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Tuesday 15 April 2014

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Spell To Make Someone Love You
Oh, badly constructed mock Olde Engylsshe. Troubling many an otherwise good spell. This spell uses the classic rose quartz, a popular love drawing stone.

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 red or pink candle, to light the way to thy love[']s heart.

A handful or more of red rose petals, to trap thine spells power.

a piece of blank paper to scibe your love[']s name

a strong will.

a piece of rose quart[z] to trap the power inside.

(a pen)

(you will need enough of the petals to scatter in a circle big enough for yo[u] and the candle)


[T]ake the petals and scatter in a circle around you, then step into the circle of petals and place the candle in front of you and light it. [T]hen hold the rose quarts above the flame and say:

'[L]et this rite begin!'

and place the rose in[ ]front of you. [H]old your hands above the crystal.

[C]hant this 3 times:

'[B]y goddess name and goddess will,

by [A]phrodite's power,

let his heart no longer be still.'

[W]ave your hands above the candle and and then replace over the quartz.

'[C]andle[']s power, and candle[']s light,

sift my love into his heart.

and let the spell work its might.'

'channel the love into this stone,

whence he takes forth,

he will no longer be alone!'

[N]ow write yours and his name onto the piece of paper, and say:

'[in case] of untimely problems arrisen,

keep the names and the petals,

to release him from his unearthly prison!'

'blessed be.'

This spell is to be found at the page Volatile Love Spell - Free Magic Spell, with attribution to wonderinstar.

Credit: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com