Rules and Affairs for Lammas/LughnasadhSymbols: Shear, wheat, all grains, Corn Father, lump dolly, berries, the sun, fire, sun dials, Catherine Soar, Sirius the dog star.Gods and Goddesses: The largest God big at the time of Lammas is the Sun God Lugh from which the name Lughnasadh is derivative. The most important Holy being is the Father goddess Ceres or Demeter. Long-standing Gods may hold Gods: Cernunnos (Celtic), Dagon (Babylonian), Liber (Roman), Llew (Welsh),), Neper (Egyptian), Odin (Norse), Osiris (Egyptian)Long-standing Goddesses hold Alphito (Greek, Bast (Egyptian), Gaia (Greek), Ishtar (Assyro-Babylonian), Isis (Egyptian), Libera (Roman), Rhiannon (Welsh), Robigo (Roman), Tailtiu (Irish)Crystals for Lughnasadh: Aventurine, citrine, peridot, tiger's eye. Tiger's eye rings and Plants: Wheat, lump, golden compact, cornflowers, cornsilk, sage, rosemary, oregano, meadowseet.Tree: Alder, HazelFoods -Bread, berries, swallow, lump, principal pull together foods, popcorn, toffees, any grains, outside provisions, crab apples, melons, bilberries or fraughansColours for Lammas: Yellow, Red, Orange, Purplish-blue.Natural world and Fictional Beings: Griffins, basilisks, roosters, calves, centaurs, phoenixIncense/Oil: Wood aloes, rose, rose hips, rosemary, chamomile, eucalyptus, passionflower, frankincense, sandalwoodAngel: Sachiel, seraph of the pull together and abundance.Do you limit any literal symbols that feel with you? I would love to eavesdrop from you.Lammas blessings to you,Alison xxx