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Wednesday 20 July 2011

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Animal Totems A C
What follows is an alphabetical listing of animals and their symbolism, from the letter A through the letter C.

ALLIGATOR / CROCODILE - A symbol of creation and destruction. When an alligator or crocodile appears in a dream or meditation, you should be on the look out for opportunities for new knowledge and/or wisdom. As a totem or power animal, the alligator or crocodile is there to offer opportunities to develop new wisdom but you must be careful not to be consumed by this wisdom. Study each bit of knowledge carefully before going on to the next.

ANT - A symbol of patience, stamina, and community-mindedness. When an ant appears in a dream or meditation, it is the promise of success through persistent effort. As a totem or power animal, the ant is there to teach you to become the architect of your own life.

ANTELOPE - A symbol of action, speed and adaptability of mind and body. When an antelope appears in a dream or meditation, it signifies knowledgeable action, and to trust in your instincts. As a totem or power animal, the antelope is there to teach you to truly live and that action is the key and essence to living.

ARMADILLO - A symbol of knowledge of boundaries, a need for protection. When an armadillo appears in a dream or meditation, it means that you have a need to define your own boundaries, and learn to protect yourself not just in physical ways. As a totem or power animal, the armadillo is there to help you adjust your rhythms and senses, so that you will know what is safe and what is not.

BADGER - A symbol of aggressiveness and self- reliance. When a badger appears in a dream or meditation, it is a call to leadership and the need to be aggressive. As a totem or power animal, the badger is there to teach you the willingness to fight for what you want.

BAT - A symbol of transition and rebirth. When a bat appears in a dream or meditation, it is a call for the end of one way of life and the beginning of another. As a totem or power animal, the bat is there to help you face your greatest fears and get rid of the part of your life that no longer is needed.

BEAR - A symbol of introspection, strength and leadership. When a bear appears in a dream or meditation, you are being encouraged to take up a leadership position. As a totem or power animal, the bear is there to inspire bravery, you must be fearless in defending your beliefs.

BEAVER - A symbol of building and shaping. When a beaver appears in a dream or meditation, you are being reminded to act upon your dreams and make them a reality. As a totem or power animal, the beaver is there to remind you that dreams are easier to build with a team helping.

BEE - A symbol of service, community and of accomplishing the impossible. When a bee appears in a dream or meditation, you should remember that anything is possible with the help of others. As a totem or power animal, the bee is there to remind you that no matter how great the dream is, there is the promise of fulfillment if you pursue your dreams.

BLACKBIRD - A symbol of the mysteries of Mother Nature. When a blackbird appears in a dream or meditation, a new understanding of the forces of nature and of life is being awakened in you. As a totem or power animal, the blackbird is there to tie you closer to Mother Nature.

Bluebird - A symbol of modesty and happiness. When a bluebird appears in a dream or meditation, it is a reminderthat you are born to happiness and fulfillment, but you can sometimes get so wrapped up in everyday things, that happiness seems rare. As a totem or power animal, the bluebird is there to teach you to work hard AND play hard.

Blue Jay - A symbol of the proper use of power. When a blue jay appears in a dream or meditation, it is a warning to avoid becoming a bully, or to avoid becoming a jack of all trades, master of none. As a totem or power animal, a blue jay is remind you that you may have tremendous abilities and potential, but you must learn not to be scattered and neglect to develop your abilities to their fullest.

BOAR - A symbol of self-reliance and protection. When a boar appears in a dream or meditation, it is urging you to become more organized and self-reliant so that you can face life problems and come out the conqueror. As a totem or power animal, the boar is there to guide you fearlessly through the trials and tribulations inherent on everyones lifepath.

BUFFALO - A symbol of abundance and the need for prayer. When a buffalo appears in a dream or meditation, it is urging you to pray for all living creatures and give thanks for all the gifts you have already recieved. As a totem or power animal, the buffalo is there to teach you to walk a sacred path, to honor every walk of life.

BULL - A symbol of masculine energy, stubbornness and the sun. When a bull appears in a dream or meditation, it is time to ask yourself if you are being as productive in your life as you can be, or if you are being too stubborn. As a totem or power animal, the bull is there to teach stability without stubbornness.

BUTTERFLY - A symbol of transformation and grace. When a butterfly appears in a dream or meditation, make note of the most important issues in your life, and see what needs to be changed. As a totem or power animal, the butterfly is there to teach you that growth and transformation does not have to traumatic; it can occur gently, sweetly, joyfully.

CAMEL - A symbol of survival and replenishment. When a camel appears in a dream or meditation, it can signify hard times ahead, but that everything will turn out good in the end. As a totem or power animal, the camel is there to teach you the ability to remain positive in the harshest of times and experiences.

CANARY - A symbol of the power of voice and heightened sensitivity. When a canary appears in a dream or meditation, it reminds you that sound, whether spoken or sung, is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. As a totem or power animal, the canary is there to give you the power of your voice.

CARDINAL - A symbol of self-importance. When a cardinal appears in a dream or meditation, it is time to pay attention to your health and well-being. As a totem or power animal, the cardinal is there remind you that no matter what time of the day or year it is, there is always the opportunity to recognize the important of your life purpose.

CARIBOU - A symbol of mobility and travel. When a caribou appears in a dream or meditation, it is likely that you will be either traveling or need to be open to it. As a totem or power animal, the caribou protects you as you travel through life.

Cat - A symbol of independence, sensuality and grace. When a cat appears in a dream or meditation, youre independence is in question or you need to show some grace under pressure. As a totem or power animal, the cat encourages independence and confidence.

CATBIRD - A symbol of language and communication. When a catbird appears in a dream or meditation, it is cautioning you to be careful about what you say and to whom. As a totem or power animal, the catbird gives you a facility for learning languages and communicating.

CHAMELEON - A symbol of adaptability and flexibility. When a chameleon appears in a dream or meditation, it is showing that you must find the ability to adapt to new situations. As a totem or power animal, the chameleon teaches versatility, and is also associated with clairvoyance.

CHICKADEE - A symbol of cheerful and truthful expression. When a chickadee appears in a dream or meditation, it is asking you to express the truth in a manner that heals, balances and opens the perceptions. As a totem or power animal, the chickadee can help you uncover the mysteries of the mind.

CHICKEN - A symbol of fertility and sacrifice. When a chicken appears in a dream or meditation, it is warning of a sacrifice you must make in your life, but can also mean that you are shying away from such a sacrifice. As a totem or power animal, the chicken is encouraging fertility, not just of body but of mind and spirit.

CHIPMUNK - A symbol of curiosity, trust, and the balance between trust and caution. When a chipmunk appears in a dream or meditation, you are in need of this balance between trust and caution. As a totem or power animal, the chipmunk brings curiosity and playfulness into your life.

COCKATOO - A symbol of inquisitiveness, communication skills and unpredictablity. When a cockatoo appears in a dream or meditation, it is indicating a need to work on your communication skills. As a totem or power animal, the cockatoo is there to teach you how to communicate in unpredictable ways.

CONDOR / VULTURE- A symbol of death, rebirth and purification. When a condor or vulture appears in a dream or meditation, it is there to remind you that you can soar above all your limitations. As a totem or power animal, the condor or vulture, is there to teach you to use your energy, powerfully and efficiently.

COUGAR - A symbol of leadership. When a cougar appears in a dream or meditation, it is there to remind you to be a fair and just leader, and warn of abusing your power. As a totem or power animal, the cougar is there to teach you to be a fair and effective leader, and how to balance power, intentions, strength and grace.

COYOTE - A symbol of humor and adaptability. When a coyote appears in a dream or meditation, it is there to prepare you for a situation/s where everything that can go wrong, will. As a totem or power animal, the coyote is there to teach you to laugh at yourself and Lifes ironies.

COW - A symbol of feminine energy, fertility, and the moon. When a cow appears in a dream or meditation, it is there to help you with the more mundane aspects of fertility, as well as the relationships that go with that. As a totem or power animal, the cow is ready to help you find stability and prosperity.

CRANE - A symbol of justice, longevity and creation through focus. When a crane appears in a dream or meditation, it is there to teach you the importance of focusing your creativity and energy on one important project rather than scattering it on several minor ones.As a totem or power animal, the crane is there to teach you the proper focus in your life.

CRICKET - A symbol of intuition and belief. When a cricket appears in a dream or meditation, it is there to tell you to trust in your intuition, for it is more accurate than you may believe. As a totem or power animal, the cricket is heralding an awakening in your psychic abilities and warns of using them without proper grounding and centering.

CROW - A symbol of creation and spiritual strength; the keeper of the Sacred Law. When a crow appears in a dream or meditation, it is there to tell you of Change coming into your life. As a totem or power animal, the crow keeps you mindful of your actions and opinions, you are being asked to walk your talk.

Credit: 33witches.blogspot.com