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Monday 3 January 2011

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Imbolc The Light Is Returning
With Imbolc approaching it is a time for appreciating that the dark Winter nights are retreating and the Spring days of rebirth are not far round the corner. Imbolc is the time of year recognized as the the time when the first lambs are born (Imbolc and it's alternative oimelc are related to ewe's milk and pregnant ewes). Imbolc is also related to purity, growth and renewal. So it's a great time to clear out or set yourself free from a past relationship. Have you been hanging on to memories of a past love? Tokens, photograph that do not serve you or just bring sad memories? Imbolc is a great time to clear your energetic connections to the past and return a pure and renewed spirit.

Brighid in her many forms is strongly associated with Imbolc and she is renowned for her patronage of poets, smiths and healing. So a good way to celebrate your cleansing would be to write a poem giving thanks for the healing of the past and celebrating the renewal of your cleansed spirit. The poem doesn't have to be perfect, to rhyme or have a wonderful rhythm, it just has to speak to your soul and come from your heart.

You can then work the poem as a prayer or a spell into a ritual cleansing which may take the form of an offering to Brighid, a cleansing bath or a burning ritual, after all Brighid is the Goddess of the hearth as well as cleansing so a bit of fire is very appropriate.

And if you get the chance check out the the Marsden Imbolc Festival.

Marsden Imbolc Festival

Technorati Tags: Brighid, cleansing, fire, Imbolc, Love

Reference: just-wicca.blogspot.com