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Saturday 22 October 2011

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The Wiccan Survey
I was tagged with this on another site, but I thought I'd post it here because it's easier.

1. What is your magical name? Aislynn Bride is my public magical name (the one I use at gatherings, festivals, online, etc.)

2-3. What does it mean/How did you get it? I found my name through study of Irish mythology and tree lore, meditation, and inward reflection. To make an extremely long story short, I kept dreaming of ash trees and had always known that I embodied the ash on the Celtic tree calendar more than my own designated tree (willow). Hence the "Ais" in my name. Lynn could mean "lake", "waterfall", or "pool" which corresponds to my patron God, Manannan Mac Lir, in a way. I chose that spelling (rather than "linn", "ling", or "lin" as are commonly seen) because of the meaning of the translation as well as the correspondence with a number that is significant to me, numerologically speaking. Put together, the name could mean "dream", "vision", or "inspiration" as I'm very artsy, a big dreamer to whom inspiration is key. It's also important because much of my Craft knowledge or important decisions regarding the Craft came to me in dreams. Brighid is also my patron Goddess which brings the "inspiration" meaning closer to home. Aislinn is also a well-known Celtic figure.

4. How did you find Wicca? I found it through a friend on a Harry Potter site I was running. She mentioned it in passing, and thus my research started.

5. How long have you been practicing? Almost 9 years (in August)

6. Are you a solitary or group practitioner? Solitary

7. What is your path? I generally classify it as eclectic or (most commonly) Neo-Wicca of an Irish-Celtic nature

8. Are you out of the broom closet? I'm far enough out for now. I'm still working on some acceptance, but pretty much everyone I interact with regularly knows. I'm open about it for the purposes of education.

9. Who is your patron God? Manannan mac Lir

10. Who is your patron Goddess? Brighid

11. What Gods do you worship? I'm open to the entirety of the Irish-Celtic pantheon, but I've worked specifically with the Dagda, Lugh, Lir, and Ogma in the past, obviously in addition to Manannan.

12. What Goddesses do you worship? Same answer as above. I've worked with Boann, the Morrigan, the Cailleach, and Danu (as much as that's possible).

13. Describe the moment you felt closest to nature/your Gods. This would have to be when I was in Ireland. We went to cliffs similar to the Cliffs of Moher on the Aran Islands. We were the only ones there and pretty much everyone in my class fell asleep. I laid down and just allowed my mind to wander. It was at this moment that the Manannan started really speaking to me as I heard the waves crashing below.

14. Do you have a power animal/animal totem? I have problems with both of these titles in different ways, but I do have what I guess you'd call "spirit guides" in the forms of animals. One is a tabby cat and one is a penguin. I know. That's not one you hear everyday.

15. Do you have a familiar? Yes. She was once living, but it's been a few years since she passed. Her name was Chelsea, and she still appears to me as she did in life--in the form of a Japanese tuxedo cat.

16. What is your favorite flower to work with? I really enjoy lilies both mundanely and magically

17. What is your favorite tree to work with? I work well with both ash and willow because of the above mentioned connections

18. What is your element? Air

19. What is your favorite stone to work with? I love moonstone and lapis. I also love blue lace agate (but that one's mainly just because it's pretty!).

20. What is your favorite oil? I love bergamot's smell. Lavender is my favorite to work with because it's easy, though.

21. What is your favorite holiday? Imbolc, of course!

22. What is your favorite season? Spring

23. Do you use tarot? No! I rather dislike tarot, actually.

24. Do you use runes? I don't like the term "use" in this context. I work with the runes. Right now I'm learning them, so I don't use them a whole lot.

25. Do you use another form of divination? Yes. I scry with a mirror, water, and flame. I also use ogham occassionally.

26. Do you believe in vampires? I'm not sure what this has to do with Wicca, but I do believe there are people that believe they are vampires. I also believe there are people who feed off the energy of others (however unethical that seems to me).

27. Do you believe in werewolves? Again, this doesn't relate to Wicca. And no.

28. Do you believe in reincarnation? Yes.

29. Is Wicca always love and light? No. If you think that, you're in for a rude awakening. You're also ignoring an essential part of what makes Wicca what it is--balance!

30. What have you studied so far? Ritual construction and performance, herbalism, runes (a bit), Celtic history and mythology (specifically Irish), Wiccan history, magical ethics, spell construction and performance, crystal magic, candle magic, aromatherapy, guided visualization, active meditation, etc.

Reference: wizard-notes.blogspot.com