What you need for your personal magick wand is a hazel stick, at least one meter long (you can use a longer one if you wish). You need to cut it of the hazel tree personally using your athame. Best time to cut it is in the night of the full Moon in the hour when it is 100% full.It should be thick enough to fit in your hand normaly.Just before you cut the stick out chant these words:"Permission i seek of thee,Blessed be my hand,To take what i needFrom your sacred land."Now cut out the stick and draw the symbols of the four elements (fire, water, earth and air) on it. On one end of the stick draw the symbol of the God and on the other end you need to draw the symbol of the Goddess. You can also draw other symbols you think are important or decorate your future wand as you wish.Now take the stick with both hands and hold it in the direction of the moon and chant:"By the light of the moonThrough this mystic night Blessed be this wandIn this sacred rite.By the Guardians of the SouthOh masters of FireBless this wandFulfill my desire.By the Guardians of the NorthOh masters of EarthBless this wandWitness its birth.By the Guardians of the WestOh masters of WaterBless this wandIn your watery quarter.By the Guardians of the EastOh masters of AirBless this wandYour power now share.Let this sacred toolCreated in the name of TheeChannel my willSo mote it be!"
Reference: way-of-witch.blogspot.com