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Thursday 29 March 2012

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When Pastors Dream
I thought this comic strip might elicit a chuckle or two from the handful of priests who read this blog regularly.

I know, as a Catholic lay woman, what kinds of concerns and troubles about the present-day state of things in the Church in America I might express to pastors; in fact, I've expressed some of them before, both here and directly to priests. But I sometimes wonder: what would our pastors like to see happen in their parishes? What, if given a forum like Rat's idea of the Breaking News: Church Bulletin Edition, would our spiritual fathers like to say?

And since the question goes both ways, I'll also ask Catholic lay people: if your parish had a church bulletin discussing in frank openness the real problems of the parish, what would you like to see addressed, and why?

Non-Catholic readers can feel free to chime in about their places of worship, as well. Tell me below: if your place of worship had a bulletin like the one Rat is writing in the comic--what troubles would hard-hitting investigative reporting uncover?

For all three groups: would the headlines be about a lack of giving? of discipleship? of dedication? Would they focus on music, or liturgy, or religious education? What other issues would be addressed in a real parish newspaper--in your parish?

Reference: alchemy-and-alchemists.blogspot.com