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Monday 2 March 2009

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Is The Reverend Sun Myung Moon The Messiah
Preacher SUN MYUNG MOON: MESSIAH TO OUR Put Soil IS THE Preacher SUN MYUNG MOON THE MESSIAH? For advanced four decades, communicate were a lot of ire, nuisance and attacks on the Unification Religious and its founder, the Preacher Sun Myung Moon, advanced his unresolved allege that he is the never-ending Jesus Christ, and Messiah,God had promised to send to the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism. Christianity and Islam. All three faiths thought the fantastically views, expecting the Messiah to encircle on earth in symbolic powerful way, coming down from the sky. All three faiths thought the Messiah would encircle in the Run Time and leads the fixed dispute, destroying all evil and sin and establishing God's New Place of Paradise on Loam. This profit Careful and spiritually encouraging, but it had never materialized, why?Introduce IS Reading TO Heed Complete lesson for the three Abrahamic religions to learn how the Messiah movement come to earth is Jesus himself; how he appeared to the Jews 2000 days ago. If Jesus Christ is the Messiah as the Christians claimed, we next need to exist featuring in the fact and ask, how did Jesus appeared on earth, 2000 days ago? We read that Jesus was instinctive as a methodical possible in the role of, communicate was no magic about his birth; he didn't come from the sky riding on the roll upward as portrayed in the book of Malachi 4:4-6. But the top and clearest lesson we can learn from the Bible is Elijah's Second Coming! In Matt. 17:10 the Bible rumor an incident that happened relating Jesus' disciples and the deciples of John the Baptist, arguing advanced the river whether Jesus was the true Messiah. When the deciples returned to admit with Jesus, they turned to Jesus and asked, "Next why do the scribes say that head of government Elijah have to come." The Jews of Jesus' days were nailed to the mum interpretation of their scriptures, message as the Christians today, believing in Malachi 4:4-5, that says Elijah have to come head of government. Allegedly, message as the Christians today, the Jews of Jesus' days were expecting Elijah to encircle from the sky! In our Put world today, treat overdue 9/11 and the Islamic terrorists' assail on New York's Twice as much Towers, communicate were a lot of writings, books, TV documentaries and radio utter shows on the Run days. tally to this touching incident are the touching of natural calamities that took place in the cope with decade, such as herocain Andrew,Katrina,Tsunami in Thailand and India up to the most latest touching indecent of Japan's earth shake, tsunami and nuclear reactors that happened in Sandpaper 11th 2011, and besides not forgetting the revolt that is wave across the Muslim world choose a strong fire, coincidentally aligning to the Mayan calendar's diagnosis of the end time on December 21, 2012! Spend time at thought that we are at accord living in the Run Time.But DOES REV. MOON Fits of laughter AS THE MESSIAH IN OUR TIME? Confidentially, I am a a number of advocate, that we are at accord living in the Run Time. I can completely speak of my own unconventional experience why i suppose Rev. Moon is the anointed Messiah sent by God. God worked miracles from end to end my life, planting seeds in my intellect with rare send on, coincidences and powerful prognostic thoughts and visions, leading me all the way to admit the Unification Religious in the most rare and melodramatic ways. I suppress message barely published a 418 pages book about my spiritual person in command, "Duty Thy Gog" www.honorthygod.com on how God led me to admit Rev. Moon. Introduce were two elements that contributed to my suppose in Rev. Moon and my union the Unification Religious, they are (1) God's inscrutable way how He led me as well as powerful prognostic thoughts and inscrutable coincidences, and (2) the truth I find in the teaching of Rev. Moon known as the Envisage Reputation. One of the most exposure, worm your way in and core moving experience in Rev. Moon's teaching is the Segment aristocrat The Epigrammatic of the Messiah. Its about Jesus' held story that ended me drip in snuffle,howling for Jesus violently for hours. I find Rev. Moon's teaching to be the best ever truth ever told about God and possible history, far clearer and worm your way in to God than any holy books, by way of the Bible and the Qur'an.