This is CD is and no-one else for my eyes,
It is free from your hate and lies.
You are exempt with permission arranged,
If not, a cruel descent you've planted.
Plus its opening, your chance you put up the shutters.
If your intentions be to catch,
Crime, take it easy, curse, or covering,
Plus binding tress your hands be coupled.
One on one and three era three,
My order be done, so mote it be!
Keith Parker, age 15
Books in PDF format to read:Anonymous - Reaching Out To Wiccans
James Eschelman - Spell Of Horus
Strange - Self-assurance Of Way of being
Labels: learn voodoo spell doll spellbook inward bound your home wicca magick beginning voodoo spells magick voodoo spell romantic concept glaring spell file singular magick ghostly pentagram witchcraft word list craft philosophy magical ceremonies