrial is kind, the blizzard gone, and the sun encouraging upon the land it attitude be park. Imbolc is the time for instance the pregnant mares progress bulging udders for their foals, and about two weeks ahead they toss, the oozing colostrum dries in the sphere of a waxy shoot down on the teats. Similar to this happens, the grower knows that her time is go bust. Leap attitude be seen absolutely, and every one the mount and the grower attitude be park. This is Imb-olc. The name comes from the
"Oim" (ewe's) - "olc" (milk). The ewe's udder, notion the mare's, swells and prepares for the origin of clone lambs - routinely in leisurely February or infantile Give a demonstration.
This sign was very crucial for herdsmen in the north to the same degree ewes routinely phase for a isolated place to devote origin, and if her time was go bust with a bracing insensitive come back with or leisurely winter inundation brewing, the argue could be botched. This is what's more a day one-third complete the Celtic Solar Month of Luis; the Rowan tree. The celebration of Brighid's (Reproduce) Day, or Candlemas, one of the 4 Vast Flash Festivals of the Celtic Year. The others are: Beltane, Lammas, and Samhain.
For each, a balefire, bonefire, or candle was lit to smudge the spiritual beginning of the taste. It was seen as the restitution of spirit, the spiralling out another time from shadow. Let us go to nap tonight consideration about these new early stages. These new births, and the beginn-ing of our new selves. To concentrate on our own early stages within the womb of the Blood relation. How we begin another time with the understanding, compassion, and love conceived within her profitability. Let us concentrate on maintaining a groundedness within Her.
Turning on learning to spotlight ourselves to the odd jobs at hand and taken as a whole them with the peacefulness of worldly wise that She guides our every move and execution. In so work, we attitude become over defensive and advantage, on your doorstep and vault.

(8-8,Jehana) (Hang on to thoughtful and feel on this)
Thank you, Brighid.
We elevation Your gifts and Your blessings.
Greet and Leave-taking !

(8-8,Jehana) Guardians of the East, we thank you.
For your praise of snappish air,
for your jump breezes,
for the new early stages you bring us,
we thank you!
Greet and Farewell!

Guardians of the South, we thank you. Reminding us of the spark of life that smolders within the sleeping microorganism, the pregnant ewe, the forsythia buds. For your contract of Summer's heat, for the rush of love's affection,
we thank you!
Greet and Farewell!

Guardians of the West, we thank you. The melting ice, stuffed from the strike.
The jump rain that drapes us with love. For the healing upright of water burbling from a jump, we thank you! Greet and Farewell!

Guardians of the North, we thank you. For the rocks below the winter blizzard. For the pedigree of leaves seeking earth's warmth downward; the intensification of the hills, the swipe of the biting mountains, The tracks of the wolf in the new-fallen blizzard.
we thank you!
Greet and Farewell!
(8-8,Jehana) The energy that surrounds us, contains us; the unhappy flash... See it... Delicate the unhappy vigor that loop this our Change See them flash sensationally. And now, widdershins, the unhappy flash starts to tire out.
Flash on your doorstep the Change stout,
Let it tire out below the terrestrial
Let all notes be as they were

Credit: alchemy-and-alchemists.blogspot.com