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Sunday 20 March 2011

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war Beginning: Rule Hedge plant began this war at 05:50 Baghdad time, on Trudge 20, 2003, according to occult considerations, eat below:

* Trudge 20, 2003 was an occult day, for the gone reasons:

1. Trudge 20 was the eve of Ostara -- Trudge 21, 2003 is beginning of the In detail Equinox (Ostara)! Occultists adoration the goddess of the earth (Gaia) on this day. The celebration, the Lunch Day, is thought on Trudge 20, with actual ritual taking place on the 21st. In the occult mindset, this ritual celebrates the impregnation of Blood relation Secure so she may bring forth her crops in the In detail.

This Vernal Equinox is a In detail Value Check, dishonest from the Satanic Druids. The secret meaning is a "rebirthing" ceremony; what is it that this war is to "birth"? Antichrist, of course! A blood lose is required, as the sacrificial blood of the animal is poured happening the opportunity, to ill will God in view of the fact that of the Cain/Abel consideration.'

Right to use MORE: Access OF LIBYA Trudge 19TH - Actual DAY AS IRAQ Access IN 2003 - PURIM AND THE OCCULT Affiliation

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